AnyRuleMatcher example

new LineItemGroupServiceRegistry(
                    new LineItemGroupCountPackager(),
                    new LineItemGroupUnitPriceGrossPackager(),
                    new LineItemGroupUnitPriceNetPackager(),
                    new LineItemGroupPriceAscSorter(),
                    new LineItemGroupPriceDescSorter(),
            new AnyRuleMatcher(new AnyRuleLineItemMatcher()),
            new LineItemQuantitySplitter($quantityPriceCalculator),
            new ProductLineItemProvider()

    /** * This test verifies that our extractor starts * with the sorting, then proceeds with rule matching and packagers. * This helps us to avoid any dependencies to rules inside sorters or packagers * * @group lineitemgroup */
$productLower50->setPrice(new CalculatedPrice(49, 49, new CalculatedTaxCollection()new TaxRuleCollection()));

        // create our group with our price rule         // and use it to match both our products         $group = $this->buildGroup(
            new RuleCollection([$ruleEntity])

        $matcher = new AnyRuleMatcher(new AnyRuleLineItemMatcher());

        $matchedItems = $matcher->getMatchingItems($groupnew LineItemFlatCollection([$productLower50$product50])$this->context);

        static::assertCount(1, $matchedItems);

    /** * This test verifies that our line item matching works correctly with 2 rule combinations. * We create a group with a rule for minimum item price of 50 and minimum quantity of 3. * We have 4 combinations within our products. The multi rules work with a OR condition, so we * should get 3 out of our 4 products that match. Only the product with neither quantity nor price condition * should not match our group rules. * * @group lineitemgroup */
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