checkFeedResults example

$es_translation = $node->addTranslation('es');
    $es_translation->set('title', 'es');
    $es_translation->set('body', [['value' => 'Algo en Español']]);

    $pt_br_translation = $node->addTranslation('pt-br');
    $pt_br_translation->set('title', 'pt-br');
    $pt_br_translation->set('body', [['value' => 'Algo em Português']]);

    // First, check everything with raw node paths (e.g. node/1).     $this->checkFeedResults('raw-node-path', $node);

    // Now, create path aliases for each translation.     $node_path = '/node/' . $node->id();
    $this->createPathAlias($node_path, "$node_path/en-alias");
    $this->createPathAlias($node_path, "$node_path/es-alias", 'es');
    $this->createPathAlias($node_path, "$node_path/pt-br-alias", 'pt-br');
    // Save the node again, to clear the cache on the feed.     $node->save();
    // Assert that all the results are correct using path aliases.     $this->checkFeedResults('path-alias', $node);

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