clickSortLoadIdsFromOutput example


    // Clicking a click sort should change the order.     $this->clickLink('ID');
    $href = Url::fromRoute('<none>', []['query' => ['order' => 'id', 'sort' => 'desc']])->toString();
    // Check that the output has the expected order (asc).     $ids = $this->clickSortLoadIdsFromOutput();
    $this->assertEquals(range(1, 5)$ids);
    // Check that the rel attribute has the correct value.     $this->assertSession()->elementAttributeContains('xpath', "//a[@href='$href']", 'rel', 'nofollow');

    $this->clickLink('ID Sort descending');
    // Check that the output has the expected order (desc).     $ids = $this->clickSortLoadIdsFromOutput();
    $this->assertEquals(range(5, 1, -1)$ids);

  /** * Tests the default click sorting functionality with distinct. */
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