* Loads one or several .env files.
* @param string $path A file to load
* @param string ...$extraPaths A list of additional files to load
* @throws FormatException when a file has a syntax error
* @throws PathException when a file does not exist or is not readable
public function load(string
$path, string ...
$extraPaths): void
{ $this->
doLoad(false, \
} /**
* Loads a .env file and the corresponding .env.local, .env.$env and .env.$env.local files if they exist.
* .env.local is always ignored in test env because tests should produce the same results for everyone.
* .env.dist is loaded when it exists and .env is not found.
* @param string $path A file to load
* @param string|null $envKey The name of the env vars that defines the app env
* @param string $defaultEnv The app env to use when none is defined
* @param array $testEnvs A list of app envs for which .env.local should be ignored
* @throws FormatException when a file has a syntax error
* @throws PathException when a file does not exist or is not readable