expectError example

$expected = ['child3', 'child1', 'child2', 'child5', 'child4'];
    $this->assertSame($expected, Element::children($element_mixed_weight, TRUE));

  /** * Tests the children() method with an invalid key. */
  public function testInvalidChildren() {
    $element = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
    $this->expectErrorMessage('"foo" is an invalid render array key');

  /** * Tests the children() method with an ignored key/value pair. */
  public function testIgnoredChildren() {
    $element = [
      'foo' => NULL,
/** * Tests per-table prefix connection option. */
  public function testPerTablePrefixOption() {
    $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
    $new_connection_info = $connection_info['default'];
    $new_connection_info['prefix'] = [
      'default' => $connection_info['default']['prefix'],
      'test_table' => $connection_info['default']['prefix'] . '_bar',
    Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'foo', $new_connection_info);
    $foo_connection = Database::getConnection('foo', 'default');

  /** * Tests the prefix connection option in array form. */
  public function testPrefixArrayOption() {
    $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
    $new_connection_info = $connection_info['default'];
    $new_connection_info['prefix'] = [
      'default' => $connection_info['default']['prefix'],
/** * @dataProvider providerTestDestinationRedirectToExternalUrl */
  public function testDestinationRedirectToExternalUrl($request$expected) {
    $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(\Drupal::getContainer());
    $kernel = $this->createMock('Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface');
    $response = new RedirectResponse('http://other-example.com');

    $listener = new RedirectResponseSubscriber($this->urlAssembler, $this->requestContext);
    $dispatcher->addListener(KernelEvents::RESPONSE, [$listener, 'checkRedirectUrl']);
    $event = new ResponseEvent($kernel$request, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST, $response);
    $dispatcher->dispatch($event, KernelEvents::RESPONSE);

  /** * @covers ::checkRedirectUrl */
  public function testRedirectWithOptInExternalUrl() {
    $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(\Drupal::getContainer());
    $kernel = $this->createMock('Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface');
    $response = new TrustedRedirectResponse('http://external-url.com');
    $request = Request::create('');
use ExpectDeprecationTrait;
  use PhpUnitWarnings;

  /** * DiffOp::reverse() always throws an error. * * @covers ::reverse */
  public function testReverse() {
    $this->expectDeprecation('Drupal\Component\Diff\Engine\DiffOp::reverse() is deprecated in drupal:10.1.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. There is no replacement. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3337942');
    $op = new DiffOp();
    $result = $op->reverse();

$query_placeholder = $this->prophesize(PlaceholderInterface::class);

    $counter = 0;
    $query_placeholder->nextPlaceholder()->will(function D) use (&$counter) {
      return $counter++;
    $query_placeholder = $query_placeholder->reveal();

    $condition = $connection->condition('AND');
    $condition->condition('name', 'value', $operator);

  public function providerTestCompileWithSqlInjectionForOperator() {
    $data = [];
    $data[] = ["IS NOT NULL) ;INSERT INTO {test} (name) VALUES ('test12345678'); -- "];
    $data[] = ["IS NOT NULL) UNION ALL SELECT name, pass FROM {users_field_data} -- "];
    $data[] = ["= 1 UNION ALL SELECT password FROM user WHERE uid ="];

    return $data;
$this->config->set('testData', ['dot.key' => 1]);

  /** * @covers ::set */
  public function testSetIllegalOffsetValue() {
    // Set a single value.     $this->config->set('testData', 1);

    // Attempt to treat the single value as a nested item.     $this->expectError();
    $this->config->set('testData.illegalOffset', 1);

  /** * @covers ::initWithData * @dataProvider nestedDataProvider */
  public function testInitWithData($data) {
    $config = $this->config->initWithData($data);

    // Should return the Config object.
/** * Tests statement rewinding. */
  public function testStatementRewind(): void {
    $statement = $this->connection->query('SELECT * FROM {test}');

    foreach ($statement as $row) {

    // Trying to iterate through the same statement again should fail.     $this->expectError();
    $this->expectErrorMessage('Attempted rewinding a StatementInterface object when fetching has already started. Refactor your code to avoid rewinding statement objects.');
    foreach ($statement as $row) {

  /** * Tests empty statement rewinding. */
  public function testEmptyStatementRewind(): void {
    $statement = $this->connection->query('SELECT * FROM {test} WHERE 1 = 0');


  /** * Tests deprecation of the StatementWrapper class. * * @group legacy */
  public function testStatementWrapperDeprecation() {
    $this->expectDeprecation('\\Drupal\\Core\\Database\\StatementWrapper is deprecated in drupal:10.1.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\Core\\Database\\StatementWrapperIterator instead. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3265938');
    $mock_pdo = $this->createMock(StubPDO::class);
    $connection = new StubConnection($mock_pdo[]);
    $connection->prepareStatement('boing', []);

  /** * Tests deprecation of the StatementPrefetch class. * * @group legacy */
  public function testStatementPrefetchDeprecation() {
    $this->expectDeprecation('\\Drupal\\Core\\Database\\StatementPrefetch is deprecated in drupal:10.1.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Database\StatementPrefetchIterator instead. See https://www.drupal.org/node/3265938');
    $mockPdo = $this->createMock(StubPDO::class);
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