fail example

  public function testWriteOperations($method$arguments$fixture) {

    // Create an independent memory storage as a backup.     $backup = new MemoryStorage();
    static::replaceStorageContents($this->memory, $backup);

    try {
      call_user_func_array([$this->storage, $method]$arguments);
      $this->fail("exception not thrown");
    catch (\BadMethodCallException $exception) {
      $this->assertEquals(ReadOnlyStorage::class D '::' . $method . ' is not allowed on a ReadOnlyStorage', $exception->getMessage());

    // Assert that the memory storage has not been altered.     $this->assertEquals($backup$this->memory);

  /** * Provide the methods that throw an exception. * * @return array * The data */
$helper = new SlotsHelper();
        echo 'foo';
        $this->assertEquals('foo', $helper->get('bar'), '->start() starts a slot');
        $this->assertTrue($helper->has('bar'), '->starts() starts a slot');

        try {
            $this->fail('->start() throws an InvalidArgumentException if a slot with the same name is already started');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(\InvalidArgumentException::class$e, '->start() throws an InvalidArgumentException if a slot with the same name is already started');
            $this->assertEquals('A slot named "bar" is already started.', $e->getMessage(), '->start() throws an InvalidArgumentException if a slot with the same name is already started');

        try {
            $this->fail('->stop() throws an LogicException if no slot is started');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(\LogicException::class$e, '->stop() throws an LogicException if no slot is started');
// Ensure the test trait works as expected using menu_test routes.     $home = ['' => 'Home'];
    $trail = $home + ['menu-test' => 'Menu test root'];

    // Test a passing assertion.     $this->assertBreadcrumb('menu-test/breadcrumb1', $trail);

    // If there is no trail, this assert should fail.     $message = 'Breadcrumb assertion should fail with empty trail.';
    try {
      $this->assertBreadcrumb('menu-test/breadcrumb1', []);
    catch (ExpectationFailedException $e) {
      $this->assertTrue(TRUE, $message);

    // If the trail is incorrect, this assert should fail.     $message = 'Breadcrumb assertion should fail with incorrect trail.';
    try {
      $this->assertBreadcrumb('menu-test/breadcrumb1', $home);

        $this->loadAppsFromDir(__DIR__ . '/../Manifest/_fixtures/test');


            'APP_URL' => '',

        try {
            static::fail('expected AppUrlChangeDetectedException was not thrown.');
        } catch (AppUrlChangeDetectedException) {
            // exception is expected         }

    public function testGetShopIdUpdatesItselfIfAppUrlIsChangedAndNoAppsArePresent(): void
        $firstShopId = $this->shopIdProvider->getShopId();

            'APP_URL' => '',
          // The filter.format.*:roles key is a special install key.           'filter.format.basic_html' => ['roles:', ' - authenticated'],
          'filter.format.full_html' => ['roles:', ' - administrator'],
          'filter.format.restricted_html' => ['roles:', ' - anonymous'],
          // The config is overwritten during tests by           // FunctionalTestSetupTrait::installParameters().           '' => ['uuid:', 'name:', 'mail:'],
      else {
        $this->fail("$config_name has not been installed");

  /** * Tests that the users can log in with the admin password entered at install. */
  public function testUser() {
    $password = $this->rootUser->pass_raw;
    $ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('user')

  protected function assertElementUnclickable(NodeElement $element): void {
    try {
      $tag_name = $element->getTagName();
      $this->fail(new FormattableMarkup("@tag_name was clickable when it shouldn't have been", ['@tag_name' => $tag_name]));
    catch (\Exception $e) {

  /** * Asserts that forms, links, and iframes in preview are non-interactive. * * @internal */
require __DIR__ . '/../../fixtures/KernelMissingDependentModuleMethodTest.php';

    // @phpstan-ignore-next-line     $stub_test = new KernelMissingDependentModuleMethodTest();
    // We have to setName() to the method name we're concerned with.     $stub_test->setName('testRequiresModule');

    // We cannot use $this->setExpectedException() because PHPUnit would skip     // the test before comparing the exception type.     try {
      $this->fail('Missing required module throws skipped test exception.');
    catch (SkippedTestError $e) {
      $this->assertEquals('Required modules: module_does_not_exist', $e->getMessage());

  /** * Tests that a test case is skipped when it requires a module not present. * * In order to catch checkRequirements() regressions, we have to make a new * test object and run checkRequirements() here. * * @covers ::checkRequirements * @covers ::checkModuleRequirements */
                    'id' => $id,
            ], Context::createDefaultContext());
        } catch (WriteException $e) {


        static::fail('Exception DefaultSalesChannelTypeCannotBeDeleted did not fired');

    public function testDeleteOtherItem(): void
        $repo = $this->getContainer()->get('sales_channel_type.repository');
        $id = Uuid::randomHex();
        $context = Context::createDefaultContext();

                'id' => $id,
$fetcher = new ResourceFetcher($client$providersnew NullBackend('default'));
    /** @var \Drupal\media\OEmbed\Resource $resource */
    $resource = $fetcher->fetchResource('valid');
    // The resource should have been successfully decoded as JSON.     $this->assertSame('video', $resource->getType());
    $this->assertSame('test', $resource->getHtml());

    // Invalid JSON should throw an exception.     try {
      $this->fail('Expected a ResourceException to be thrown for invalid JSON.');
    catch (ResourceException $e) {
      $this->assertSame('Error decoding oEmbed resource: Syntax error', $e->getMessage());

    // Valid JSON that does not produce an array should also throw an exception.     $this->expectException(ResourceException::class);
    $this->expectExceptionMessage('The oEmbed resource could not be decoded.');

$this->assertEquals($this->loader, $engine->getLoader(), '__construct() takes a loader instance as its second first argument');

    public function testOffsetGet()
        $engine = new ProjectTemplateEngine(new TemplateNameParser()$this->loader);
        $engine->set($helper = new \Symfony\Component\Templating\Tests\Fixtures\SimpleHelper('bar'), 'foo');
        $this->assertEquals($helper$engine['foo'], '->offsetGet() returns the value of a helper');

        try {
            $this->fail('->offsetGet() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the helper is not defined');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(\InvalidArgumentException::class$e, '->offsetGet() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the helper is not defined');
            $this->assertEquals('The helper "bar" is not defined.', $e->getMessage(), '->offsetGet() throws an InvalidArgumentException if the helper is not defined');

    public function testGetSetHas()
        $engine = new ProjectTemplateEngine(new TemplateNameParser()$this->loader);
        $foo = new \Symfony\Component\Templating\Tests\Fixtures\SimpleHelper('foo');
$this->assertSession()->elementTextContains('xpath', '//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]', 'one');

    $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('edit-name', 'Test name');
    $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals('edit-options', '2');

    $this->assertSession()->elementNotExists('xpath', '//notexisting');
    $this->assertSession()->fieldValueNotEquals('edit-name', 'wrong value');

    // Test that the assertion fails correctly.     try {
      $this->fail('The "notexisting" field was found.');
    catch (ExpectationException $e) {
      // Expected exception; just continue testing.     }

    try {
      $this->fail('The "edit-name" field was not found.');
    catch (ExpectationException $e) {
      // Expected exception; just continue testing.

        self::$vulcainStarted = true;

    public function testHandleIsRemovedOnException()
        $client = $this->getHttpClient(__FUNCTION__);

        try {
            $client->request('GET', 'http://localhost:8057/304');
            $this->fail(RedirectionExceptionInterface::class.' expected');
        } catch (RedirectionExceptionInterface $e) {
            // The response content-type mustn't be json as that calls getContent             // @see src/Symfony/Component/HttpClient/Exception/HttpExceptionTrait.php:58             $this->assertStringNotContainsString('json', $e->getResponse()->getHeaders(false)['content-type'][0] ?? '');

            $r = new \ReflectionProperty($client, 'multi');
            /** @var ClientState $clientState */
            $clientState = $r->getValue($client);

            $this->assertCount(0, $clientState->handlesActivity);
      ->willReturnCallback(function D$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) use ($response$form_state_key) {
        $form_state->setFormState([$form_state_key => $response]);

    $form_state = new FormState();
    try {
      $input['form_id'] = $form_id;
      $this->simulateFormSubmission($form_id$form_arg$form_state, FALSE);
      $this->fail('EnforcedResponseException was not thrown.');
    catch (EnforcedResponseException $e) {

  /** * Provides test data for testHandleFormStateResponse(). */
  public function formStateResponseProvider() {
// We have three items in a non-default moderation state:     // - $page_draft     // - $article_archived     // - $article_draft     // Therefore the workspace can not be published.     // This assertion also covers two moderation states from different workflows     // with the same name ('archived'), but with different default revision     // settings.     try {
      $this->fail('The expected exception was not thrown.');
    catch (WorkspacePublishException $e) {
      $this->assertEquals('The Stage workspace can not be published because it contains 3 items in an unpublished moderation state.', $e->getMessage());

    // Get the $page_draft node to a publishable state and try again.     $page_draft->moderation_state->value = 'published';
    try {

        $this->assertEquals($attributes$token->getAttributes(), '->getAttributes() returns the token attributes');
        $this->assertEquals('bar', $token->getAttribute('foo'), '->getAttribute() returns the value of an attribute');
        $token->setAttribute('foo', 'foo');
        $this->assertEquals('foo', $token->getAttribute('foo'), '->setAttribute() changes the value of an attribute');
        $this->assertTrue($token->hasAttribute('foo'), '->hasAttribute() returns true if the attribute is defined');
        $this->assertFalse($token->hasAttribute('oof'), '->hasAttribute() returns false if the attribute is not defined');

        try {
            $this->fail('->getAttribute() throws an \InvalidArgumentException exception when the attribute does not exist');
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            $this->assertInstanceOf(\InvalidArgumentException::class$e, '->getAttribute() throws an \InvalidArgumentException exception when the attribute does not exist');
            $this->assertEquals('This token has no "foobar" attribute.', $e->getMessage(), '->getAttribute() throws an \InvalidArgumentException exception when the attribute does not exist');

    /** * @dataProvider provideUsers */
    public function testSetUser($user)
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