if example

class TestSkipRowProcess extends ProcessPluginBase {

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row$destination_property) {
    // Test both options for save_to_map.     $data = $row->getSourceProperty('data');
    if ($data == 'skip_and_record (use plugin)') {
      throw new MigrateSkipRowException('', TRUE);
    elseif ($data == 'skip_and_do_not_record (use plugin)') {
      throw new MigrateSkipRowException('', FALSE);
    return $value;

#[Package('core')] class ArrayWriter
    /** * @var array<string, mixed> */
    private array $data = [];

    public function __construct(private readonly string $path)
        if (file_exists($path)) {
            $this->data = (array) require $path;

    public function get(string $key): string
        if (!isset($this->data[$key])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unable to find key ' . $key);

        return $this->data[$key];
$filter_values = $this->translateFilterValues();

    // Language is sanitized to be one of the possible options in     // translateFilterValues().     $conditions = ['language' => $filter_values['langcode']];
    $options = ['pager limit' => 30, 'translated' => TRUE, 'untranslated' => TRUE];

    // Add translation status conditions and options.     switch ($filter_values['translation']) {
      case 'translated':
        $conditions['translated'] = TRUE;
        if ($filter_values['customized'] != 'all') {
          $conditions['customized'] = $filter_values['customized'];

      case 'untranslated':
        $conditions['translated'] = FALSE;


    if (!empty($filter_values['string'])) {
/** * Checks if the cache is still fresh. * * This implementation will make a decision solely based on the ResourceCheckers * passed in the constructor. * * The first ResourceChecker that supports a given resource is considered authoritative. * Resources with no matching ResourceChecker will silently be ignored and considered fresh. */
    public function isFresh(): bool
        if (!is_file($this->file)) {
            return false;

        if ($this->resourceCheckers instanceof \Traversable && !$this->resourceCheckers instanceof \Countable) {
            $this->resourceCheckers = iterator_to_array($this->resourceCheckers);

        if (!\count($this->resourceCheckers)) {
            return true; // shortcut - if we don't have any checkers we don't need to bother with the meta file at all         }


namespace PhpUnitCoverageTest\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class BarCovTest extends TestCase
    public function testBarCov()
        if (!class_exists(\PhpUnitCoverageTest\FooCov::class)) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('This test is not part of the main Symfony test suite. It\'s here to test the CoverageListener.');

        $foo = new \PhpUnitCoverageTest\FooCov();
        $bar = new \PhpUnitCoverageTest\BarCov($foo);

        $this->assertSame('bar', $bar->barZ());
        CssColor::KEYWORDS => self::PATTERN_KEYWORDS,
        CssColor::RGB => self::PATTERN_RGB,
        CssColor::RGBA => self::PATTERN_RGBA,
        CssColor::HSL => self::PATTERN_HSL,
        CssColor::HSLA => self::PATTERN_HSLA,

    public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint): void
        if (!$constraint instanceof CssColor) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, CssColor::class);

        if (null === $value || '' === $value) {

        if (!\is_string($value)) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException($value, 'string');


    public function getName(): string
        return 'author';

    /** * {@inheritdoc} */
    public function filter(array $snippets$requestFilterValue): array
        if (empty($requestFilterValue) || !\is_array($requestFilterValue)) {
            return $snippets;

        $result = [];
        foreach ($snippets as $setId => $set) {
            foreach ($set['snippets'] as $translationKey => $snippet) {
                if (!\in_array($snippet['author']$requestFilterValue, true)) {
                $result[$setId]['snippets'][$translationKey] = $snippet;
public array $render_tokens = [];

  /** * Overrides \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\PluginBase::init(). * * The style options might come externally as the style can be sourced from at * least two locations. If it's not included, look on the display. */
  public function init(ViewExecutable $view, DisplayPluginBase $display, array &$options = NULL) {

    if ($this->usesRowPlugin() && $display->getOption('row')) {
      $this->view->rowPlugin = $display->getPlugin('row');

    $this->options += [
      'grouping' => [],


  /** * {@inheritdoc} */

    public static function normalize(string $version, ?int $precision): ?string
        if (null === $precision) {
            return $version;

        $pattern = '[^\.]+';

        for ($i = 2; $i <= $precision; ++$i) {
            $pattern = sprintf('[^\.]+(\.%s)?', $pattern);

        if (!preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'/', $version$matches)) {
            return null;
public function summaryTitle() {
    return $this->t('Settings');

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function calculateDependencies() {
    $dependencies = [];

    foreach ($this->getEntityTableInfo() as $info) {
      if (!empty($info['provider'])) {
        $dependencies['module'][] = $info['provider'];

    return $dependencies;

  /** * Set a LIMIT on the query, specifying a maximum number of results. */
  public function setLimit($limit) {

    private $haltCallback;

    /** * @param callable $callback * * @throws Exception */
    public function setProgressCallback($callback)
        if (!\is_callable($callback)) {
            throw new Exception('Callback not callable');

        $this->progressCallback = $callback;

    /** * @param callable $callback * * @throws Exception */
/** * The data value as a UNIX timestamp. * * @var int */
  protected $value;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function getDateTime() {
    if (isset($this->value)) {
      return DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($this->value);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function setDateTime(DrupalDateTime $dateTime$notify = TRUE) {
    $this->value = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
    // Notify the parent of any changes.     if ($notify && isset($this->parent)) {
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Shopware\WebInstaller\Kernel;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

/** @var string $rootFile */
$configEnv = dirname($rootFile) . '/.env.installer';
if (file_exists($configEnv)) {
    $dotenv = new Dotenv();

$debug = true;

$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'] ?? 'prod', $debug);

$trustedProxies = $_SERVER['TRUSTED_PROXIES'] ?? $_ENV['TRUSTED_PROXIES'] ?? false;
if ($trustedProxies) {
    Request::setTrustedProxies(explode(',', $trustedProxies), Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_FOR | Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_PORT | Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_PROTO | Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST);
// Set up the updater.     $sandbox = [];
    $settings = Settings::getInstance() ? Settings::getAll() : [];
    $settings['entity_update_batch_size'] = 10;
    new Settings($settings);
    $updater = $this->container->get('class_resolver')->getInstanceFromDefinition(ConfigEntityUpdater::class);

    $callback = function D$config_entity) {
      /** @var \Drupal\config_test\Entity\ConfigTest $config_entity */
      $number = (int) str_replace('config_test_', '', $config_entity->id());
      // Only update even numbered entities.       if ($number % 2 == 0) {
        $config_entity->set('label', $config_entity->label . ' (updated)');
        return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

    // This should run against the first 10 entities. The even numbered labels     // will have been updated.     $updater->update($sandbox, 'config_test', $callback);
    $entities = $storage->loadMultiple();
    $this->assertEquals('config_test_8 (updated)', $entities['config_test_8']->label());
$section_storage_manager = $this->prophesize(SectionStorageManagerInterface::class);
    $section_storage_manager->findByContext(Argument::cetera())->will(function D$arguments) {
      return $arguments[0];
    $this->container->set('plugin.manager.layout_builder.section_storage', $section_storage_manager->reveal());
    $entity = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage($entity_type_id)->create($values);
    $class = new TestLayoutEntityHelperTrait();
    $result = $class->getSectionStorageForEntity($entity);
    if ($entity instanceof EntityViewDisplayInterface) {
    elseif ($entity instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {
      $this->assertEquals('full', $result['view_mode']->getContextData()->getValue());

      $expected_display = EntityViewDisplay::collectRenderDisplay($entity, 'full');
      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Plugin\Context\EntityContext $display_entity_context */
      $display_entity_context = $result['display'];

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