PHP Function Socket Write
Sockets are used for interprocess communication between a client and a server. Socket programming in PHP gives you the ability to implement a variety of networking applications. In this article, we'll take a look at the php function socket_write and how it works.
The socket_write() function allows you to send data over a network connection. It takes two parameters, a client to write to and the value you want to send. This function, along with its partner socket_read(), allow you to fully interact with a client connecting to your server.
After a socket is created, you need to bind it to a port in order to start accepting connections from clients. This is accomplished with the socket_bind() function. Once the socket is bound, you can begin listening for incoming client connections using the socket_listen() function. This function accepts a maximum of 4 connections at a time.
Once a client connects to your socket, it is your job to read that data and respond accordingly. The socket_read() function is the underlying function used to do this. This function can be called with a number of different flags, which can change its behaviour.
It is worth noting that the php function socket_write() is EXPERIMENTAL. This means that the behaviour, name and any other documented details about this function may change without notice in future releases of PHP. For this reason, it is important to test this function in a production environment before using it in your own projects.