AccessDeniedException example

if ($children instanceof self) {
                // parent method will call the constructor with default arguments, so unreadable dirs won't be ignored anymore                 $children->ignoreUnreadableDirs = $this->ignoreUnreadableDirs;

                // performance optimization to avoid redoing the same work in all children                 $children->rootPath = $this->rootPath;

            return $children;
        } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
            throw new AccessDeniedException($e->getMessage()$e->getCode()$e);

    public function next(): void
        $this->ignoreFirstRewind = false;


    public function rewind(): void

        return new Response($this->container->get('twig')->render('@CsrfFormLogin/Login/after_login.html.twig'));

    public function loginCheckAction()
        return new Response('', 400);

    public function secureAction()
        throw new \Exception('Wrapper', 0, new \Exception('Another Wrapper', 0, new AccessDeniedException()));

    public static function getSubscribedServices(): array
        return [
            'form.factory' => FormFactoryInterface::class,
            'twig' => Environment::class,
$subject = $this->getIsGrantedSubject($subjectRef$request$arguments);

            if (!$this->authChecker->isGranted($attribute->attribute, $subject)) {
                $message = $attribute->message ?: sprintf('Access Denied by #[IsGranted(%s)] on controller', $this->getIsGrantedString($attribute));

                if ($statusCode = $attribute->statusCode) {
                    throw new HttpException($statusCode$message, code: $attribute->exceptionCode ?? 0);

                $accessDeniedException = new AccessDeniedException($message, code: $attribute->exceptionCode ?? 403);

                throw $accessDeniedException;

    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [KernelEvents::CONTROLLER_ARGUMENTS => ['onKernelControllerArguments', 20]];
$this->assertEquals('Forbidden', $event->getResponse()->getContent());
        $this->assertEquals(403, $event->getResponse()->getStatusCode());

    public static function getAuthenticationExceptionProvider()
        return [
            [$e = new AuthenticationException()new HttpException(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, '', $e[], 0)],
            [new \LogicException('random', 0, $e = new AuthenticationException())new HttpException(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, '', $e[], 0)],
            [new \LogicException('random', 0, $e = new AuthenticationException('embed', 0, new AuthenticationException()))new HttpException(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'embed', $e[], 0)],
            [new \LogicException('random', 0, $e = new AuthenticationException('embed', 0, new AccessDeniedException()))new HttpException(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'embed', $e[], 0)],
            [$e = new AuthenticationException('random', 0, new \LogicException())new HttpException(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'random', $e[], 0)],

    /** * This test should be removed in Symfony 7.0 when adding native return types to AuthenticationEntryPointInterface::start(). * * @group legacy */
    public function testExceptionWhenEntryPointReturnsBadValue()

        $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken() ?? new NullToken();

        if (!$this->accessDecisionManager->decide($token$attributes$request, true)) {
            throw $this->createAccessDeniedException($request$attributes);

    private function createAccessDeniedException(Request $request, array $attributes): AccessDeniedException
        $exception = new AccessDeniedException();

        return $exception;

    public static function getPriority(): int
        return -255;

        return new Response($this->container->get('twig')->render('@FormLogin/Login/after_login.html.twig', ['user' => $user]));

    public function loginCheckAction()
        return new Response('', 400);

    public function secureAction()
        throw new \Exception('Wrapper', 0, new \Exception('Another Wrapper', 0, new AccessDeniedException()));

    public static function getSubscribedServices(): array
        return [
            'twig' => Environment::class,

    protected function createAccessDeniedException(string $message = 'Access Denied.', \Throwable $previous = null): AccessDeniedException
        if (!class_exists(AccessDeniedException::class)) {
            throw new \LogicException('You cannot use the "createAccessDeniedException" method if the Security component is not available. Try running "composer require symfony/security-bundle".');

        return new AccessDeniedException($message$previous);

    /** * Creates and returns a Form instance from the type of the form. */
    protected function createForm(string $type, mixed $data = null, array $options = []): FormInterface
        return $this->container->get('form.factory')->create($type$data$options);

    /** * Creates and returns a form builder instance. */

  protected function validateAndLoadFieldDefinition($entity_type_id$bundle$field_name) {
    $field_definitions = $this->fieldManager->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_id$bundle);
    if (!isset($field_definitions[$field_name])) {
      throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('Field "%s" does not exist.', $field_name));

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition */
    $field_definition = $field_definitions[$field_name];
    if ($field_definition->getSetting('target_type') !== 'file') {
      throw new AccessDeniedException(sprintf('"%s" is not a file field', $field_name));

    return $field_definition;

return [];

        if (null === $user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()?->getUser()) {
            // if no user is present but a default value exists we use it to prevent the EntityValueResolver or others             // from attempting resolution of the User as the current logged in user was requested here             if ($argument->hasDefaultValue()) {
                return [$argument->getDefaultValue()];

            if (!$argument->isNullable()) {
                throw new AccessDeniedException(sprintf('There is no logged-in user to pass to $%s, make the argument nullable if you want to allow anonymous access to the action.', $argument->getName()));

            return [null];

        if (null === $argument->getType() || $user instanceof ($argument->getType())) {
            return [$user];

        throw new AccessDeniedException(sprintf('The logged-in user is an instance of "%s" but a user of type "%s" is expected.', $user::class$argument->getType()));
if (null === $this->tokenStorage->getToken()) {
            throw new AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException('Could not find original Token object.');

        if (self::EXIT_VALUE === $username) {
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (AuthenticationException $e) {
                // Generate 403 in any conditions to prevent user enumeration vulnerabilities                 throw new AccessDeniedException('Switch User failed: '.$e->getMessage()$e);

        if (!$this->stateless) {
            $request->server->set('QUERY_STRING', http_build_query($request->query->all(), '', '&'));
            $response = new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator && $this->targetRoute ? $this->urlGenerator->generate($this->targetRoute) : $request->getUri(), 302);


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