public function collect(CartDataCollection
$data, Cart
$original, SalesChannelContext
$context, CartBehavior
$behavior): void
{ Profiler::
function D
) use ($data,
$behavior): void
{ // The promotions have a special function:
// If the user comes to the shop via a promotion link, a discount is to be placed in the cart.
// However, this cannot be applied directly, because it does not yet have any items in the cart.
// Therefore the code is stored in the extension and as soon
// as the user has enough items in the cart, it is added again.
$cartExtension =
if (!
$cartExtension instanceof CartExtension
) { $cartExtension =
new CartExtension();
} // if we are in recalculation,
// we must not re-add any promotions. just leave it as it is.
if ($behavior->
)) { return;
} // now get the codes from our configuration
// and also from our line items (that already exist)