IncompleteDsnException example

protected function doSend(MessageInterface $message): SentMessage
        if (!$message instanceof SmsMessage) {
            throw new UnsupportedMessageTypeException(__CLASS__, SmsMessage::class$message);

        $from = $message->getFrom() ?: $this->from;

        if (!preg_match('/^[+]+[1-9][0-9]{9,14}$/', $from)) {
            if ('' === $from) {
                throw new IncompleteDsnException('This phone number is invalid.');
            } elseif ('' !== $from && null === $this->messagingProfileId) {
                throw new IncompleteDsnException('The sending messaging profile must be specified.');

            if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$/', $from)) {
                throw new IncompleteDsnException('The Sender ID is invalid.');

        $endpoint = sprintf('https://%s/v2/messages', $this->getEndpoint());
        $response = $this->client->request('POST', $endpoint[

    protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array
        return ['pagerduty'];

    private function getHost(Dsn $dsn): string
        $host = $dsn->getHost();
        if ('default' === $host) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException('Host is not set.', 'pagerduty://default');

        if (!str_ends_with($host, '')) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException('Host must be in format: "".', 'pagerduty://'.$host);

        return $host;
public function create(Dsn $dsn): MicrosoftTeamsTransport
        $scheme = $dsn->getScheme();

        if ('microsoftteams' !== $scheme) {
            throw new UnsupportedSchemeException($dsn, 'microsoftteams', $this->getSupportedSchemes());

        $path = $dsn->getPath();

        if (null === $path) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException('Path is not set.', 'microsoftteams://'.$dsn->getHost());

        $host = $dsn->getHost();
        $port = $dsn->getPort();

        return (new MicrosoftTeamsTransport($path$this->client, $this->dispatcher))->setHost($host)->setPort($port);

    protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array
        return ['microsoftteams'];
$scheme = $dsn->getScheme();

        if ('twitter' !== $scheme) {
            throw new UnsupportedSchemeException($dsn, 'twitter', $this->getSupportedSchemes());

        $apiKey = $this->getUser($dsn);
        [$apiSecret$accessToken$accessSecret] = explode(':', $this->getPassword($dsn)) + [1 => null, null, null];

        foreach (['API Key' => $apiKey, 'API Key Secret' => $apiSecret, 'Access Token' => $accessToken, 'Access Token Secret' => $accessSecret] as $name => $key) {
            if (!$key) {
                throw new IncompleteDsnException($name.' is missing.', 'twitter://'.$dsn->getHost());

        return (new TwitterTransport($apiKey$apiSecret$accessToken$accessSecret$this->client, $this->dispatcher))
            ->setHost('default' === $dsn->getHost() ? null : $dsn->getHost())

    protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array
        return ['twitter'];
return (new TelegramTransport($token$channel$this->client, $this->dispatcher))->setHost($host)->setPort($port);

    protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array
        return ['telegram'];

    private function getToken(Dsn $dsn): string
        if (null === $dsn->getUser() && null === $dsn->getPassword()) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException('Missing token.', 'telegram://'.$dsn->getHost());

        if (null === $dsn->getPassword()) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException('Malformed token.', 'telegram://'.$dsn->getHost());

        return sprintf('%s:%s', $dsn->getUser()$dsn->getPassword());
protected function doSend(MessageInterface $message): SentMessage
        if (!$message instanceof SmsMessage) {
            throw new UnsupportedMessageTypeException(__CLASS__, SmsMessage::class$message);

        $from = $message->getFrom() ?: $this->from;

        if (!preg_match('/^[+]+[1-9][0-9]{9,14}$/', $from)) {
            if ('' === $from) {
                throw new IncompleteDsnException('This phone number is invalid.');

            if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$/', $from)) {
                throw new IncompleteDsnException('The Sender ID is invalid.');

        $endpoint = sprintf('https://%s/SMS/SEND', $this->getEndpoint());
        $response = $this->client->request('POST', $endpoint[
            'json' => [
                'from' => $from,

    protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array
        return ['zendesk'];

    private function getHost(Dsn $dsn): string
        $host = $dsn->getHost();
        if ('default' === $host) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException('Host is not set.', 'zendesk://default');

        if (!str_ends_with($host, '')) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException('Host must be in format: "".', 'zendesk://'.$dsn->getHost());

        return $host;
final class InfobipTransportFactory extends AbstractTransportFactory
    public function create(Dsn $dsn): TransportInterface
        $schema = $dsn->getScheme();
        $apiKey = $this->getUser($dsn);

        if ('infobip+api' === $schema) {
            $host = $dsn->getHost();
            if ('default' === $host) {
                throw new IncompleteDsnException('Infobip mailer for API DSN must contain a host.');

            return (new InfobipApiTransport($apiKey$this->client, $this->dispatcher, $this->logger))

        if (\in_array($schema['infobip+smtp', 'infobip+smtps', 'infobip'], true)) {
            return new InfobipSmtpTransport($apiKey$this->dispatcher, $this->logger);


        return \in_array($dsn->getScheme()$this->getSupportedSchemes());

    /** * @return string[] */
    abstract protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array;

    protected function getUser(Dsn $dsn): string
        return $dsn->getUser() ?? throw new IncompleteDsnException('User is not set.', $dsn->getScheme().'://'.$dsn->getHost());

    protected function getPassword(Dsn $dsn): string
        return $dsn->getPassword() ?? throw new IncompleteDsnException('Password is not set.', $dsn->getOriginalDsn());

        if ('mercure' !== $dsn->getScheme()) {
            throw new UnsupportedSchemeException($dsn, 'mercure', $this->getSupportedSchemes());

        $hubId = $dsn->getHost();
        $topic = $dsn->getOption('topic');

        try {
            $hub = $this->registry->getHub($hubId);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException) {
            throw new IncompleteDsnException(sprintf('Hub "%s" not found. Did you mean one of: "%s"?', $hubIdimplode('", "', array_keys($this->registry->all()))));

        return new MercureTransport($hub$hubId$topic);

    protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array
        return ['mercure'];

    public function supports(Dsn $dsn): bool
        return \in_array($dsn->getScheme()$this->getSupportedSchemes());

    abstract protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array;

    protected function getUser(Dsn $dsn): string
        return $dsn->getUser() ?? throw new IncompleteDsnException('User is not set.');

    protected function getPassword(Dsn $dsn): string
        return $dsn->getPassword() ?? throw new IncompleteDsnException('Password is not set.');

        return \in_array($dsn->getScheme()$this->getSupportedSchemes(), true);

    /** * @return string[] */
    abstract protected function getSupportedSchemes(): array;

    protected function getUser(Dsn $dsn): string
        return $dsn->getUser() ?? throw new IncompleteDsnException('User is not set.', $dsn->getScheme().'://'.$dsn->getHost());

    protected function getPassword(Dsn $dsn): string
        return $dsn->getPassword() ?? throw new IncompleteDsnException('Password is not set.', $dsn->getOriginalDsn());
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