Plugins example

use Shopware\Components\CSRFTokenValidator;
use Shopware\Components\Random;

class Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Csrftoken extends Enlight_Controller_Action
    /** * Loads auth and script renderer resource */
    public function preDispatch()

    /** * Generates a token and fills the cookie and session * * @return void */
    public function indexAction()
        $token = Random::getAlphanumericString(30);

$this->View()->assign(['success' => true]);

    /** * Validate name action * * Validates whether or not the provided value exists in the database */
    public function validateNameAction()

        if (!($name = $this->Request()->getParam('value'))) {

        $id = $this->Request()->getParam('param', false);

        $mail = $this->getRepository()


    public static $testRepository;

    /** * Disable template engine for all actions and enable JSON Render - spare index and load action * * @codeCoverageIgnore */
    public function preDispatch()

    /** * Tracks how many clicks on a single banner are clicked. * If we have a valid link this action will redirect the browser accordingly * * @return bool */
    public function countBannerClickAction()
        $bannerId = $this->Request()->getParam('bannerId');

    public function preDispatch()

        $calledAction = $this->Request()->getActionName();

        if (Shopware()->Plugins()->Backend()->Auth()->shouldAuth()
            && $this->isPasswordConfirmProtectedAction($calledAction)
            && !$this->container->get('backendsession')->offsetGet('passwordVerified')
        ) {

    /** * Displays a JSON string indicating failure for password confirmation */
    public function passwordConfirmationRequiredAction()

        $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);

    /** * @return void */
    public function ajaxAddAction()
        $this->Request()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

                'success' => $this->addNote((string) $this->Request()->getParam('ordernumber')),
                'notesCount' => (int) Shopware()->Modules()->Basket()->sCountNotes(),

    private function addNote(string $orderNumber): bool
$this->addAclPermission('createPremiumArticle', 'create', "You're not allowed to create an article.");
        $this->addAclPermission('editPremiumArticle', 'update', "You're not allowed to update the article.");
        $this->addAclPermission('deletePremiumArticle', 'delete', "You're not allowed to delete the article.");

    /** * Disable template engine for all actions */
    public function preDispatch()
        if (!\in_array($this->Request()->getActionName()['index', 'load', 'validateArticle'])) {

    public function getSubShopsAction()
        // load shop repository         $repository = $this->get('models')->getRepository(Shop::class);

        $builder = $repository->createQueryBuilder('shops');
            ' as id',

    public function preDispatch(): void
        $this->Response()->setHeader('x-robots-tag', 'noindex');

    /** * Product navigation as json string */
    public function productNavigationAction(): void

        try {
            $orderNumber = $this->Request()->get('ordernumber');

            if (!$orderNumber) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument ordernumber missing');

            $categoryId = (int) $this->Request()->get('categoryId');
            if (!$categoryId) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument categoryId missing');

    if (isset($params['params'])) {
        $userParams = (array) $params['params'];
    } else {
        $userParams = [];

    $params = array_merge($userParams$params);

    /** @var \Shopware_Plugins_Core_HttpCache_Bootstrap $httpCache */
    $httpCache = Shopware()->Plugins()->Core()->HttpCache();
    if ($esiTag = $httpCache->renderEsiTag($request$params)) {
        return $esiTag;

    $request = clone $request;
    $response = clone $response;


throw new RuntimeException('Could not redirect as the "Location" header is not set');
            $cookies = $this->Response()->getCookies();

            return $this->dispatch($link);

        /** @var Enlight_Controller_Plugins_ViewRenderer_Bootstrap $viewRenderer */
        $viewRenderer = $front->Plugins()->get('ViewRenderer');
        $this->_view = $viewRenderer->Action()->View();

        return $response;

    /** * Reset all instances, resources and init the internal view, template and front properties * * @return void */
    public function reset()
$this->addAclPermission('getEnconder', 'read', "You're not allowed to open the module.");
        $this->addAclPermission('getOptimizers', 'read', "You're not allowed to open the module.");
        $this->addAclPermission('info', 'read', "You're not allowed to open the module.");

    /** * Disable template engine for all actions */
    public function preDispatch()
        if (!\in_array($this->Request()->getActionName()['index', 'load', 'info'])) {

    /** * Function to get all system-configs and its requirements * The array also contains a status, whether the minimum requirements are met * The encoder-configs are excluded, because they are needed in another store * getEncoderAction loads those two encoder-configs * * @return void */
array_merge(['optinconfirmed' => true]$redirection)

    /** * @throws Exception * * @deprecated since 5.7.4. Will be removed in Shopware 5.8 without replacement */
    public function ajaxValidateEmailAction()

    public function ajaxValidatePasswordAction()

        $data = $this->getPostData();
        $customerForm = $this->createCustomerForm($data['register']['personal']);

        $errors = $this->getFormErrors($customerForm);

        if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {

        $container = Shopware()->Container();
        if (!$container->initialized('session')) {

        /** @var Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_Statistics_Bootstrap $plugin */
        $plugin = Shopware()->Plugins()->Frontend()->Statistics();
        if ($plugin->checkIsBot($args->getRequest()->getHeader('USER_AGENT') ?: '')) {

    /** * Event listener method * * @return \sSystem */
    public function onInitResourceSystem(Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
use Shopware\Components\CSRFTokenValidator;
use Shopware\Components\CSRFWhitelistAware;
use Shopware\Components\Random;

class Shopware_Controllers_Backend_CSRFToken extends Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ExtJs implements CSRFWhitelistAware
    /** * Loads auth and script renderer resource */
    public function init()

    /** * {@inheritdoc} */
    public function getWhitelistedCSRFActions()
        return [
/** * Disable template engine for all actions * * @codeCoverageIgnore */
    public function preDispatch()
        if (\in_array($this->Request()->getActionName()[
            'validateOrderCode', 'validateVoucherCode', 'validateDescription', ])) {

    /** * Deletes a Supplier from the database * * @return void */
    public function deleteVoucherAction()

    private $export;

    /** * Init controller method * * Disables the authorization-checking and template renderer. */
    public function init()
        $this->Front()->setParam('disableOutputBuffering', true);
        $this->export = Shopware()->Modules()->Export();

    /** * Index action method * * Creates the export product. */
    public function indexAction()
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