Random example

$actual = $transliteration->transliterate($original$langcode);
    $this->assertSame($expected$actual, "'$printable' transliteration to '$actual' is identical to '$expected' for language '$langcode' in service instance.");

  /** * Provides test data for testPhpTransliterationWithAlter. * * @return array */
  public function providerTestPhpTransliterationWithAlter() {
    $random_generator = new Random();
    $random = $random_generator->string(10);
    // Make some strings with two, three, and four-byte characters for testing.     // Note that the 3-byte character is overridden by the 'kg' language.     // cSpell:disable-next-line     $two_byte = 'Ä Ö Ü Å Ø äöüåøhello';
    // These are two Gothic alphabet letters. See     // http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_alphabet     // They are not in our tables, but should at least give us '?' (unknown).     $five_byte = html_entity_decode('𐌰𐌸', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    // Five-byte characters do not work in MySQL, so make a printable version.     $five_byte_printable = '𐌰𐌸';


  protected $firstStringGenerated = '';

  /** * Tests unique random string generation. * * @covers ::string */
  public function testRandomStringUniqueness() {
    $strings = [];
    $random = new Random();
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 50; $i++) {
      $str = $random->string(1, TRUE);
      $this->assertFalse(isset($strings[$str]), 'Generated duplicate random string ' . $str);
      $strings[$str] = TRUE;

  /** * Tests unique random name generation. * * @covers ::name */
/** * Provides test data for testTransformRootRelativeUrlsToAbsolute(). * * @return array * Test data. */
  public function providerTestTransformRootRelativeUrlsToAbsolute() {
    $data = [];

    // Random generator.     $random = new Random();

    // One random tag name.     $tag_name = strtolower($random->name(8, TRUE));

    // A site installed either in the root of a domain or a subdirectory.     $base_paths = ['/', '/subdir/' . $random->name(8, TRUE) . '/'];

    foreach ($base_paths as $base_path) {
      // The only attribute that has more than just a URL as its value, is       // 'srcset', so special-case it.       $data += [
$value = $this->getValue();
    if (!isset($value['value']) || $value['value'] === '') {
      return TRUE;
    return parent::isEmpty();

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public static function generateSampleValue(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) {
    $random = new Random();

    $max_length = $field_definition->getSetting('max_length');
    $min_length = min(10, $max_length);

    // The random value is generated multiple times to create a slight     // preference towards values that are closer to the minimum length of the     // string.     $length = mt_rand($min_lengthmt_rand($min_lengthmt_rand($min_length$max_length)));
    $values['value'] = $random->word($length);

    $suffix_length = $max_length - 7;

  /** * Data provider for testGetBestMatchingLangcode(). * * @return array * - An accept-language string. * - Expected best matching language code. */
  public function providerTestGetBestMatchingLangcode() {
    // Random generator.     $random = new Random();

    return [
      // Equal qvalue for each language, choose the site preferred one.       ['en,en-US,fr-CA,fr,es-MX', 'en'],
      ['en-US,en,fr-CA,fr,es-MX', 'en'],
      ['fr,en', 'en'],
      ['en,fr', 'en'],
      ['en-US,fr', 'en-US'],
      ['fr,en-US', 'en-US'],
      ['fr,fr-CA', 'fr-CA'],
      ['fr-CA,fr', 'fr-CA'],
'directory' => $this->directory,
      // Let this read from the bin where the other instance is writing.       'bin' => 'test',

  /** * Tests writing with one class and reading with another. */
  public function testReadOnly() {
    // Random generator.     $random = new Random();

    $php = new FileStorage($this->standardSettings);
    $name = $random->name(8, TRUE) . '/' . $random->name(8, TRUE) . '.php';

    // Find a global that doesn't exist.     do {
      $random = 'test' . mt_rand(10000, 100000);
    } while (isset($GLOBALS[$random]));

    // Write out a PHP file and ensure it's successfully loaded.     $code = "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['$random'] = TRUE;";

    else {
      trigger_error(sprintf("Missing file with ID %s.", $this->target_id), E_USER_WARNING);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public static function generateSampleValue(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) {
    $random = new Random();
    $settings = $field_definition->getSettings();
    static $images = [];

    $min_resolution = empty($settings['min_resolution']) ? '100x100' : $settings['min_resolution'];
    $max_resolution = empty($settings['max_resolution']) ? '600x600' : $settings['max_resolution'];
    $extensions = array_intersect(explode(' ', $settings['file_extensions'])['png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg']);
    $extension = array_rand(array_combine($extensions$extensions));

    $min = explode('x', $min_resolution);
    $max = explode('x', $max_resolution);
    if (intval($min[0]) > intval($max[0])) {
case BooleanItem::class:
          // BooleanItem::generateSampleValue() picks either 0 or 1. So a 50%           // chance of not picking a different value.           $field->value = ((int) $field->value) === 1 ? '0' : '1';

        case PathItem::class:
          // PathItem::generateSampleValue() doesn't set a PID, which causes           // PathItem::postSave() to fail. Keep the PID (and other properties),           // just modify the alias.           $field->alias = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower((new Random())->sentences(3)));

          $original_field = clone $field;
          while ($field->equals($original_field)) {


      else {

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public static function generateSampleValue(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) {
    $random = new Random();
    $values['alias'] = '/' . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($random->sentences(3)));
    return $values;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public static function mainPropertyName() {
    return 'alias';

    $configuration = FileCacheFactory::getConfiguration();
    $this->assertEquals(['bar' => 'llama']$configuration['test_foo_bar']);

  /** * @covers ::getPrefix * @covers ::setPrefix */
  public function testGetSetPrefix() {
    // Random generator.     $random = new Random();

    $prefix = $random->name(8, TRUE);
    $this->assertEquals($prefix, FileCacheFactory::getPrefix());

protected function setUp(): void {
    $this->directory = vfsStream::url('exampleDir');

  /** * Assert that a PHP storage's load/save/delete operations work. */
  public function assertCRUD($php) {
    // Random generator.     $random_generator = new Random();

    $name = $random_generator->name(8, TRUE) . '/' . $random_generator->name(8, TRUE) . '.php';

    // Find a global that doesn't exist.     do {
      $random = 'test' . mt_rand(10000, 100000);
    } while (isset($GLOBALS[$random]));

    // Write out a PHP file and ensure it's successfully loaded.     $code = "<?php\n\$GLOBALS['$random'] = TRUE;";
    $success = $php->save($name$code);

  /** * Provides data for self::testPhpTransliteration(). * * @return array * An array of arrays, each containing the parameters for * self::testPhpTransliteration(). */
  public function providerTestPhpTransliteration() {
    $random_generator = new Random();
    $random = $random_generator->string(10);
    // Make some strings with two, three, and four-byte characters for testing.     // Note that the 3-byte character is overridden by the 'kg' language.     // cSpell:disable-next-line     $two_byte = 'Ä Ö Ü Å Ø äöüåøhello';
    // This is a Cyrillic character that looks something like a "u". See     // http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0400.pdf     $three_byte = html_entity_decode('&#x446;', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    // This is a Canadian Aboriginal character like a triangle. See     // http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1400.pdf     $four_byte = html_entity_decode('&#x1411;', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
'type' => $field_definition->getSetting('case_sensitive') ? 'blob' : 'text',
          'size' => 'big',

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public static function generateSampleValue(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) {
    $random = new Random();
    $values['value'] = $random->paragraphs();
    return $values;

    if (!empty($settings['file_extensions'])) {
      $validators['file_validate_extensions'] = [$settings['file_extensions']];

    return $validators;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public static function generateSampleValue(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) {
    $random = new Random();
    $settings = $field_definition->getSettings();

    // Prepare destination.     $dirname = static::doGetUploadLocation($settings);
    \Drupal::service('file_system')->prepareDirectory($dirname, FileSystemInterface::CREATE_DIRECTORY);

    // Generate a file entity.     $destination = $dirname . '/' . $random->name(10, TRUE) . '.txt';
    $data = $random->paragraphs(3);
    /** @var \Drupal\file\FileRepositoryInterface $file_repository */
    $file_repository = \Drupal::service('file.repository');
    if ($this->getEntity()->isAnonymous()) {
      return $value === NULL;

    return $value === NULL || $value === '';

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public static function generateSampleValue(FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition) {
    $random = new Random();
    $max_length = min(UserInterface::USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH, $field_definition->getSetting('max_length'));

    // Generate a list of words, which can be used to generate a string.     $words = explode(' ', $random->sentences(8));

    // Begin with a username that is either 2 or 3 words.     $count = mt_rand(2, 3);

    // Capitalize the words used in usernames 50% of the time.     $words = mt_rand(0, 1) ? array_map('ucfirst', $words) : $words;

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