TextNode example

        $cursor->node = $node;

    private function visitChildren(\DOMNode $domNode, Cursor $cursor): void
        /** @var \DOMNode $child */
        foreach ($domNode->childNodes ?? [] as $child) {
            if ('#text' === $child->nodeName) {
                // Add text directly for performance                 $cursor->node->addChild(new TextNode($cursor->node, $child->nodeValue));
            } elseif (!$child instanceof \DOMText) {
                // Otherwise continue the visit recursively                 // Ignore comments for security reasons (interpreted differently by browsers)                 $this->visitNode($child$cursor);

    /** * Set attributes from a DOM node to a sanitized node. */
use Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Twig\Node\Expression\NameExpression;
use Twig\Node\TextNode;

/** * @author Asmir Mustafic <goetas@gmail.com> */
class TransNodeTest extends TestCase
    public function testCompileStrict()
        $body = new TextNode('trans %var%', 0);
        $vars = new NameExpression('foo', 0);
        $node = new TransNode($body, null, null, $vars);

        $env = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)['strict_variables' => true]);
        $compiler = new Compiler($env);

                'echo $this->env->getExtension(\'Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\TranslationExtension\')->trans("trans %%var%%", array_merge(["%%var%%" => %s], %s), "messages");',
return $node;

    public function subparse($test, bool $dropNeedle = false): Node
        $lineno = $this->getCurrentToken()->getLine();
        $rv = [];
        while (!$this->stream->isEOF()) {
            switch ($this->getCurrentToken()->getType()) {
                case /* Token::TEXT_TYPE */ 0:
                    $token = $this->stream->next();
                    $rv[] = new TextNode($token->getValue()$token->getLine());

                case /* Token::VAR_START_TYPE */ 2:
                    $token = $this->stream->next();
                    $expr = $this->expressionParser->parseExpression();
                    $this->stream->expect(/* Token::VAR_END_TYPE */ 4);
                    $rv[] = new PrintNode($expr$token->getLine());

                case /* Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE */ 1:
static::setStateValue('chunk_count', $this_chunk);
      if ($this_chunk > $processing['max_chunk']) {
        static::setStateValue('max_chunk', $this_chunk);

      if ($processing['manner'] == 'remove_translated') {
        // Remove all translated text.         return NULL;
      elseif ($processing['manner'] == 'replace_translated') {
        // Replace with a dummy string.         $node = new TextNode('dummy', 0);
      elseif ($processing['manner'] == 'translated_chunk') {
        // Return the text only if it's the next chunk we're supposed to return.         // Add a wrapper, because non-translated nodes will still be returned.         if ($this_chunk == $processing['return_chunk']) {
          return new TextNode(static::DELIMITER . $this->extractText($node) . static::DELIMITER, 0);
        else {
          return NULL;
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