TooManyLoginAttemptsAuthenticationException example

        $request = $this->requestStack->getMainRequest();
        $request->attributes->set(SecurityRequestAttributes::LAST_USERNAME, $passport->getBadge(UserBadge::class)->getUserIdentifier());

        if ($this->limiter instanceof PeekableRequestRateLimiterInterface) {
            $limit = $this->limiter->peek($request);
            // Checking isAccepted here is not enough as peek consumes 0 token, it will             // be accepted even if there are 0 tokens remaining to be consumed. We check both             // anyway for safety in case third party implementations behave unexpectedly.             if (!$limit->isAccepted() || 0 === $limit->getRemainingTokens()) {
                throw new TooManyLoginAttemptsAuthenticationException(ceil(($limit->getRetryAfter()->getTimestamp() - time()) / 60));
        } else {
            $limit = $this->limiter->consume($request);
            if (!$limit->isAccepted()) {
                throw new TooManyLoginAttemptsAuthenticationException(ceil(($limit->getRetryAfter()->getTimestamp() - time()) / 60));

    public function onSuccessfulLogin(LoginSuccessEvent $event): void
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