Redis example

/** * @param array $options associative array of options * * @throws Zend_Cache_Exception */
    public function __construct(array $options = [])
        if (!extension_loaded('redis')) {
            Zend_Cache::throwException('The redis extension must be loaded for using this backend !');
        $this->_redis = new Redis();

        foreach ($this->_options['servers'] as $server) {
            if (!array_key_exists('port', $server)) {
                $server['port'] = self::DEFAULT_PORT;
            if (!array_key_exists('host', $server)) {
                $server['host'] = self::DEFAULT_HOST;
            if (!array_key_exists('persistent', $server)) {
                $server['persistent'] = self::DEFAULT_PERSISTENT;
/** * Create a new cache object * * @param string $location Location string (from SimplePie::$cache_location) * @param string $name Unique ID for the cache * @param string $type Either TYPE_FEED for SimplePie data, or TYPE_IMAGE for image data */
    public function __construct($location$name$options = null) {
        //$this->cache = \flow\simple\cache\Redis::getRedisClientInstance();         $parsed = SimplePie_Cache::parse_URL($location);
        $redis = new Redis();
        if (isset($parsed['pass'])) {
        if (isset($parsed['path'])) {
            $redis->select((int)substr($parsed['path'], 1));
        $this->cache = $redis;

        if (!is_null($options) && is_array($options)) {
            $this->options = $options;
$factory = new RedisTransportFactory();
        $serializer = $this->createMock(SerializerInterface::class);
        $expectedTransport = new RedisTransport(Connection::fromDsn('redis://'.getenv('REDIS_HOST')['stream' => 'bar', 'delete_after_ack' => true])$serializer);

        $this->assertEquals($expectedTransport$factory->createTransport('redis://'.getenv('REDIS_HOST')['stream' => 'bar', 'delete_after_ack' => true]$serializer));

    private function skipIfRedisUnavailable()
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {

    public function testCreateStore($connection, string $expectedStoreClass)
        $store = StoreFactory::createStore($connection);


    public static function validConnections(): \Generator
        if (class_exists(\Redis::class)) {
            yield [new \Redis(), RedisStore::class];
        yield [new \Predis\Client(), RedisStore::class];
        if (class_exists(\Memcached::class)) {
            yield [new \Memcached(), MemcachedStore::class];
        if (\extension_loaded('sysvsem')) {
            yield ['semaphore', SemaphoreStore::class];
        if (class_exists(AbstractAdapter::class) && MemcachedAdapter::isSupported()) {
            yield ['memcached://', MemcachedStore::class];
            yield ['memcached:?host[localhost]&host[localhost:12345]', MemcachedStore::class];

class RedisArrayStoreTest extends AbstractRedisStoreTestCase
    public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
        if (!class_exists(\RedisArray::class)) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError('The RedisArray class is required.');
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError($e->getMessage());

    protected function getRedisConnection(): \RedisArray
        $redis = new \RedisArray([getenv('REDIS_HOST')]);

        return $redis;

    protected static function createKernel(array $options = []): KernelInterface
        return parent::createKernel(['test_case' => 'CachePools'] + $options);

    private function skipIfRedisUnavailable()
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {

class RedisArrayStoreTest extends AbstractRedisStoreTestCase
    public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
        if (!class_exists(\RedisArray::class)) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError('The RedisArray class is required.');
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError($e->getMessage());

    protected function getRedisConnection(): \RedisArray
        return new \RedisArray([getenv('REDIS_HOST')]);
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to write in the doctrine proxy directory (%s)\n", $dir));


    /** * @return RedisCache */
    private function createRedisCacheProvider(array $options)
        $redis = new Redis();
        if (isset($options['redisPersistent']) && $options['redisPersistent'] == true) {
        } else {

        if (isset($options['redisAuth'])) {

$host$port] = $address;
                        } catch (\RedisException|\Relay\Exception $redisException) {
                    } while (++$hostIndex < \count($hosts) && !$address);

                    if (!$address) {
                        throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Failed to retrieve master information from sentinel "%s".', $sentinelMaster), previous: $redisException ?? null);

                return self::initializeRedis($redis ?? (\extension_loaded('redis') ? new \Redis() : new Relay())$host$port$auth$options);

        if (!$options['lazy']) {

        foreach (['stream', 'group', 'consumer'] as $key) {
            if ('' === $options[$key]) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s" should be configured, got an empty string.', $key));

namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Tests\Session\Storage\Handler;

/** * @group integration */
class RedisSessionHandlerTest extends AbstractRedisSessionHandlerTestCase
    protected function createRedisClient(string $host): \Redis
        $client = new \Redis();
        $client->connect(...explode(':', $host));

        return $client;
abstract protected function createRedisClient(string $host): \Redis|Relay|\RedisArray|\RedisCluster|\Predis\Client;

    protected function setUp(): void

        if (!\extension_loaded('redis')) {
            self::markTestSkipped('Extension redis required.');
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {

        $host = getenv('REDIS_HOST') ?: 'localhost';

        $this->redisClient = $this->createRedisClient($host);
        $this->storage = new RedisSessionHandler(
            ['prefix' => self::PREFIX]

    /** * {@inheritDoc} */
    public function initialize()
        $config = $this->config;

        $this->redis = new Redis();

        try {
            // Note:: If Redis is your primary cache choice, and it is "offline", every page load will end up been delayed by the timeout duration.             // I feel like some sort of temporary flag should be set, to indicate that we think Redis is "offline", allowing us to bypass the timeout for a set period of time.
            if ($this->redis->connect($config['host']($config['host'][0] === '/' ? 0 : $config['port'])$config['timeout'])) {
                // Note:: I'm unsure if log_message() is necessary, however I'm not 100% comfortable removing it.                 log_message('error', 'Cache: Redis connection failed. Check your configuration.');

                throw new CriticalError('Cache: Redis connection failed. Check your configuration.');


class RedisStoreTest extends AbstractRedisStoreTestCase
    protected function setUp(): void

    public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError($e->getMessage());

    protected function getRedisConnection(): \Redis
        $redis = new \Redis();
        $redis->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));

        return $redis;

class RedisStoreTest extends AbstractRedisStoreTestCase
    use SharedLockStoreTestTrait;

    public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError($e->getMessage());

    protected function getRedisConnection(): \Redis
        $redis = new \Redis();
        $redis->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));

        return $redis;
public function createCachePool(int $defaultLifetime = 0, string $testMethod = null): CacheItemPoolInterface
        return new RedisAdapter(self::$redisstr_replace('\\', '.', __CLASS__)$defaultLifetime);

    public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void
        if (!\extension_loaded('redis')) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError('Extension redis required.');
        try {
            (new \Redis())->connect(...explode(':', getenv('REDIS_HOST')));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new SkippedTestSuiteError(getenv('REDIS_HOST').': '.$e->getMessage());

    /** * @runInSeparateProcess */
    public function testClearWithPrefix()
        $cache = $this->createCachePool(0, __FUNCTION__);

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