_x example

$actions = array();

        if ( in_array( $comment_status, array( 'all', 'approved' ), true ) ) {
            $actions['unapprove'] = __( 'Unapprove' );

        if ( in_array( $comment_status, array( 'all', 'moderated' ), true ) ) {
            $actions['approve'] = __( 'Approve' );

        if ( in_array( $comment_status, array( 'all', 'moderated', 'approved', 'trash' ), true ) ) {
            $actions['spam'] = _x( 'Mark as spam', 'comment' );

        if ( 'trash' === $comment_status ) {
            $actions['untrash'] = __( 'Restore' );
        } elseif ( 'spam' === $comment_status ) {
            $actions['unspam'] = _x( 'Not spam', 'comment' );

        if ( in_array( $comment_status, array( 'trash', 'spam' ), true ) || ! EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS ) {
            $actions['delete'] = __( 'Delete permanently' );
        } else {
__( 'Image' ),
                'description' => __( 'Displays an image.' ),
                'mime_type'   => 'image',

        $this->l10n = array_merge(
                'no_media_selected'          => __( 'No image selected' ),
                'add_media'                  => _x( 'Add Image', 'label for button in the image widget' ),
                'replace_media'              => _x( 'Replace Image', 'label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than ~13 characters long' ),
                'edit_media'                 => _x( 'Edit Image', 'label for button in the image widget; should preferably not be longer than ~13 characters long' ),
                'missing_attachment'         => sprintf(
                    /* translators: %s: URL to media library. */
                    __( 'That image cannot be found. Check your <a href="%s">media library</a> and make sure it was not deleted.' ),
                    esc_url( admin_url( 'upload.php' ) )
                /* translators: %d: Widget count. */
                'media_library_state_multi'  => _n_noop( 'Image Widget (%d)', 'Image Widget (%d)' ),
                'media_library_state_single' => __( 'Image Widget' ),
$annotation = wp_get_update_php_annotation();

    if ( $annotation ) {
        $php_update_message .= '</p><p><em>' . $annotation . '</em>';

    if ( ! $compatible_wp && ! $compatible_php ) {
        return new WP_Error(
            '<p>' . sprintf(
                /* translators: 1: Current WordPress version, 2: Current PHP version, 3: Plugin name, 4: Required WordPress version, 5: Required PHP version. */
                _x( '<strong>Error:</strong> Current versions of WordPress (%1$s) and PHP (%2$s) do not meet minimum requirements for %3$s. The plugin requires WordPress %4$s and PHP %5$s.', 'plugin' ),
                get_bloginfo( 'version' ),
            ) . $php_update_message . '</p>'
    } elseif ( ! $compatible_php ) {
        return new WP_Error(
            '<p>' . sprintf(
'label' => __( 'Can anyone register on this site?' ),
                    'value' => $users_can_register ? __( 'Yes' ) : __( 'No' ),
                    'debug' => $users_can_register,
                'blog_public'            => array(
                    'label' => __( 'Is this site discouraging search engines?' ),
                    'value' => $blog_public ? __( 'No' ) : __( 'Yes' ),
                    'debug' => $blog_public,
                'default_comment_status' => array(
                    'label' => __( 'Default comment status' ),
                    'value' => 'open' === $default_comment_status ? _x( 'Open', 'comment status' ) : _x( 'Closed', 'comment status' ),
                    'debug' => $default_comment_status,
                'environment_type'       => array(
                    'label' => __( 'Environment type' ),
                    'value' => $environment_type,
                    'debug' => $environment_type,

        if ( ! $is_multisite ) {

            /* translators: New site notification email subject. 1: Network title, 2: New site URL. */
            _x( '[%1$s] Activate %2$s', 'New site notification email subject' ),
        esc_url( 'http://' . $domain . $path )


return array(
    'title'      => __( 'Pricing table', 'twentytwentytwo' ),
    'categories' => array( 'featured', 'columns', 'buttons' ),
    'content'    => '<!-- wp:columns {"align":"wide"} --> <div class="wp-block-columns alignwide"><!-- wp:column --> <div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"style":{"typography":{"fontSize":"var(--wp--custom--typography--font-size--gigantic, clamp(2.75rem, 6vw, 3.25rem))","lineHeight":"0.5"}}} --> <h2 id="1" style="font-size:var(--wp--custom--typography--font-size--gigantic, clamp(2.75rem, 6vw, 3.25rem));line-height:0.5">' . esc_html( _x( '1', 'First item in a numbered list.', 'twentytwentytwo' ) ) . '</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"fontSize":"x-large"} --> <h3 class="has-x-large-font-size" id="pigeon"><em>' . esc_html__( 'Pigeon', 'twentytwentytwo' ) . '</em></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>' . esc_html__( 'Help support our growing community by joining at the Pigeon level. Your support will help pay our writers, and you’ll get access to our exclusive newsletter.', 'twentytwentytwo' ) . '</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:buttons --> <div class="wp-block-buttons"><!-- wp:button {"backgroundColor":"foreground","width":100} --> <div class="wp-block-button has-custom-width wp-block-button__width-100"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-foreground-background-color has-background">'

/** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
require_once __DIR__ . '/admin.php';

// Used in the HTML title tag. /* translators: Page title of the About WordPress page in the admin. */
$title = _x( 'About', 'page title' );

list( $display_version ) = explode( '-', get_bloginfo( 'version' ) );

require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php';
?> <div class="wrap about__container"> <div class="about__header"> <div class="about__header-title"> <h1> <?php
/** * Returns a filtered list of allowed area values for template parts. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @return array[] The supported template part area values. */
function get_allowed_block_template_part_areas() {
    $default_area_definitions = array(
            'area'        => WP_TEMPLATE_PART_AREA_UNCATEGORIZED,
            'label'       => _x( 'General', 'template part area' ),
            'description' => __(
                'General templates often perform a specific role like displaying post content, and are not tied to any particular area.'
            'icon'        => 'layout',
            'area_tag'    => 'div',
            'area'        => WP_TEMPLATE_PART_AREA_HEADER,
            'label'       => _x( 'Header', 'template part area' ),
            'description' => __(
                'The Header template defines a page area that typically contains a title, logo, and main navigation.'
<?php _e( 'OK' ); ?></a> <a href="#visibility" class="cancel-post-visibility hide-if-no-js button-cancel"><?php _e( 'Cancel' ); ?></a> </p> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php         /* translators: Publish box date string. 1: Date, 2: Time. See https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
        $date_string = __( '%1$s at %2$s' );
        /* translators: Publish box date format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
        $date_format = _x( 'M j, Y', 'publish box date format' );
        /* translators: Publish box time format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
        $time_format = _x( 'H:i', 'publish box time format' );

        if ( 0 !== $post_id ) {
            if ( 'future' === $post->post_status ) { // Scheduled for publishing at a future date.                 /* translators: Post date information. %s: Date on which the post is currently scheduled to be published. */
                $stamp = __( 'Scheduled for: %s' );
            } elseif ( 'publish' === $post->post_status || 'private' === $post->post_status ) { // Already published.                 /* translators: Post date information. %s: Date on which the post was published. */
                $stamp = __( 'Published on: %s' );
            } elseif ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $post->post_date_gmt ) { // Draft, 1 or more saves, no date specified.

function get_default_block_categories() {
    return array(
            'slug'  => 'text',
            'title' => _x( 'Text', 'block category' ),
            'icon'  => null,
            'slug'  => 'media',
            'title' => _x( 'Media', 'block category' ),
            'icon'  => null,
            'slug'  => 'design',
            'title' => _x( 'Design', 'block category' ),
            'icon'  => null,
<?php             $compatible_wp  = is_wp_version_compatible( $wp_customize->theme()->get( 'RequiresWP' ) );
            $compatible_php = is_php_version_compatible( $wp_customize->theme()->get( 'RequiresPHP' ) );
            ?> <?php if ( $compatible_wp && $compatible_php ) : ?> <?php $save_text = $wp_customize->is_theme_active() ? __( 'Publish' ) : __( 'Activate &amp; Publish' ); ?> <div id="customize-save-button-wrapper" class="customize-save-button-wrapper" > <?php submit_button( $save_text, 'primary save', 'save', false ); ?> <button id="publish-settings" class="publish-settings button-primary button dashicons dashicons-admin-generic" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Publish Settings' ); ?>" aria-expanded="false" disabled></button> </div> <?php else : ?> <?php $save_text = _x( 'Cannot Activate', 'theme' ); ?> <div id="customize-save-button-wrapper" class="customize-save-button-wrapper disabled" > <button class="button button-primary disabled" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Publish Settings' ); ?>" aria-expanded="false" disabled><?php echo $save_text; ?></button> </div> <?php endif; ?> <span class="spinner"></span> <button type="button" class="customize-controls-preview-toggle"> <span class="controls"><?php _e( 'Customize' ); ?></span> <span class="preview"><?php _e( 'Preview' ); ?></span> </button> <a class="customize-controls-close" href="<?php echo esc_url( $wp_customize->get_return_url() ); ?>"> <span class="screen-reader-text">

    public function get_columns() {
        $columns = array(
            'cb'       => '<input type="checkbox" />',
            'username' => __( 'Username' ),
            'name'     => __( 'Name' ),
            'email'    => __( 'Email' ),
            'role'     => __( 'Role' ),
            'posts'    => _x( 'Posts', 'post type general name' ),

        if ( $this->is_site_users ) {
            unset( $columns['posts'] );

        return $columns;

    /** * Gets a list of sortable columns for the list table. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @return array Array of sortable columns. */
$per_page = 36;

        // These are the tabs which are shown on the page.         $tabs = array();

        if ( 'search' === $tab ) {
            $tabs['search'] = __( 'Search Results' );

        if ( 'beta' === $tab || str_contains( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '-' ) ) {
            $tabs['beta'] = _x( 'Beta Testing', 'Plugin Installer' );

        $tabs['featured']    = _x( 'Featured', 'Plugin Installer' );
        $tabs['popular']     = _x( 'Popular', 'Plugin Installer' );
        $tabs['recommended'] = _x( 'Recommended', 'Plugin Installer' );
        $tabs['favorites']   = _x( 'Favorites', 'Plugin Installer' );

        if ( current_user_can( 'upload_plugins' ) ) {
            /* * No longer a real tab. Here for filter compatibility. * Gets skipped in get_views(). */

/** * Returns an array of post format slugs to their translated and pretty display versions * * @since 3.1.0 * * @return string[] Array of post format labels keyed by format slug. */
function get_post_format_strings() {
    $strings = array(
        'standard' => _x( 'Standard', 'Post format' ), // Special case. Any value that evals to false will be considered standard.         'aside'    => _x( 'Aside', 'Post format' ),
        'chat'     => _x( 'Chat', 'Post format' ),
        'gallery'  => _x( 'Gallery', 'Post format' ),
        'link'     => _x( 'Link', 'Post format' ),
        'image'    => _x( 'Image', 'Post format' ),
        'quote'    => _x( 'Quote', 'Post format' ),
        'status'   => _x( 'Status', 'Post format' ),
        'video'    => _x( 'Video', 'Post format' ),
        'audio'    => _x( 'Audio', 'Post format' ),
    return $strings;

    function wp_install_defaults( $user_id ) {
        global $wpdb$wp_rewrite$table_prefix;

        // Default category.         $cat_name = __( 'Uncategorized' );
        /* translators: Default category slug. */
        $cat_slug = sanitize_title( _x( 'Uncategorized', 'Default category slug' ) );

        $cat_id = 1;

                'term_id'    => $cat_id,
                'name'       => $cat_name,
                'slug'       => $cat_slug,
                'term_group' => 0,
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