addContextDefinition example

  public function __construct(array $definition = []) {
    // If there are context definitions in the plugin definition, they should     // be added to this object using ::addContextDefinition() so that they can     // be manipulated using other ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface methods.     if (isset($definition['context_definitions'])) {
      foreach ($definition['context_definitions'] as $name => $context_definition) {

    foreach ($definition as $property => $value) {

  /** * Gets any arbitrary property. * * @param string $property * The property to retrieve. * * @return mixed * The value for that property, or NULL if the property does not exist. */
'expected_array_plugin' => ['context_definitions' => []],
      'expected_object_plugin' => new ContextAwarePluginDefinition(),
    // No context, all plugins available.     $data[] = [FALSE, $plugins$plugins];

    $plugins = [
      'expected_array_plugin' => [
        'context_definitions' => ['context1' => new ContextDefinition('string')],
      'expected_object_plugin' => (new ContextAwarePluginDefinition())
        ->addContextDefinition('context1', new ContextDefinition('string')),
    // Missing context, no plugins available.     $data[] = [FALSE, $plugins[]];
    // Satisfied context, all plugins available.     $data[] = [TRUE, $plugins$plugins];

    $mismatched_context_definition = (new ContextDefinition('expected_data_type'))->setConstraints(['mismatched_constraint_name' => 'mismatched_constraint_value']);
    $plugins = [
      'expected_array_plugin' => [
        'context_definitions' => ['context1' => $mismatched_context_definition],

  protected function setUp(): void {


    $definition = (new SectionStorageDefinition())
      ->addContextDefinition('display', EntityContextDefinition::fromEntityTypeId('entity_view_display'))
      ->addContextDefinition('view_mode', new ContextDefinition('string'));
    $this->plugin = DefaultsSectionStorage::create($this->container, [], 'defaults', $definition);

  /** * Tests installing defaults via config install. */
  public function testConfigInstall() {
    /** @var \Drupal\layout_builder\Entity\LayoutEntityDisplayInterface $display */
    $display = LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplay::load('entity_test.bundle_with_extra_fields.default');
    $section = $display->getSection(0);

  public function __construct(array $definition) {
    // If there are context definitions in the plugin definition, they should     // be added to this object using ::addContextDefinition() so that they can     // be manipulated using other ContextAwarePluginDefinitionInterface methods.     if (isset($definition['context_definitions'])) {
      foreach ($definition['context_definitions'] as $name => $context_definition) {

    foreach ($definition as $property => $value) {

  /** * Gets any arbitrary property. * * @param string $property * The property to retrieve. * * @return mixed * The value for that property, or NULL if the property does not exist. */

  private $configurablePlugin;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function setUp(): void {
    $plugin_definition = new TestContextAwarePluginDefinition();
    $plugin_definition->addContextDefinition('nato_letter', ContextDefinition::create('string'));
    $this->plugin = new TestContextAwarePlugin([], 'the_sisko', $plugin_definition);
    $this->configurablePlugin = new TestConfigurableContextAwarePlugin([], 'the_sisko', $plugin_definition);

  /** * @covers ::getContextDefinitions */
  public function testGetContextDefinitions() {


  public function testThirdPartySettings() {
    $this->entityTypeManager->getDefinition('entity_view_display')->willReturn(new EntityType(['id' => 'entity_view_display']));

    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
    $container->set('typed_data_manager', $this->prophesize(TypedDataManagerInterface::class)->reveal());
    $container->set('entity_type.manager', $this->entityTypeManager->reveal());

      ->addContextDefinition('display', EntityContextDefinition::fromEntityTypeId('entity_view_display'))
      ->addContextDefinition('view_mode', new ContextDefinition('string'));

    // Set an initial value on the section list.     $section_list = $this->prophesize(LayoutEntityDisplayInterface::class);

    $context = $this->prophesize(ContextInterface::class);
    $this->plugin->setContext('display', $context->reveal());

    $section_list->getThirdPartySetting('the_module', 'the_key', NULL)->willReturn('value 1');

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