addGroupBy example

/** * Adds basic information to the summary query. * * Some basic summary behavior that doesn't need to be repeated as much as * code that goes into summaryQuery() */
  public function summaryBasics($count_field = TRUE) {
    // Add the number of nodes counter     $distinct = ($this->view->display_handler->getOption('distinct') && empty($this->query->no_distinct));

    $count_alias = $this->query->addField($this->view->storage->get('base_table')$this->view->storage->get('base_field'), 'num_records', ['count' => TRUE, 'distinct' => $distinct]);

    if ($count_field) {
      $this->query->setCountField($this->tableAlias, $this->realField);

    $this->count_alias = $count_alias;

  /** * Sorts the summary based upon the user's selection. * * The base variant of this is usually adequate. * * @param $order * The order selected in the UI. * @param string|null $by * (optional) This parameter sets the direction for which to order. * Defaults to NULL. */
$query->from('s_categories', 'category')
            ->leftJoin('category', 's_categories_attributes', 'categoryAttribute', 'categoryAttribute.categoryID =')
            ->leftJoin('category', 's_categories_avoid_customergroups', 'customerGroups', 'customerGroups.categoryID =')
            ->leftJoin('category', 's_media', 'media', ' = category.mediaID')
            ->leftJoin('media', 's_media_album_settings', 'mediaSettings', 'mediaSettings.albumID = media.albumID')
            ->leftJoin('media', 's_media_attributes', 'mediaAttribute', 'mediaAttribute.mediaID =')
            ->leftJoin('category', 's_product_streams', 'stream', 'category.stream_id =')
            ->leftJoin('stream', 's_product_streams_attributes', 'productStreamAttribute', ' = productStreamAttribute.streamId')
            ->where(' IN (:categories)')
            ->andWhere(' = 1')
            ->andWhere('category.shops IS NULL OR category.shops LIKE :shopId')
            ->setParameter(':categories', $ids, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)
            ->setParameter(':shopId', '%|' . $context->getShop()->getId() . '|%');


        return $query;

$conditions = $criteria->getConditionsByClass(VariantCondition::class);
        foreach ($conditions as $condition) {

        $query = $this->queryBuilderFactory->createQuery($tmp$context);


        return $query;
$builder = $this->addArticleCountSelect($builder, true);
        $builder = $this->addChildrenCountSelect($builder);

        if (isset($customerGroupId)) {
            $builder->leftJoin('c.customerGroups', 'cg', Join::WITH, ' = :cgId')
                    ->setParameter('cgId', $customerGroupId)
                    ->andHaving('COUNT( = 0');

        // to prevent a temporary table and file sort we have to set the same sort and group by condition         $builder->groupBy('c.parentId')
            ->orderBy('c.parentId', 'ASC')
            ->addOrderBy('c.position', 'ASC')
            ->addOrderBy('', 'ASC');

        return $builder;

    private function addChildrenCountSelect(QueryBuilder $builder): QueryBuilder
        $subQuery = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();

    private function getIdsQuery(Criteria $criteria, Context $context): QueryBuilder
        $query = new QueryBuilder($this->connection);

        $query = $this->criteriaQueryBuilder->build($query$this->tagDefinition, $criteria$context);

        /** @var array<string> $select */
        $select = array_merge(['LOWER(HEX(`tag`.`id`))']$query->getQueryPart('select'));
        $query->setFirstResult($criteria->getOffset() ?? 0);

        return $query;

    private function getTotal(QueryBuilder $query): int

            'addresses.user_id = AND addresses.user_id NOT IN ( SELECT user_id FROM s_user_addresses WHERE (' . implode(' OR ', $ors) . ') )'
        foreach ($condition->getCountryIds() as $i => $id) {
            $query->setParameter(':HasNoAddressWithCountryCondition' . $i$id);
// Add the keyword conditions, as is done in       // SearchQuery::prepareAndNormalize(), but simplified because we are       // only concerned with relevance ranking so we do not need to normalize.       $or = $this->view->query->getConnection()->condition('OR');
      foreach ($words as $word) {
        $or->condition("$search_index.word", $word);

      // Add the GROUP BY and HAVING expressions to the query.       $this->query->addWhere(0, $search_condition);
      $matches = $this->searchQuery->matches();
      $placeholder = $this->placeholder();
      $this->query->addHavingExpression(0, "COUNT(*) >= $placeholder", [$placeholder => $matches]);

    // Set to NULL to prevent PDO exception when views object is cached     // and to clear out memory.     $this->searchQuery = NULL;

            'COUNT(id) as total',

        $query->from('s_articles_vote', 'vote')
            ->where('vote.articleID IN (:products)')
            ->andWhere(' = 1')
            ->orderBy('vote.articleID', 'ASC')
            ->setParameter(':products', $ids, Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);

        if ($this->config->get('displayOnlySubShopVotes')) {
            $query->andWhere('(vote.shop_id = :shopId OR vote.shop_id IS NULL)');
            $query->setParameter(':shopId', $context->getShop()->getId());

        $data = $query->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_GROUP);

        $result = [];
->leftJoin('product', 's_articles_img', 'img', 'img.articleID = AND img.main = 1')
            ->leftJoin('img', 's_media', 'media', ' = img.media_id')
            ->addSelect('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS as id')
            ->addSelect('ROUND(price.price*(,2) as price')
            ->addSelect('manual_sorting.position as position')
            ->addSelect('CONCAT("media/image/thumbnail/", img.img, "_140x140.", img.extension) as thumbnail')
            ->setParameter('categoryId', $categoryId)

        $data['data'] = $query->execute()->fetchAll();

        $data['data'] = array_map(function D$item) {
            $item['thumbnail'] = $this->mediaService->getUrl($item['thumbnail']);

            return $item;

        $data['total'] = $query->getConnection()->fetchColumn('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');

            ' = variant.articleID'

        if ($this->config->get('hideNoInStock')) {
            $query->andWhere('(variant.laststock * variant.instock) >= (variant.laststock * variant.minpurchase)');


        $query->setParameter(':articleIds', $articleIds, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY);

        return $query->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_GROUP | PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

    /** * Fetches all groups with all options for provided products * * @return array<int, array<Group>> */
private function cleanupIndex(): void
        $tables = $this->getSearchTables();
        $qb = $this->connection->createQueryBuilder();
            ->select(['si.keywordID', 'si.fieldID', 'sk.keyword'])
            ->addSelect('(SELECT tableId FROM s_search_fields WHERE = si.fieldID) AS tableId')
            ->addSelect('COUNT(*) AS count_self')
            ->from('s_search_index', 'si')
            ->innerJoin('si', 's_search_keywords', 'sk', '')
            ->setParameter('threshold', static::INDEX_DELETE_THRESHOLD);

        $selected = []; // To avoid identical selects         foreach ($tables as $table) {
            if (!empty($table['foreign_key'])) {
                    $table['reference_table'] ?: 's_articles',
                    't' . $table['tableID'],
                        'si.elementID = t%d.%s AND si.fieldID IN (:fieldIDs%1$d)',

    private function addCondition(HasAddressWithCountryCondition $condition, QueryBuilder $query): void
            'addresses.user_id = AND addresses.country_id IN (:HasAddressWithCountryCondition)'

        $query->setParameter(':HasAddressWithCountryCondition', $condition->getCountryIds(), Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY);
protected $sqlExpressions = [];

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function execute() {
    return $this

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function prepare() {
$orderBy = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $parts);
        // order by is handled in group_concat         $fieldCriteria->resetSorting();

            'LOWER(HEX(' . $root . '.' . $localColumn . ')) as `key`',
            'GROUP_CONCAT(LOWER(HEX(' . $root . '.' . $referenceColumn . ')) ' . $orderBy . ') as `value`',

        $query->addGroupBy($root . '.' . $localColumn);

        if ($fieldCriteria->getLimit() !== null) {
            $limitQuery = $this->buildManyToManyLimitQuery($association);

            $params = [
                '#source_column#' => EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::escape($association->getMappingLocalColumn()),
                '#reference_column#' => EntityDefinitionQueryHelper::escape($association->getMappingReferenceColumn()),
                '#table#' => $root,
            'IFNULL(product.parent_id, as id',
            'AVG(product_review.points) as average',
        $query->leftJoin('product_review', 'product', 'product', ' = product_review.product_id OR product.parent_id = product_review.product_id');
        $query->andWhere('product_review.status = 1');
        $query->andWhere(' IN (:ids) OR product.parent_id IN (:ids)');
        $query->andWhere('product.version_id = :version');
        $query->setParameter('version', $versionId);
        $query->setParameter('ids', Uuid::fromHexToBytesList($ids), ArrayParameterType::STRING);

        $averages = $query->executeQuery()->fetchAllAssociative();

        $query = new RetryableQuery(
            $this->connection->prepare('UPDATE product SET rating_average = :average WHERE id = :id AND version_id = :version')

        foreach ($averages as $average) {
                'average' => $average['average'],
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