assertErrorOutputNotContains example


    $this->executeCommand("COMPOSER_HOME=$composer_home COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=$simulated_core_version composer create-project --no-ansi $project testproject $simulated_core_version -vvv --repository $repository_path");
    // Check the output of the project creation for the absence of warnings     // about any non-allowed composer plugins.     // Note: There are different warnings for unallowed composer plugins     // depending on running in non-interactive mode or not. It seems the Drupal     // CI environment always forces composer commands to run in the     // non-interactive mode. The only thing these messages have in common is the     // following string.     $this->assertErrorOutputNotContains('See');

    // Ensure we used the project from our codebase.     $this->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing $project ($simulated_core_version): Symlinking from $package_dir");
    // Ensure that we used drupal/core from our codebase. This probably means     // that drupal/core-recommended was added successfully by the project.     $this->assertErrorOutputContains("Installing drupal/core ($simulated_core_version): Symlinking from");
    // Verify that there is an autoloader. This is written by the scaffold     // plugin, so its existence assures us that scaffolding happened.     $this->assertFileExists($autoloader);

    // Verify that the minimum stability in the installed composer.json file
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