assertFileExists example

$php_string = '<?php print "Drupal"; ?>';

    // Test using a masked exploit file.     $response = $this->fileRequest($uri$php_string['Content-Disposition' => 'filename="example.php"']);
    // The filename is not munged because .txt is added and it is a known     // extension to apache.     $expected = $this->getExpectedNormalizedEntity(1, 'example.php_.txt', TRUE);
    // Override the expected filesize.     $expected['filesize'][0]['value'] = strlen($php_string);

    // Add .php and .txt as allowed extensions. Since 'allow_insecure_uploads'     // is FALSE, .php files should be renamed to have a .txt extension.     $this->field->setSetting('file_extensions', 'php txt')->save();

    $response = $this->fileRequest($uri$php_string['Content-Disposition' => 'filename="example_2.php"']);
    $expected = $this->getExpectedNormalizedEntity(2, 'example_2.php_.txt', TRUE);
    // Override the expected filesize.     $expected['filesize'][0]['value'] = strlen($php_string);
    $result = $this->fileRepository->copy(clone $source$desired_uri, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_ERROR);

    // Check the return status and that the contents changed.     $this->assertNotFalse($result, 'File copied successfully.');
    $this->assertEquals($contentsfile_get_contents($result->getFileUri()), 'Contents of file were copied correctly.');

    // Check that the correct hooks were called.     $this->assertFileHooksCalled(['copy', 'insert']);

    $this->assertEquals($result->getFileUri()$desired_uri, 'The copied file entity has the desired filepath.');

    // Reload the file from the database and check that the changes were     // actually saved.     $this->assertFileUnchanged($result, File::load($result->id()));

  /** * Tests renaming when copying over a file that already exists. * * @covers ::copy */
'--blue-green' => '1',
            '--mailer-url' => 'smtp://localhost:25',
            '--composer-home' => __DIR__,

        $tester = $this->getCommandTester();

        $tester->execute($args['interactive' => false]);


        static::assertFileExists(__DIR__ . '/.env');
        static::assertFileDoesNotExist(__DIR__ . '/.env.local.php');

        $envContent = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/.env');
        $env = (new Dotenv())->parse($envContent);

        static::assertArrayHasKey('APP_SECRET', $env);
        static::assertArrayHasKey('INSTANCE_ID', $env);
            'APP_ENV' => 'test',
$kernel = new $class(
                new StaticKernelPluginLoader($classLoader),
                '1.0.0@' . $i . '1eec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33',

            $oldCacheDir = $kernel->getCacheDir();
            $oldCacheDirs[] = $oldCacheDir;
        $oldCacheDirs = array_unique($oldCacheDirs);

        static::assertCount(2, $oldCacheDirs);

        $second = KernelLifecycleManager::getKernel();

file_put_contents($targetBuildDir.'/manifest.json', '{}');
        file_put_contents($targetBuildDir.'/importmap.json', '{"imports": {}}');
        file_put_contents($targetBuildDir.'/importmap.preload.json', '{}');

        $command = $application->find('asset-map:compile');
        $tester = new CommandTester($command);
        $res = $tester->execute([]);
        $this->assertSame(0, $res);
        // match Compiling \d+ assets         $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/Compiled \d+ assets/', $tester->getDisplay());

        $this->assertSame(<<<EOF import '../file4.js'; console.log('file5.js'); EOF, file_get_contents($targetBuildDir.'/subdir/file5-f4fdc37375c7f5f2629c5659a0579967.js'));

        $finder = new Finder();
        $this->assertCount(10, $finder);

'files[field_image_0]' => $this->container->get('file_system')->realpath($image->getFileUri()),
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains("$type $title has been created.");
    $matches = [];
    if (preg_match('@node/(\d+)$@', $this->getUrl()$matches)) {
      $nid = end($matches);
      $this->assertNotEquals(0, $nid, 'The node ID was extracted from the URL.');
      $node = Node::load($nid);
      $this->assertNotNull($node, 'The node was loaded successfully.');

  /** * Tests file submission for an anonymous visitor with a missing node title. */
  public function testAnonymousNodeWithFileWithoutTitle() {

/** * Asserts that a given file exists and is/is not a symlink. * * @param string $path * The path to check exists. * @param bool $is_link * Checks if the file should be a symlink or not. * @param string $contents_contains * Regex to check the file contents. */
  protected function assertScaffoldedFile($path$is_link$contents_contains) {
    $contents = file_get_contents($path);
    $this->assertStringContainsString($contents_containsbasename($path) . ': ' . $contents);

  /** * Asserts that a file does not exist or exists and does not contain a value. * * @param string $path * The path to check exists. * @param string $contents_not_contains * A string that is expected should NOT occur in the file contents. */

  protected function setUp(): void {
    $account = $this->drupalCreateUser(['access site reports']);

    $image_files = $this->drupalGetTestFiles('image');
    $this->image = File::create((array) current($image_files));

    [$this->imageExtension] = explode('.', $this->image->getFilename());

    $this->phpfile = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('php'));

    $this->maxFidBefore = (int) \Drupal::entityQueryAggregate('file')
      ->aggregate('fid', 'max')

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */
    $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');
    $next_cron_time = \Drupal::state()->get('system.cron_last');


  /** * Tests the Drupal install done in \Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase::setUp(). */
  public function testInstall() {
    $htaccess_filename = $this->tempFilesDirectory . '/.htaccess';

    // Ensure the update module is not installed.     $this->assertFalse(\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('update'), 'The Update module is not installed.');

  /** * Tests the assumption that local time is in 'Australia/Sydney'. */
  public function testLocalTimeZone() {
    $expected = 'Australia/Sydney';
    // The 'Australia/Sydney' time zone is set in core/tests/bootstrap.php

    public function testDump()
        $tempDir = sys_get_temp_dir();

        $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue('en');
        $catalogue->add(['foo' => 'bar']);

        $dumper = new ConcreteFileDumper();
        $dumper->dump($catalogue['path' => $tempDir]);



    public function testDumpIntl()
        $tempDir = sys_get_temp_dir();

        $catalogue = new MessageCatalogue('en');
        $catalogue->add(['foo' => 'bar'], 'd1');
        $catalogue->add(['bar' => 'foo'], 'd1+intl-icu');
// During testing, the file change and the stale checking occurs in the same     // request, so the beginning of request will be before the file changes and     // REQUEST_TIME - $filectime is negative or zero. Set the maximum age to a     // number greater than that.     $this->config('system.file')
      ->set('temporary_maximum_age', 100000)

    // First test that the file is not stale and thus not deleted.     $deleted = update_delete_file_if_stale($file_path);

    // Set the maximum age to a number smaller than REQUEST_TIME - $filectime.     $this->config('system.file')
      ->set('temporary_maximum_age', -100000)

    // Now attempt to delete the file; as it should be considered stale, this     // attempt should succeed.     $deleted = update_delete_file_if_stale($file_path);
public function testAnnotationsCacheWarmerWithDebugDisabled()
        file_put_contents($this->cacheDir.'/', sprintf('<?php return %s;', var_export([__CLASS__], true)));
        $cacheFile = tempnam($this->cacheDir, __FUNCTION__);
        $reader = new AnnotationReader();

        $this->expectDeprecation('Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\CacheWarmer\AnnotationsCacheWarmer" class is deprecated without replacement.');
        $warmer = new AnnotationsCacheWarmer($reader$cacheFile);


        // Assert cache is valid         $reader = new PsrCachedReader(
            new PhpArrayAdapter($cacheFilenew NullAdapter())
        $refClass = new \ReflectionClass($this);

class FilesystemTest extends FilesystemTestCase
    public function testCopyCreatesNewFile()
        $sourceFilePath = $this->workspace.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'copy_source_file';
        $targetFilePath = $this->workspace.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'copy_target_file';

        file_put_contents($sourceFilePath, 'SOURCE FILE');


        $this->assertStringEqualsFile($targetFilePath, 'SOURCE FILE');

    public function testCopyFails()
        $sourceFilePath = $this->workspace.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'copy_source_file';
        $targetFilePath = $this->workspace.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'copy_target_file';


$image_files = $this->drupalGetTestFiles('image');

    $field_name = strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
    $this->createImageField($field_name, 'article', []['file_directory' => 'test-upload']);
    $expected_path = 'public://test-upload';

    // Create alt text for the image.     $alt = $this->randomMachineName();

    // Create a node with a valid image.     $node = $this->uploadNodeImage($image_files[0]$field_name, 'article', $alt);
    $this->assertFileExists($expected_path . '/' . $image_files[0]->filename);

    // Remove the image.     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node . '/edit');
    $this->submitForm([], 'Remove');
    $this->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Get invalid image test files.     $dir = 'core/tests/fixtures/files';
    $files = [];
    if (is_dir($dir)) {
      $files = $file_system->scanDirectory($dir, '/invalid-img-.*/');
$cleaner = new EnvironmentCleaner(
      new NullOutput(),

    $do_cleanup_ref = new \ReflectionMethod($cleaner, 'doCleanTemporaryDirectories');


    $this->assertEquals(2, $do_cleanup_ref->invoke($cleaner));


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