in example

$collection = new ArrayCollection($associatedContacts);

    protected function getKnownRecipients(array $recipients): array
        $qb = $this->entityManager->getConnection()->createQueryBuilder();
        $tableName = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(Contact::class)->getTableName();

            ->add('where', $qb->expr()->in('mail_address', ':recipients'))
            ->setParameter('recipients', $recipients, Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY);

        return $qb->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    protected function persistContact(Contact $contact): void


    /** * @return array<string> */
    private function getSnippetFilePathsOfFixtures(string $folder, string $namePattern): array
        $finder = (new Finder())
            ->in(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $folder . '/')

        $iterator = $finder->getIterator();

        $files = [];
        foreach ($iterator as $file) {
            $files[] = $file->getRealPath();

        return $files;
if ($snippetFile) {
                $snippetFiles[] = $snippetFile;

        return $snippetFiles;

    private function getSnippetFinder(string $snippetDir): Finder
        $finder = new Finder();

        return $finder;

    /** * @param array<string> $nameParts */
    private function createSnippetFile(array $nameParts, SplFileInfo $fileInfo, string $author): ?GenericSnippetFile
$files = @scandir($full_path)) && count($files) <= 2,
      'Directory is not empty: ' . implode(', ', $files)


  /** * @covers ::findAvailablePort */
  public function testPortMany() {
    $iterator = (new Finder())->in($this->getDrupalRoot())
    /** @var \Symfony\Component\Process\Process[] $processes */
    $processes = [];
    $count = 15;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $count$i++) {
      $port = $this->findAvailablePort();
      $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($port$processes, 'Port ' . $port . ' was already in use by a process.');

        // Register translation resources         if ($dirs) {
            $files = [];

            foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
                $finder = Finder::create()
                    ->filter(fn (\SplFileInfo $file) => 2 <= substr_count($file->getBasename(), '.') && preg_match('/\.\w+$/', $file->getBasename()))
                foreach ($finder as $file) {
                    $fileNameParts = explode('.', basename($file));
                    $locale = $fileNameParts[\count($fileNameParts) - 2];
                    if (!isset($files[$locale])) {
                        $files[$locale] = [];

                    $files[$locale][] = (string) $file;
return $this->isFile($file) && 'php' === pathinfo($file, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    protected function extractFromDirectory(string|array $directory): iterable
        if (!class_exists(Finder::class)) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use "%s" as the "symfony/finder" package is not installed. Try running "composer require symfony/finder".', static::class));

        $finder = new Finder();

        return $finder->files()->name('*.php')->in($directory);
$spec = [
            'paths' => [],
            'components' => [],
            'tags' => [],

        if (empty($this->paths)) {
            return $spec;

        $finder = new Finder();

        foreach ($finder as $entry) {
            try {
                $data = json_decode((string) file_get_contents($entry->getPathname()), true, 512, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
            } catch (\JsonException $exception) {
                throw ApiException::invalidSchemaDefinitions($entry->getPathname()$exception);

            $spec['paths'] = \array_replace_recursive($spec['paths']$data['paths'] ?? []);
            $spec['components'] = array_merge_recursive(

  protected function getComponentPathsFinder(string $drupal_root): Finder {
    $finder = new Finder();
      ->in($drupal_root . static::$componentsPath)

    return $finder;


    public function testAllTransliterator(string $locale)
        $tr = EmojiTransliterator::create($locale);


    public static function provideLocaleTest(): iterable
        $file = (new Finder())

        foreach ($file as $file) {
            yield [$file->getBasename('.php')];

    public function testTransliterateWithInvalidLocale()


        return $filesInfo;

    protected function findFiles(string $filename): iterable
        if (is_file($filename)) {
            return [$filename];
        } elseif (is_dir($filename)) {
            return Finder::create()->files()->in($filename)->name($this->namePatterns);

        throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('File or directory "%s" is not readable.', $filename));

    private function validate(string $template, string $file): array
        $realLoader = $this->twig->getLoader();
        try {
            $temporaryLoader = new ArrayLoader([$file => $template]);

#[Package('system-settings')] class KeyMappingPipeTest extends TestCase
    public function testEmptyMapping(): void
        $mapping = [];
        $keyMappingPipe = new KeyMappingPipe($mapping, true);

        $config = new Config($mapping[][]);
        $pipeInResult = $keyMappingPipe->in($config['foo' => 'bar']);
        $actualOutput = iterator_to_array($pipeInResult);

        $pipeOutResult = $keyMappingPipe->out($config['foo' => 'bar']);
        $actualOutput = iterator_to_array($pipeOutResult);

    /** * @return array<array{input: array<string, mixed>, expectedOutput: array<string, mixed>}> */
private function getRandomFile(DemodataContext $context): string
        $fixtureDir = $context->getProjectDir() . '/build/media';
        $images = [];

        if (is_dir($fixtureDir)) {
            $images = array_values(
                    (new Finder())

        if (\count($images)) {
            return $images[array_rand($images)]->getPathname();

        /** @var string $text */

    public function getScriptPathsForApp(string $appPath): array
        $scriptDirectory = $this->appLoader->locatePath($appPath, self::SCRIPT_DIR);

        if ($scriptDirectory === null || !is_dir($scriptDirectory)) {
            return [];

        $finder = new Finder();

        return array_values(array_map(static fn (\SplFileInfo $file): string => ltrim(mb_substr($file->getPathname()mb_strlen($scriptDirectory)), '/')iterator_to_array($finder)));

    /** * Returns the content of the script */
    public function getScriptContent(string $name, string $appPath): string
public function testCacheIsFreshAfterCacheClearedWithWarmup()
        $input = new ArrayInput(['cache:clear']);
        $application = new Application($this->kernel);

        $application->doRun($inputnew NullOutput());

        // Ensure that all *.meta files are fresh         $finder = new Finder();
        $metaFiles = $finder->files()->in($this->kernel->getCacheDir())->name('*.php.meta');
        // check that cache is warmed up         $this->assertNotEmpty($metaFiles);
        $configCacheFactory = new ConfigCacheFactory(true);

        foreach ($metaFiles as $file) {
                substr($file, 0, -5),
                function D) use ($file) {
                    $this->fail(sprintf('Meta file "%s" is not fresh', (string) $file));

        // create a temporary kernel         $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
        if (!$kernel instanceof RebootableInterface) {
            throw new \LogicException('Calling "cache:clear" with a kernel that does not implement "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\RebootableInterface" is not supported.');

        // fix references to cached files with the real cache directory name         $search = [$warmupDirstr_replace('\\', '\\\\', $warmupDir)];
        $replace = str_replace('\\', '/', $realBuildDir);
        foreach (Finder::create()->files()->in($warmupDir) as $file) {
            $content = str_replace($search$replacefile_get_contents($file)$count);
            if ($count) {

    private function warmupOptionals(string $cacheDir, string $warmupDir, SymfonyStyle $io): void
        $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
        $warmer = $kernel->getContainer()->get('cache_warmer');
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