ignoreUnreadableDirs example

/** * @return array<int, string> */
    private function getSnippetsFromDir(string $directory): array
        $finder = new Finder();

        $snippets = array_values(array_map(static fn (\SplFileInfo $file): string => ltrim(mb_substr(str_replace('.html.twig', '', $file->getPathname())mb_strlen($directory)), '/')iterator_to_array($finder)));

        return $snippets;

  protected function getComponentPathsFinder(string $drupal_root): Finder {
    $finder = new Finder();
      ->in($drupal_root . static::$componentsPath)

    return $finder;


  public function getCodebaseFinder() {
    $finder = new Finder();
    return $finder;

  /** * Get the root path of this Drupal codebase. * * @return string * The full path to the root of this Drupal codebase. */

    /** * @return array<int, string> */
    private function findSnippetFiles(?string $locale = null, bool $withPlugins = true): array
        $finder = (new Finder())
            ->in(__DIR__ . '/../../*/Resources/app/administration/src/')

        if ($locale) {
            $finder->name(sprintf('%s.json', $locale));
        } else {

        if ($withPlugins) {

$scriptDirectory = $this->appLoader->locatePath($appPath, self::SCRIPT_DIR);

        if ($scriptDirectory === null || !is_dir($scriptDirectory)) {
            return [];

        $finder = new Finder();

        return array_values(array_map(static fn (\SplFileInfo $file): string => ltrim(mb_substr($file->getPathname()mb_strlen($scriptDirectory)), '/')iterator_to_array($finder)));

    /** * Returns the content of the script */
    public function getScriptContent(string $name, string $appPath): string
        $content = $this->appLoader->loadFile($appPath, self::SCRIPT_DIR . '/' . $name);

$this->markTestSkipped('could read test files while test requires unreadable');

    public function testIgnoredAccessDeniedException()
        if ('\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('chmod is not supported on Windows');

        $finder = $this->buildFinder();

        // make 'foo' directory non-readable         $testDir = self::$tmpDir.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'foo';
        chmod($testDir, 0333);

        if (false === ($couldRead = is_readable($testDir))) {
                'foo bar',
$storefrontConfig = $this->storefrontPluginConfigurationFactory->createFromApp($app->getMetadata()->getName()$relativeAppPath);

        if (!is_dir($resourceDirectory) || !$storefrontConfig->getIconSets()) {
            return $viewPaths;

        $finder = new Finder();
            ->name(['*.html.twig', '*.svg'])

        // return file paths relative to Resources/views directory         $iconPaths = array_values(array_map(static function D\SplFileInfo $file) use ($resourceDirectory): string {
            // remove resource + any leading slashes from pathname             $resourcePath = ltrim(mb_substr($file->getPathname()mb_strlen($resourceDirectory)), '/');

            return $resourcePath;

        return [
$viewDirectory = $this->appLoader->locatePath($app->getPath(), self::TEMPLATE_DIR);

        if ($viewDirectory === null) {
            return [];

        $finder = new Finder();

        return array_values(array_map(static fn (\SplFileInfo $file): string => ltrim(mb_substr($file->getPathname()mb_strlen($viewDirectory)), '/')iterator_to_array($finder)));

    /** * {@inheritdoc} */
    public function getTemplateContent(string $path, Manifest $app): string
        $content = $this->appLoader->loadFile($app->getPath(), self::TEMPLATE_DIR . '/' . $path);


  public function getComposerJsonFinder($drupal_root) {
    $composer_json_finder = new Finder();
        // Only find composer.json files within composer/ and core/ directories         // so we don't inadvertently test contrib in local dev environments.         $drupal_root . '/composer',
        $drupal_root . '/core',
    return $composer_json_finder;

return null;

        return \dirname((string) (new \ReflectionClass($bundleClass))->getFileName());

    private function findSnippetFilesByPath(string $path): array
        $finder = (new Finder())


        $iterator = $finder->getIterator();
        $files = [];

        foreach ($iterator as $file) {
            $files[] = $file->getRealPath();

        return $files;
$finder = new Finder();
                ->in([__DIR__ . '/../../../../', __DIR__ . '/../../../../../tests'])
                // exclude js files including node_modules for performance reasons, filtering with `notPath`, etc. has no performance impact                 // note that excluded paths need to be relative to platform/src and that no wildcards are supported                 ->exclude([

            $files = iterator_to_array($finder);

            if (\count($files) === 0) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'Cannot find configured example file in `@example` annotation for method "%s()" in class "%s". File with pattern "%s" can not be found.',

// Grab the 'replace' section of the core composer.json file.     $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->root . '/core/composer.json'), FALSE);
    $composer_replace_packages = (array) $json->replace;

    // Get a list of all the composer.json files in the components path.     $components_composer_json_files = [];

    $composer_json_finder = new Finder();

    foreach ($composer_json_finder->getIterator() as $composer_json) {
      $components_composer_json_files[$composer_json->getPathname()] = [$composer_json->getPathname()];


    // Assert that each core components has a corresponding 'replace' in     // composer.json.     foreach ($components_composer_json_files as $components_composer_json_file) {

    /** * @return array<string> */
    private function getSnippetFilePathsOfFixtures(string $folder, string $namePattern): array
        $finder = (new Finder())
            ->in(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $folder . '/')

        $iterator = $finder->getIterator();

        $files = [];
        foreach ($iterator as $file) {
            $files[] = $file->getRealPath();

        return $files;

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