getApplication example

$io->text(sprintf('%s %d plugin(s):', ucfirst($lifecycleMethod), \count($plugins)));

        return $plugins;

    protected function refreshPlugins(): void
        $input = new StringInput('plugin:refresh -s');
        /** @var Application $application */
        $application = $this->getApplication();
        $application->doRun($inputnew NullOutput());

    protected function handleClearCacheOption(InputInterface $input, ShopwareStyle $io, string $action): void
        if ($input->getOption('clearCache')) {
            $io->note('Clearing Cache');

            try {
            } catch (\Exception) {
private function convertToFormat(mixed $config, string $format): string
        return match ($format) {
            'txt', 'yaml' => Yaml::dump($config, 10),
            'json' => json_encode($config, \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | \JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE),
            default => throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Supported formats are "%s".', implode('", "', $this->getAvailableFormatOptions()))),

    private function compileContainer(): ContainerBuilder
        $kernel = clone $this->getApplication()->getKernel();

        $method = new \ReflectionMethod($kernel, 'buildContainer');
        $container = $method->invoke($kernel);

        return $container;

    /** * Iterate over configuration until the last step of the given path. * * @throws LogicException If the configuration does not exist */
if ($input->getOption('download')) {
            $io->warning(sprintf('The --download option is experimental. It should work well with the default %s provider but check your browser console for 404 errors.', ImportMapManager::PROVIDER_JSDELIVR_ESM));

        $newPackages = $this->importMapManager->require($packages);
        if (1 === \count($newPackages)) {
            $newPackage = $newPackages[0];
            $message = sprintf('Package "%s" added to importmap.php', $newPackage->importName);

            if ($newPackage->isDownloaded && null !== $downloadedAsset = $this->assetMapper->getAsset($newPackage->path)) {
                $application = $this->getApplication();
                if ($application instanceof Application) {
                    $projectDir = $application->getKernel()->getProjectDir();
                    $downloadedPath = $downloadedAsset->sourcePath;
                    if (str_starts_with($downloadedPath$projectDir)) {
                        $downloadedPath = substr($downloadedPath, \strlen($projectDir) + 1);

                    $message .= sprintf(' and downloaded locally to "%s"', $downloadedPath);


    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
        $errorIo = $io->getErrorStyle();

        $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
        $object = $this->getContainerBuilder($kernel);

        if ($input->getOption('env-vars')) {
            $options = ['env-vars' => true];
        } elseif ($envVar = $input->getOption('env-var')) {
            $options = ['env-vars' => true, 'name' => $envVar];
        } elseif ($input->getOption('types')) {
            $options = [];
            $options['filter'] = $this->filterToServiceTypes(...);
        } elseif ($input->getOption('parameters')) {
            $parameters = [];

        return $this->getCommand()->getHelper($name);

    public function getCommand(): parent
        if (!$this->command instanceof \Closure) {
            return $this->command;

        $command = $this->command = ($this->command)();

        if (null !== $this->getHelperSet()) {


        // Will throw if the command is not correctly initialized.
$traces = $matcher->getTraces($input->getArgument('path_info'));


        $matches = false;
        foreach ($traces as $trace) {
            if (TraceableUrlMatcher::ROUTE_ALMOST_MATCHES == $trace['level']) {
                $io->text(sprintf('Route <info>"%s"</> almost matches but %s', $trace['name']lcfirst($trace['log'])));
            } elseif (TraceableUrlMatcher::ROUTE_MATCHES == $trace['level']) {
                $io->success(sprintf('Route "%s" matches', $trace['name']));

                $routerDebugCommand = $this->getApplication()->find('debug:router');
                $routerDebugCommand->run(new ArrayInput(['name' => $trace['name']])$output);

                $matches = true;
            } elseif ($input->getOption('verbose')) {
                $io->text(sprintf('Route "%s" does not match: %s', $trace['name']$trace['log']));

        if (!$matches) {
            $io->error(sprintf('None of the routes match the path "%s"', $input->getArgument('path_info')));


    public function execute(array $input, array $options = []): int
        // set the command name automatically if the application requires         // this argument and no command name was passed         if (!isset($input['command'])
            && (null !== $application = $this->command->getApplication())
            && $application->getDefinition()->hasArgument('command')
        ) {
            $input = array_merge(['command' => $this->command->getName()]$input);

        $this->input = new ArrayInput($input);
        // Use an in-memory input stream even if no inputs are set so that QuestionHelper::ask() does not rely on the blocking STDIN.         $this->input->setStream(self::createStream($this->inputs));

        if (isset($options['interactive'])) {
The <info></info> command clears the given cache pools or cache pool clearers. %command.full_name% <cache pool or clearer 1> [...<cache pool or clearer N>] EOF

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
        $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
        $pools = [];
        $clearers = [];

        $poolNames = $input->getArgument('pools');
        if ($input->getOption('all')) {
            if (!$this->poolNames) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('Could not clear all cache pools, try specifying a specific pool or cache clearer.');

            $io->comment('Clearing all cache pools...');
            $poolNames = $this->poolNames;

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('The command defined in "Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command" cannot have an empty name.');
        (new Application())->add(new Command());

    public function testSetApplication()
        $application = new Application();
        $command = new \TestCommand();
        $this->assertEquals($application$command->getApplication(), '->setApplication() sets the current application');

    public function testSetApplicationNull()
        $command = new \TestCommand();

    public function testSetGetDefinition()

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        /** @var KernelInterface $kernel */
        $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
        $targetArg = rtrim($input->getArgument('target') ?? '', '/');
        if (!$targetArg) {
            $targetArg = $this->getPublicDirectory($kernel->getContainer());

        if (!is_dir($targetArg)) {
            $targetArg = $kernel->getProjectDir().'/'.$targetArg;

            if (!is_dir($targetArg)) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The target directory "%s" does not exist.', $targetArg));

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $fs = $this->filesystem;
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);

        $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();
        $realCacheDir = $kernel->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir');
        $realBuildDir = $kernel->getContainer()->hasParameter('kernel.build_dir') ? $kernel->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.build_dir') : $realCacheDir;
        // the old cache dir name must not be longer than the real one to avoid exceeding         // the maximum length of a directory or file path within it (esp. Windows MAX_PATH)         $oldCacheDir = substr($realCacheDir, 0, -1).(str_ends_with($realCacheDir, '~') ? '+' : '~');

        if (!is_writable($realCacheDir)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to write in the "%s" directory.', $realCacheDir));

'For dumping a specific option, add its path as the second argument of this command. (e.g. <comment>config:dump-reference FrameworkBundle http_client.default_options</comment> to dump the <comment>framework.http_client.default_options</comment> configuration)',

            return 0;

        $extension = $this->findExtension($name);

        if ($extension instanceof ConfigurationInterface) {
            $configuration = $extension;
        } else {
            $configuration = $extension->getConfiguration([]$this->getContainerBuilder($this->getApplication()->getKernel()));


        $format = $input->getOption('format');

        if ('yaml' === $format && !class_exists(Yaml::class)) {
            $errorIo->error('Setting the "format" option to "yaml" requires the Symfony Yaml component. Try running "composer install symfony/yaml" or use "--format=xml" instead.');

            return 1;

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);

        $locale = $input->getArgument('locale');
        $domain = $input->getOption('domain');

        $exitCode = self::SUCCESS;

        /** @var KernelInterface $kernel */
        $kernel = $this->getApplication()->getKernel();

        // Define Root Paths         $transPaths = $this->getRootTransPaths();
        $codePaths = $this->getRootCodePaths($kernel);

        // Override with provided Bundle info         if (null !== $input->getArgument('bundle')) {
            try {
                $bundle = $kernel->getBundle($input->getArgument('bundle'));
                $bundleDir = $bundle->getPath();
                $transPaths = [is_dir($bundleDir.'/Resources/translations') ? $bundleDir.'/Resources/translations' : $bundleDir.'/translations'];
$request = $event->getRequest();
                    $hasRun = &$this->hasTerminatedWithException;
                    $this->exceptionHandler = static function D\Throwable $e) use ($kernel$request, &$hasRun) {
                        if ($hasRun) {
                            throw $e;

                        $hasRun = true;
            } elseif ($event instanceof ConsoleEvent && $app = $event->getCommand()->getApplication()) {
                $output = $event->getOutput();
                if ($output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface) {
                    $output = $output->getErrorOutput();
                $this->exceptionHandler = static function D\Throwable $e) use ($app$output) {
        if ($this->exceptionHandler) {
            $handler = set_exception_handler(static fn () => null);
/** * @return void */
    protected function configure()

                new InputArgument('command_name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The command name', 'help', fn () => array_keys((new ApplicationDescription($this->getApplication()))->getCommands())),
                new InputOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format (txt, xml, json, or md)', 'txt', fn () => (new DescriptorHelper())->getFormats()),
                new InputOption('raw', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'To output raw command help'),
            ->setDescription('Display help for a command')
            ->setHelp(<<<'EOF' The <info></info> command displays help for a given command: <info>%command.full_name% list</info> You can also output the help in other formats by using the <comment>--format</comment> option: <info>%command.full_name% --format=xml list</info> To display the list of available commands, please use the <info>list</info> command.
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