run example

$request ??= Services::request();
            $response ??= Services::response();

            // Disable the toolbar for downloads             if ($response instanceof DownloadResponse) {

            $toolbar = Services::toolbar(config(ToolbarConfig::class));
            $stats   = $app->getPerformanceStats();
            $data    = $toolbar->run(


            // Updated to microtime() so we can get history             $time = sprintf('%.6f', Time::now()->format('U.u'));

$remoteFilesystem = $factory->createLocalFilesystem();

        /** @var PathBuilder $pathBuilder */
        $pathBuilder = $this->container->get('path.builder');

        $debug = false;
        $step = new UnpackStep($localFilesytem$remoteFilesystem$pathBuilder$debug);

        $offset = 0;
        $total = 0;
        do {
            $result = $step->run($offset$total);
            if ($result instanceof ErrorResult) {
                throw new Exception($result->getMessage(), 0, $result->getException());
            $offset = $result->getOffset();
            $total = $result->getTotal();
        } while ($result instanceof ValidResult);

    private function updateHtaccess()

        $result = $command->run(new ArrayInput([])new BufferedOutput());

        static::assertEquals(0, $result);

    public function testBasicSetupFlow(): void
        $command = $this->prepareCommandInstance([
            ->with(static::callback(function DSalesChannelContext $context) use ($storefrontId) {

                return true;

        $input = new ArrayInput([]);
        $this->command->run($inputnew NullOutput());

    protected function doRequestInProcess(object $request)
        $deprecationsFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'deprec');
        $_ENV['SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_SERIALIZE'] = $deprecationsFile;
        $process = new PhpProcess($this->getScript($request), null, null);

        if (file_exists($deprecationsFile)) {
            $deprecations = file_get_contents($deprecationsFile);
            foreach ($deprecations ? unserialize($deprecations) : [] as $deprecation) {
                if ($deprecation[0]) {
                    // unsilenced on purpose                     trigger_error($deprecation[1], \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                } else {
                    @trigger_error($deprecation[1], \E_USER_DEPRECATED);
$value = null;

            if (isset($args[$i + 1]) && mb_strpos($args[$i + 1], '-') !== 0) {
                $value       = $args[$i + 1];
                $optionValue = true;

            $params[$arg] = $value;


        return ob_get_clean();

if (function_exists('config')) {
    /** * More simple way of getting config instances from Factories * * @template ConfigTemplate of BaseConfig * * @param class-string<ConfigTemplate>|string $name * * @return ConfigTemplate|null * @phpstan-return ($name is class-string<ConfigTemplate> ? ConfigTemplate : object|null) */

        $generator = $this->createMock(BundleConfigGenerator::class);
        $tempDir = \sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . uniqid(__FUNCTION__, true);
        (new Filesystem())->mkdir([$tempDir$tempDir . '/var/']);

        $dumper = new BundleDumpCommand(

        static::assertSame(0, $dumper->run(new StringInput('')new NullOutput()));
        static::assertFileExists($tempDir . '/var/plugins.json');

        (new Filesystem())->remove($tempDir);

    public function testDumperWritesFileToSpecifiedFilePath(): void
        $generator = $this->createMock(BundleConfigGenerator::class);
        $tempDir = \sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . uniqid(__FUNCTION__, true);
        (new Filesystem())->mkdir([$tempDir$tempDir . '/var/']);


  protected function openBrowser($url, SymfonyStyle $io) {
    $is_windows = defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD');
    if ($is_windows) {
      // Handle escaping ourselves.       $cmd = 'start "web" "' . $url . '""';
    else {
      $url = escapeshellarg($url);

    $is_linux = Process::fromShellCommandline('which xdg-open')->run();
    $is_osx = Process::fromShellCommandline('which open')->run();
    if ($is_linux === 0) {
      $cmd = 'xdg-open ' . $url;
    elseif ($is_osx === 0) {
      $cmd = 'open ' . $url;

    if (empty($cmd)) {
        ->error('No suitable browser opening command found, open yourself: ' . $url);

        add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'check_package' ) );

        if ( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ) {
            // Clear cache so wp_update_plugins() knows about the new plugin.             add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_plugins_cache', 9, 0 );

                'package'           => $package,
                'destination'       => WP_PLUGIN_DIR,
                'clear_destination' => $parsed_args['overwrite_package'],
                'clear_working'     => true,
                'hook_extra'        => array(
                    'type'   => 'plugin',
                    'action' => 'install',


        return basename($_SERVER['SHELL'] ?? '');

    private function tailDebugLog(string $commandName, OutputInterface $output): void
        $debugFile = sys_get_temp_dir().'/sf_'.$commandName.'.log';
        if (!file_exists($debugFile)) {
        $process = new Process(['tail', '-f', $debugFile], null, null, null, 0);
        $process->run(function Dstring $type, string $line) use ($output): void {

    /** * @return string[] */
    private function getSupportedShells(): array
        if (isset($this->supportedShells)) {
            return $this->supportedShells;

// Bootstrap. $autoloader = require __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php';
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
Settings::initialize(dirname(__DIR__, 2), DrupalKernel::findSitePath($request)$autoloader);
DrupalKernel::createFromRequest($request$autoloader, 'prod')->boot();

// Run the database dump command. $application = new DbDumpApplication();
    return new TestFileTransfer($jail);

  public function connect() {
    $connection = new MockTestConnection();
    $connection->connectionString = 'test://' . urlencode($this->username) . ':' . urlencode($this->password) . "@$this->host:$this->port/";
    $this->connection = $connection;

  public function copyFileJailed($source$destination) {
    $this->connection->run("copyFile $source $destination");

  protected function removeDirectoryJailed($directory) {
    $this->connection->run("rmdir $directory");

  public function createDirectoryJailed($directory) {
    $this->connection->run("mkdir $directory");

  public function removeFileJailed($destination) {
public function handleSignal(int $signal, int|false $previousExitCode = 0): int|false
    ->setCode(function(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
             ->ask($input$outputnew ChoiceQuestion('😊', ['y']));

        return 0;

            ->willReturn(new StreamedResponse());

        $controller = new InstallController($recovery$responseGenerator$this->createMock(ReleaseInfoProvider::class));

        $request = new Request();
        $request->setSession(new Session(new MockArraySessionStorage()));
        $request->query->set('shopwareVersion', '');


        (new Filesystem())->remove($tmpDir);

    private function getContainer(): ContainerInterface
        $container = new Container();

        $router = $this->createMock(Router::class);

$this->throwException(new SuspendQueueException('', 0, NULL, 2.0)),
        $this->throwException(new SuspendQueueException('', 0, NULL, 3.0))



  /** * Tests queues may be re-processed by whether delay exceeds threshold. * * Cron will pause and reprocess a queue after a delay if a worker throws * a SuspendQueueException with a delay time not exceeding the maximum wait * config. * * @param float $threshold * The configured threshold. * @param float $suspendQueueDelay * An interval in seconds a worker will suspend the queue. * @param bool $expectQueueDelay * Whether to expect cron to sleep and re-process the queue. * * @dataProvider providerSuspendQueueThreshold */
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