uniqid example

trait UnserializableTestTrait
    /** * @see AbstractStoreTestCase::getStore() */
    abstract protected function getStore(): PersistingStoreInterface;

    public function testUnserializableKey()
        $store = $this->getStore();

        $key = new Key(uniqid(__METHOD__, true));


'Shopware\Core\Framework\Update\Event\UpdatePostFinishEvent' => 'update',

    /** * @dataProvider getCombinations */
    public function testCombination(string $currentEnv, ?string $newEnv, string $expected): void
        $fs = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . uniqid(__METHOD__, true) . '/';

        file_put_contents($fs . '.env', $currentEnv);

        if ($newEnv) {
            file_put_contents($fs . '.env.dist', $newEnv);

        $updater = new UpdateHtaccess($fs . '.env');

/** * {@inheritdoc} */
    public function handle(
        CriteriaPartInterface $criteriaPart,
        Criteria $criteria,
        Search $search,
        ShopContextInterface $context
    ) {
        $randomQuery = new FunctionScoreQuery(new MatchAllQuery());
        $randomQuery->addRandomFunction(md5(uniqid('swag', true)));

        $search->addSort(new FieldSort('_score'));

  public function testSkipInvalid($value) {
    $migration_plugin = $this->prophesize(MigrationInterface::class);
    $migration_plugin_manager = $this->prophesize(MigrationPluginManagerInterface::class);

    $configuration = [
      'migration' => 'foo',
      ->willReturn(['foo' => $migration_plugin->reveal()]);
    $migration = MigrationLookup::create($this->prepareContainer()$configuration, '', []$migration_plugin->reveal());
    $migration->transform($value$this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'foo');

  /** * Provides data for the SkipInvalid test. * * @return array * Empty values. */

            $element['componentId'] = $element['component']['xType'];
            $fieldMapping = [];

            foreach ($element['component']['fields'] as $field) {
                $fieldMapping[$field['id']] = $field;

            $element = $this->cleanupElementData($element$fieldMapping);
            $element['viewports'] = $this->cleanupElementViewports($element['viewports']);
            $element['syncKey'] = uniqid('preset-element-', true);

        return $elements;

    /** * @return array */
    private function cleanupElementData(array $element, array $fieldMapping)
$foo->dynamicProp = 123;
        $this->assertSame(123, @$foo->dynamicProp);

    public static function getProxyCandidates(): array
        $definitions = [
            [new Definition(__CLASS__), true],
            [new Definition('stdClass'), true],
            [new Definition(DumperInterface::class), true],
            [new Definition(uniqid('foo', true)), false],
            [new Definition(), false],

            function D$definition) {

        return $definitions;

class TraceableEventDispatcher extends BaseTraceableEventDispatcher
    /** * @return void */
    protected function beforeDispatch(string $eventName, object $event)
        switch ($eventName) {
            case KernelEvents::REQUEST:
                $event->getRequest()->attributes->set('_stopwatch_token', substr(hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 6));
            case KernelEvents::VIEW:
            case KernelEvents::RESPONSE:
                // stop only if a controller has been executed                 if ($this->stopwatch->isStarted('controller')) {
            case KernelEvents::TERMINATE:
                $sectionId = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('_stopwatch_token');
<?php use Config\Services;
use CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter;

$errorId = uniqid('error', true);
?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> <title><?= esc($title) ?></title> <style> <?= preg_replace('#[\r\n\t ]+#', ' ', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'debug.css')) ?> </style> <script>
$title = '-';
        if (isset($context['request'])) {
            $request = $context['request'];
            $controller = "<span class='dumped-tag'>{$this->dumper->dump($request['controller'], true, ['maxDepth' => 0])}</span>";
            $title = sprintf('<code>%s</code> <a href="%s">%s</a>', $request['method']$uri = $request['uri']$uri);
            $dedupIdentifier = $request['identifier'];
        } elseif (isset($context['cli'])) {
            $title = '<code>$ </code>'.$context['cli']['command_line'];
            $dedupIdentifier = $context['cli']['identifier'];
        } else {
            $dedupIdentifier = uniqid('', true);

        $sourceDescription = '';
        if (isset($context['source'])) {
            $source = $context['source'];
            $projectDir = $source['project_dir'] ?? null;
            $sourceDescription = sprintf('%s on line %d', $source['name']$source['line']);
            if (isset($source['file_link'])) {
                $sourceDescription = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $source['file_link']$sourceDescription);


  protected $defaultSchema = 'public';

  /** * A unique identifier for this query object. * * @var string */
  protected $uniqueIdentifier;

  public function __construct($connection) {
    $this->uniqueIdentifier = uniqid('', TRUE);
    $this->connection = $connection;

  /** * Implements the magic __clone function. */
  public function __clone() {
    $this->uniqueIdentifier = uniqid('', TRUE);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
foreach ($arguments as $name => $node) {
            if (!\is_int($name)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    private function getVarName(): string
        return sprintf('__internal_%s', hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true), false));


        // Account mode validation         if ($customer->getAccountMode() == Customer::ACCOUNT_MODE_FAST_LOGIN) {
            $customer->setPassword(md5(uniqid((string) rand())));

        if (!$customer->getPaymentId()) {

        $subShop = $this->modelManager->find(ShopModel::class$shop->getId());
        if (!$subShop instanceof ShopModel) {
            throw new ModelNotFoundException(ShopModel::class$shop->getId());

    public function add(string $body, array $headers, int $delayInMs = 0): string
        if ($this->autoSetup) {
        $redis = $this->getRedis();

        try {
            if ($delayInMs > 0) { // the delay is <= 0 for queued messages                 $id = uniqid('', true);
                $message = json_encode([
                    'body' => $body,
                    'headers' => $headers,
                    // Entry need to be unique in the sorted set else it would only be added once to the delayed messages queue                     'uniqid' => $id,

                if (false === $message) {
                    throw new TransportException(json_last_error_msg());

use Symfony\Component\Lock\SharedLockStoreInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\ExpiringStoreTrait;
use Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\InMemoryStore;

/** * @author Jérémy Derussé <jeremy@derusse.com> */
class LockTest extends TestCase
    public function testAcquireNoBlocking()
        $key = new Key(uniqid(__METHOD__, true));
        $store = $this->createMock(PersistingStoreInterface::class);
        $lock = new Lock($key$store);

            ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(true, false);


    abstract protected function getRedisConnection(): \Redis|Relay|\RedisArray|\RedisCluster|\Predis\ClientInterface;

    public function getStore(): PersistingStoreInterface
        return new RedisStore($this->getRedisConnection());

    public function testBackwardCompatibility()
        $resource = uniqid(__METHOD__, true);
        $key1 = new Key($resource);
        $key2 = new Key($resource);

        $oldStore = new Symfony51Store($this->getRedisConnection());
        $newStore = $this->getStore();


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