mkdir example

    private PhpBundleWriter $writer;
    private string $directory;
    private Filesystem $filesystem;

    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->writer = new PhpBundleWriter();
        $this->directory = sys_get_temp_dir().'/PhpBundleWriterTest/'.mt_rand(1000, 9999);
        $this->filesystem = new Filesystem();


    protected function tearDown(): void

    public function testWrite()
        $this->writer->write($this->directory, 'en', [
            'Entry1' => [
                            : dirname($v_header['filename']))
                    )) != 1
                ) {
                    $this->_error('Unable to create path for ' . $v_header['filename']);
                    return false;

                if ($v_extract_file) {
                    if ($v_header['typeflag'] == "5") {
                        if (!@file_exists($v_header['filename'])) {
                            if (!@mkdir($v_header['filename'], 0777)) {
                                    'Unable to create directory {'
                                    . $v_header['filename'] . '}'
                                return false;
                    } elseif ($v_header['typeflag'] == "2") {
                        if (!$p_symlinks) {
                            $this->_warning('Symbolic links are not allowed. '
                                . 'Unable to extract {'
use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\CommandTester;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;

class BundlePathsTest extends AbstractWebTestCase
    public function testBundlePublicDir()
        $kernel = static::bootKernel(['test_case' => 'BundlePaths']);
        $projectDir = sys_get_temp_dir().'/'.uniqid('sf_bundle_paths', true);

        $fs = new Filesystem();
        $command = (new Application($kernel))->add(new AssetsInstallCommand($fs$projectDir));
        $exitCode = (new CommandTester($command))->execute(['target' => $projectDir.'/public']);

        $this->assertSame(0, $exitCode);


    public function testBundleTwigTemplatesDir()
$container->register('foo', \stdClass::class)
            ->addTag('proxy', ['interface' => \stdClass::class]);

        $fileSystem = new Filesystem();

        $temporaryPath = $fileSystem->tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'symfonyManagerRegistryTest');

        $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);

        $containerFiles = $dumper->dump([
            'class' => 'LazyServiceDoctrineBridgeContainerAsFiles',
            'as_files' => true,

            static function Dstring $containerSources, string $fileName) use ($temporaryPath): void {
$this->assertStringContainsString('This theme requires the listed modules to operate correctly.', $theme_container->getText());

  /** * Tests that incompatible themes message is shown. */
  public function testInstalledIncompatibleTheme() {
    $page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
    $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
    $incompatible_themes_message = 'There are errors with some installed themes. Visit the status report page for more information.';
    $path = \Drupal::getContainer()->getParameter('site.path') . "/themes/changing_theme";
    mkdir($path, 0777, TRUE);
    $file_path = "$path/";
    $theme_name = 'Theme that changes';
    $info = [
      'name' => $theme_name,
      'type' => 'theme',
      'base theme' => FALSE,

    $compatible_info = $info + ['core_version_requirement' => '*'];
    $incompatible_info = $info + ['core_version_requirement' => '^1'];

/** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function prepareEnvironment() {
    $this->configDirectory = $this->publicFilesDirectory . '/config_' . Crypt::randomBytesBase64();
    $this->settings['settings']['config_sync_directory'] = (object) [
      'value' => $this->configDirectory . '/sync',
      'required' => TRUE,
    // Create the files directory early so we can test the error case.     mkdir($this->publicFilesDirectory);
    // Create a file so the directory can not be created.     file_put_contents($this->configDirectory, 'Test');

  /** * Installer step: Configure settings. */
  protected function setUpSettings() {
    // This step should not appear as we had a failure prior to the settings     // screen.   }

$this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains("Epic upload FAIL!");

  /** * Tests for log entry on failing destination. */
  public function testDrupalMovingUploadedFileError() {
    // Create a directory and make it not writable.     $test_directory = 'test_drupal_move_uploaded_file_fail';
    /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system */
    $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');
    $file_system->mkdir('temporary://' . $test_directory, 0000);
    $this->assertDirectoryExists('temporary://' . $test_directory);

    $edit = [
      'file_subdir' => $test_directory,
      'files[file_test_upload]' => $file_system->realpath($this->image->getFileUri()),

    \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.disable_error_collection', TRUE);
    $this->submitForm($edit, 'Submit');

        $runtimeDirectories = [
            'cache' => $this->getCacheDir(),
            'coreCache' => $this->config['cache']['backendOptions']['cache_dir'],
            'mpdfTemp' => $this->config['mpdf']['defaultConfig']['tempDir'],
            'mpdfFontData' => $this->config['mpdf']['defaultConfig']['tempDir'] . '/ttfontdata',
            'logs' => $this->getLogDir(),

        foreach ($runtimeDirectories as $name => $dir) {
            if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                if (@mkdir($dir, 0777, true) === false && !is_dir($dir)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to create the %s directory (%s)\n", $name$dir));
            } elseif (!is_writable($dir)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to write in the %s directory (%s)\n", $name$dir));

        $container = $this->getContainerBuilder();

    Process::fromShellCommandline('mv core/themes/starterkit_theme themes/', $this->getWorkspaceDirectory())->run();

    // Confirm that 'git' is available.     $output = [];
    exec('git --help', $output$status);
    $this->assertEquals(0, $status);
    // Modify our $PATH so that it begins with a path that contains an     // executable script named 'git' that always exits with 127, as if git were     // not found. Note that we run our tests using process isolation, so we do     // not need to restore the PATH when we are done.     $unavailableGitPath = $this->getWorkspaceDirectory() . '/bin';
    $bash = <<<SH #!/bin/bash exit 127 SH;
    file_put_contents($unavailableGitPath . '/git', $bash);
    chmod($unavailableGitPath . '/git', 0755);
    // Confirm that 'git' is no longer available.     $env = [
      'PATH' => $unavailableGitPath . ':' . getenv('PATH'),
      'COLUMNS' => 80,

    public static function initMaildir($dir)
        if (file_exists($dir)) {
            if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                /** * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception */
                throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('maildir must be a directory if already exists');
        } else {
            if (!mkdir($dir)) {
                /** * @see Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception */
                $dir = dirname($dir);
                if (!file_exists($dir)) {
                    throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("parent $dir not found");
                } else if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                    throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception("parent $dir not a directory");
                } else {
                    throw new Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception('cannot create maildir');
use StoreClientBehaviour;

    /** * @var ExtensionDownloader */
    private $extensionDownloader;

    protected function setUp(): void
        $this->extensionDownloader = $this->getContainer()->get(ExtensionDownloader::class);

        @mkdir($this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.app_dir'), 0777, true);

    public function testDownloadExtension(): void
        $this->getRequestHandler()->append(new Response(200, [], '{"location": "http://localhost/", "type": "app"}'));
        $this->getRequestHandler()->append(new Response(200, [](string) file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../_fixtures/')));

        $context = $this->createAdminStoreContext();

        $this->extensionDownloader->download('TestApp', $context);
    $profiles = ['standard', 'demo_umami'];
    foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
      $info = [
        'type' => 'profile',
        'core_version_requirement' => '^8 || ^9 || ^10',
        'name' => 'Override ' . $profile,
        'hidden' => TRUE,
      // File API functions are not available yet.       $path = $this->siteDirectory . '/profiles/' . $profile;
      mkdir($path, 0777, TRUE);
      file_put_contents("$path/$", Yaml::encode($info));

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function setUpProfile() {
    // This step is skipped, because there is only one visible profile.   }


        return $this->destination;

    /** * Returns the temporary workspace, creating it if necessary. */
    final public function getScratch(): string
        if ($this->scratch === null) {
            $this->scratch = rtrim(sys_get_temp_dir(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . bin2hex(random_bytes(6)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
            mkdir($this->scratch, 0700);
            $this->scratch = realpath($this->scratch) ? realpath($this->scratch) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
                : $this->scratch;

        return $this->scratch;

    /** * Returns errors from the last write operation if any. * * @return array<string,Throwable> */
$container = new ContainerBuilder();

        $container->register('foo', \stdClass::class)

        $fileSystem = new Filesystem();

        $temporaryPath = $fileSystem->tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'symfonyManagerRegistryTest');

        $dumper = new PhpDumper($container);

        $dumper->setProxyDumper(new ProxyDumper());
        $containerFiles = $dumper->dump([
            'class' => 'LazyServiceProjectAsFilesServiceContainer',
            'as_files' => true,

'core_version_requirement' => '*',
      'name' => 'Distribution profile',
      'distribution' => [
        'name' => 'My Distribution',
        'install' => [
          'theme' => 'olivero',
    // File API functions are not available yet.     $path = $this->siteDirectory . '/profiles/my_distro';
    mkdir($path, 0777, TRUE);
    file_put_contents("$path/", Yaml::encode($this->info));

    // Pre-configure hash salt.     // Any string is valid, so simply use the class name of this test.     $this->settings['settings']['hash_salt'] = (object) [
      'value' => __CLASS__,
      'required' => TRUE,

    // Pre-configure database credentials.     $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo();
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