hash example

foreach ($catalogueMetadata as $key => $value) {
                $xliffProp = $xliffPropGroup->appendChild($dom->createElement('prop'));
                $xliffProp->setAttribute('prop-type', $key);

        $xliffBody = $xliffFile->appendChild($dom->createElement('body'));
        foreach ($messages->all($domain) as $source => $target) {
            $translation = $dom->createElement('trans-unit');

            $translation->setAttribute('id', strtr(substr(base64_encode(hash('sha256', $source, true)), 0, 7), '/+', '._'));
            $translation->setAttribute('resname', $source);

            $s = $translation->appendChild($dom->createElement('source'));

            // Does the target contain characters requiring a CDATA section?             $text = 1 === preg_match('/[&<>]/', $target) ? $dom->createCDATASection($target) : $dom->createTextNode($target);

            $targetElement = $dom->createElement('target');
            $metadata = $messages->getMetadata($source$domain);
            if ($this->hasMetadataArrayInfo('target-attributes', $metadata)) {
if ($autowireAttributes) {
                        $attribute = $autowireAttributes[0]->newInstance();
                        $value = $parameterBag->resolveValue($attribute->value);

                        if ($attribute instanceof AutowireCallable) {
                            $value = $attribute->buildDefinition($value$type$p);

                        if ($value instanceof Reference) {
                            $args[$p->name] = $type ? new TypedReference($value$type$invalidBehavior$p->name) : new Reference($value$invalidBehavior);
                        } else {
                            $args[$p->name] = new Reference('.value.'.$container->hash($value));
                            $container->register((string) $args[$p->name], 'mixed')


                    if ($type && !$p->isOptional() && !$p->allowsNull() && !class_exists($type) && !interface_exists($type, false)) {
                        $message = sprintf('Cannot determine controller argument for "%s::%s()": the $%s argument is type-hinted with the non-existent class or interface: "%s".', $class$r->name, $p->name, $type);

$lastModified = null;
        $etag = null;

        /** @var Cache[] $attributes */
        foreach ($attributes as $cache) {
            if (null !== $cache->lastModified) {
                $lastModified = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($cache->lastModified, array_merge($request->attributes->all()$event->getNamedArguments()));
                ($response ??= new Response())->setLastModified($lastModified);

            if (null !== $cache->etag) {
                $etag = hash('sha256', $this->getExpressionLanguage()->evaluate($cache->etag, array_merge($request->attributes->all()$event->getNamedArguments())));
                ($response ??= new Response())->setEtag($etag);

        if ($response?->isNotModified($request)) {
            $event->setController(static fn () => $response);


$services[] = (string) $value;

        return $services;

    /** * Computes a reasonably unique hash of a serializable value. */
    public static function hash(mixed $value): string
        $hash = substr(base64_encode(hash('sha256', serialize($value), true)), 0, 7);

        return str_replace(['/', '+']['.', '_']$hash);

    protected function getEnv(string $name): mixed
        $value = parent::getEnv($name);
        $bag = $this->getParameterBag();

        if (!\is_string($value) || !$bag instanceof EnvPlaceholderParameterBag) {
            return $value;
// Prepare the view with the information we have, but only if we were     // passed arguments, as they may have been set previously.     if ($args) {

    // Let modules modify the view just prior to executing it.     \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('views_pre_view', [$this$display_id, &$this->args]);

    // Allow hook_views_pre_view() to set the dom_id, then ensure it is set.     $this->dom_id = !empty($this->dom_id) ? $this->dom_id : hash('sha256', $this->storage->id() . REQUEST_TIME . mt_rand());

    // Allow the display handler to set up for execution     $this->display_handler->preExecute();

  /** * Unsets the current view, mostly. */
  public function postExecute() {
    // unset current view so we can be properly destructed later on.     // Return the previous value in case we're an attachment.
'build_info' => $build_info,
      // @todo https://www.drupal.org/node/2433591 might solve it to not require       // the pager information here.       $key_data['pager'] = [
        'page' => $this->view->getCurrentPage(),
        'items_per_page' => $this->view->getItemsPerPage(),
        'offset' => $this->view->getOffset(),
      $key_data += \Drupal::service('cache_contexts_manager')->convertTokensToKeys($this->displayHandler->getCacheMetadata()->getCacheContexts())->getKeys();

      $this->resultsKey = $this->view->storage->id() . ':' . $this->displayHandler->display['id'] . ':results:' . hash('sha256', serialize($key_data));

    return $this->resultsKey;

  /** * Gets an array of cache tags for the current view. * * @return string[] * An array of cache tags based on the current view. */
foreach ($arguments as $name => $node) {
            if (!\is_int($name)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    private function getVarName(): string
        return sprintf('__internal_%s', hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true), false));

  protected function itemHash(array $items$delta, array $properties) {
    $values = [];

    if (isset($items[$delta])) {
      foreach ($properties as $property) {
        if (!empty($items[$delta][$property])) {
          $value = $items[$delta][$property];
          // String and integer values are by far the most common item values,           // thus we special-case them to improve performance.           $values[] = is_string($value) || is_int($value) ? $value : hash('sha256', serialize($value));
        else {
          // Explicitly track also empty values.           $values[] = '';

    return implode('.', $values);


final class CliContextProvider implements ContextProviderInterface
    public function getContext(): ?array
        if ('cli' !== \PHP_SAPI) {
            return null;

        return [
            'command_line' => $commandLine = implode(' ', $_SERVER['argv'] ?? []),
            'identifier' => hash('crc32b', $commandLine.$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']),
foreach ($formDataPart->getPreparedHeaders()->all() as $header) {
                $options['headers'][] = $header->toString();

            $options['body'] = $formDataPart->bodyToIterable();


        $oauth = [
            'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->apiKey,
            'oauth_nonce' => self::$nonce = hash('xxh128', self::$nonce ??= random_bytes(16)),
            'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
            'oauth_timestamp' => time(),
            'oauth_token' => $this->accessToken,
            'oauth_version' => '1.0',

        $sign = $oauth + ($options['query'] ?? []) + (\is_array($options['body'] ?? null) ? $options['body'] : []);

        $oauth['oauth_signature'] = base64_encode(hash_hmac(

    public static function castOpensslX509($h, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested)
        $stub->cut = -1;
        $info = openssl_x509_parse($h, false);

        $pin = openssl_pkey_get_public($h);
        $pin = openssl_pkey_get_details($pin)['key'];
        $pin = \array_slice(explode("\n", $pin), 1, -2);
        $pin = base64_decode(implode('', $pin));
        $pin = base64_encode(hash('sha256', $pin, true));

        $a += [
            'subject' => new EnumStub(array_intersect_key($info['subject']['organizationName' => true, 'commonName' => true])),
            'issuer' => new EnumStub(array_intersect_key($info['issuer']['organizationName' => true, 'commonName' => true])),
            'expiry' => new ConstStub(date(\DateTimeInterface::ISO8601, $info['validTo_time_t'])$info['validTo_time_t']),
            'fingerprint' => new EnumStub([
                'md5' => new ConstStub(wordwrap(strtoupper(openssl_x509_fingerprint($h, 'md5')), 2, ':', true)),
                'sha1' => new ConstStub(wordwrap(strtoupper(openssl_x509_fingerprint($h, 'sha1')), 2, ':', true)),
                'sha256' => new ConstStub(wordwrap(strtoupper(openssl_x509_fingerprint($h, 'sha256')), 2, ':', true)),
                'pin-sha256' => new ConstStub($pin),
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid handler service "%s": class or interface "%s" '.$messageLocation.' not found.', $serviceId$message));

                    if (!$r->hasMethod($method)) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid handler service "%s": method "%s::%s()" does not exist.', $serviceId$r->getName()$method));

                    if ('__invoke' !== $method) {
                        $wrapperDefinition = (new Definition('Closure'))->addArgument([new Reference($serviceId)$method])->setFactory('Closure::fromCallable');

                        $definitions[$definitionId = '.messenger.method_on_object_wrapper.'.ContainerBuilder::hash($message.':'.$priority.':'.$serviceId.':'.$method)] = $wrapperDefinition;
                    } else {
                        $definitionId = $serviceId;

                    $handlerToOriginalServiceIdMapping[$definitionId] = $serviceId;

                    foreach ($buses as $handlerBus) {
                        $handlersByBusAndMessage[$handlerBus][$message][$priority][] = [$definitionId$options];

$code .= $this->endClass();

            if ($this->inlineFactories && $proxyClasses) {
                $files['proxy-classes.php'] = "<?php\n\n";

                foreach ($proxyClasses as $c) {
                    $files['proxy-classes.php'] .= $c;

            $files[$options['class'].'.php'] = $code;
            $hash = ucfirst(strtr(ContainerBuilder::hash($files), '._', 'xx'));
            $code = [];

            foreach ($files as $file => $c) {
                $code["Container{$hash}/{$file}"] = substr_replace($c, "<?php\n\nnamespace Container{$hash};\n", 0, 6);

                if (isset($preloadedFiles[$file])) {
                    $preloadedFiles[$file] = "Container{$hash}/{$file}";
            $namespaceLine = $this->namespace ? "\nnamespace {$this->namespace};\n" : '';
            $time = $options['build_time'];
            $factoryChildMiddlewareArgs1Id = $fooBusId.'.middleware.middleware_with_factory'
            ['foo', 'bar'],
            'parent default argument is overridden, and next ones appended'

            $factoryChildMiddlewareArgs2Id = $fooBusId.'.middleware.middleware_with_factory.'.ContainerBuilder::hash($factoryChildMiddlewareArgs2)
            'parent default argument is overridden, and next ones appended'

            $factoryWithDefaultChildMiddlewareId = $fooBusId.'.middleware.middleware_with_factory_using_default'

  public static function keyFromQuery(SelectInterface $query) {
    @trigger_error(__METHOD__ . ' is deprecated in drupal:10.1.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. No replacement provided. https://www.drupal.org/node/3322044', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $keys = [(string) $query$query->getArguments()];
    return hash('sha256', serialize($keys));

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