getEnv example

    private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
        'hello' => false,
    private $dynamicParameters = [];

    private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
        $container = $this;
        $value = match ($name) {
            'hello' => $container->getEnv('url:foo'),
            default => throw new ParameterNotFoundException($name),
        $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;

        return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;

    protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
        return [
            'env(foo)' => 'postgres://user@localhost:5432/database?sslmode=disable',
return $collection;

    /** * @param RouteAnnotation $annot or an object that exposes a similar interface * * @return void */
    protected function addRoute(RouteCollection $collection, object $annot, array $globals, \ReflectionClass $class, \ReflectionMethod $method)
        if ($annot->getEnv() && $annot->getEnv() !== $this->env) {

        $name = $annot->getName() ?? $this->getDefaultRouteName($class$method);
        $name = $globals['name'].$name;

        $requirements = $annot->getRequirements();

        foreach ($requirements as $placeholder => $requirement) {
            if (\is_int($placeholder)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A placeholder name must be a string (%d given). Did you forget to specify the placeholder key for the requirement "%s" of route "%s" in "%s::%s()"?', $placeholder$requirement$name$class->getName()$method->getName()));

    private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
        'hello' => false,
    private $dynamicParameters = [];

    private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
        $container = $this;
        $value = match ($name) {
            'hello' => $container->getEnv('base64:foo'),
            default => throw new ParameterNotFoundException($name),
        $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;

        return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;

    protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
        return [
            'env(foo)' => 'd29ybGQ=',

        return $container->services['bar'] = new \stdClass(($container->privates['bar_%env(BAR)%'] ??= new \stdClass()));

    /** * Gets the public 'foo' shared service. * * @return \stdClass */
    protected static function getFooService($container)
        return $container->services['foo'] = new \stdClass(($container->privates['bar_%env(BAR)%'] ??= new \stdClass())['baz_'.$container->getEnv('string:BAR') => new \stdClass()]);

    public function getParameter(string $name): array|bool|string|int|float|\UnitEnum|null
        if (!(isset($this->parameters[$name]) || isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name$this->parameters))) {
            throw new ParameterNotFoundException($name);
        if (isset($this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name])) {
            return $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] ? $this->dynamicParameters[$name] : $this->getDynamicParameter($name);

protected function getEnv(string $name): mixed
        if (isset($this->resolving[$envName = "env($name)"])) {
            throw new ParameterCircularReferenceException(array_keys($this->resolving));
        if (isset($this->envCache[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name$this->envCache)) {
            return $this->envCache[$name];
        if (!$this->has($id = 'container.env_var_processors_locator')) {
            $this->set($idnew ServiceLocator([]));
        $this->getEnv ??= $this->getEnv(...);
        $processors = $this->get($id);

        if (false !== $i = strpos($name, ':')) {
            $prefix = substr($name, 0, $i);
            $localName = substr($name, 1 + $i);
        } else {
            $prefix = 'string';
            $localName = $name;

        if ($processors->has($prefix)) {
private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
        'hello' => false,
        'hello-bar' => false,
    private $dynamicParameters = [];

    private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
        $container = $this;
        $value = match ($name) {
            'hello' => $container->getEnv('json:foo'),
            'hello-bar' => $container->getEnv('json:bar'),
            default => throw new ParameterNotFoundException($name),
        $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;

        return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;

    protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
        return [

    private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
        'hello' => false,
    private $dynamicParameters = [];

    private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
        $container = $this;
        $value = match ($name) {
            'hello' => $container->getEnv('rot13:foo'),
            default => throw new ParameterNotFoundException($name),
        $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;

        return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;

    protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
        return [
            'env(foo)' => 'jbeyq',
protected function getEnv(string $name): mixed
        if (isset($this->resolving[$envName = "env($name)"])) {
            throw new ParameterCircularReferenceException(array_keys($this->resolving));
        if (isset($this->envCache[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name$this->envCache)) {
            return $this->envCache[$name];
        if (!$this->has($id = 'container.env_var_processors_locator')) {
            $this->set($idnew ServiceLocator([]));
        $this->getEnv ??= $this->getEnv(...);
        $processors = $this->get($id);

        if (false !== $i = strpos($name, ':')) {
            $prefix = substr($name, 0, $i);
            $localName = substr($name, 1 + $i);
        } else {
            $prefix = 'string';
            $localName = $name;

        $processor = $processors->has($prefix) ? $processors->get($prefix) : new EnvVarProcessor($this);
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;

class ConfigDataCollectorTest extends TestCase
    public function testCollect()
        $kernel = new KernelForTest('test', true);
        $c = new ConfigDataCollector();
        $c->collect(new Request()new Response());

        $this->assertSame('test', $c->getEnv());
        $this->assertSame('config', $c->getName());
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('~^'.preg_quote($c->getPhpVersion(), '~').'~', \PHP_VERSION);
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('~'.preg_quote((string) $c->getPhpVersionExtra(), '~').'$~', \PHP_VERSION);
        $this->assertSame(\PHP_INT_SIZE * 8, $c->getPhpArchitecture());
        $this->assertSame(class_exists(\Locale::class, false) && \Locale::getDefault() ? \Locale::getDefault() : 'n/a', $c->getPhpIntlLocale());
        $this->assertSame(Kernel::VERSION, $c->getSymfonyVersion());
        $this->assertSame(4 === Kernel::MINOR_VERSION, $c->isSymfonyLts());

    private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
        'hello' => false,
    private $dynamicParameters = [];

    private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
        $container = $this;
        $value = match ($name) {
            'hello' => $container->getEnv('query_string:foo'),
            default => throw new ParameterNotFoundException($name),
        $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;

        return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;

    protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
        return [
            'env(foo)' => 'foo=bar&baz[]=qux',

        return true;

    /** * Gets the public 'service_from_anonymous_factory' shared service. * * @return object A %env(FOO)% instance */
    protected static function getServiceFromAnonymousFactoryService($container)
        return $container->services['service_from_anonymous_factory'] = (new ${($_ = $container->getEnv('FOO')) && false ?: "_"}())->getInstance();

    /** * Gets the public 'service_with_method_call_and_factory' shared service. * * @return \Bar\FooClass */
    protected static function getServiceWithMethodCallAndFactoryService($container)
        $container->services['service_with_method_call_and_factory'] = $instance = new \Bar\FooClass();

return $collection;

    /** * @param RouteAnnotation $annot or an object that exposes a similar interface * * @return void */
    protected function addRoute(RouteCollection $collection, object $annot, array $globals, \ReflectionClass $class, \ReflectionMethod $method)
        if ($annot->getEnv() && $annot->getEnv() !== $this->env) {

        $name = $annot->getName() ?? $this->getDefaultRouteName($class$method);
        $name = $globals['name'].$name;

        $requirements = $annot->getRequirements();

        foreach ($requirements as $placeholder => $requirement) {
            if (\is_int($placeholder)) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A placeholder name must be a string (%d given). Did you forget to specify the placeholder key for the requirement "%s" of route "%s" in "%s::%s()"?', $placeholder$requirement$name$class->getName()$method->getName()));

        return true;

    /** * Gets the public 'bar' shared service. * * @return \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Tests\Fixtures\Bar */
    protected static function getBarService($container)
        return $container->services['bar'] = new \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Tests\Fixtures\Bar($container->getEnv('QUZ'));

    /** * Gets the public 'test' shared service. * * @return object A %env(FOO)% instance */
    protected static function getTestService($container)
        return $container->services['test'] = new ${($_ = $container->getEnv('FOO')) && false ?: "_"}($container->getEnv('Bar'), 'foo'.$container->getEnv('string:FOO').'baz', $container->getEnv('int:Baz'));


        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Command line is missing a value for parameter "abc": echo "${:abc}"');
        $p = Process::fromShellCommandline('echo "${:abc}"');
        $p->run(null, []);

    public function testEnvArgument()
        $cmd = '\\' === \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? 'echo !FOO! !BAR! !BAZ!' : 'echo $FOO $BAR $BAZ';
        $p = Process::fromShellCommandline($cmd);

        $env = ['FOO' => 'Foo', 'BAR' => 'Bar'];
        $p = Process::fromShellCommandline($cmd, null, $env);
        $p->run(null, ['BAR' => 'baR', 'BAZ' => 'baZ']);

        $this->assertSame('Foo baR baZ', rtrim($p->getOutput()));

    public function testWaitStoppedDeadProcess()
private $loadedDynamicParameters = [
        'fallback_env' => false,
        'hello' => false,
        'hello-bar' => false,
    private $dynamicParameters = [];

    private function getDynamicParameter(string $name)
        $container = $this;
        $value = match ($name) {
            'fallback_env' => $container->getEnv('foobar'),
            'hello' => $container->getEnv('default:fallback_param:bar'),
            'hello-bar' => $container->getEnv('default:fallback_env:key:baz:json:foo'),
            default => throw new ParameterNotFoundException($name),
        $this->loadedDynamicParameters[$name] = true;

        return $this->dynamicParameters[$name] = $value;

    protected function getDefaultParameters(): array
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