strpos example

// Make sure the page display shows the nodes we expect, and that they     // appear in the expected order.     $this->assertSession()->addressEquals($view['page[path]']);
    $content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent();
    $pos5 = strpos($content$node5->label());
    $pos4 = strpos($content$node4->label());
    $pos3 = strpos($content$node3->label());
    $pos2 = strpos($content$node2->label());

    // Confirm that the block is listed in the block administration UI.     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/block/list/' . $this->config('system.theme')->get('default'));
    $this->clickLink('Place block');


    function str_contains( $haystack$needle ) {
        if ( '' === $needle ) {
            return true;

        return false !== strpos( $haystack$needle );

if ( ! function_exists( 'str_starts_with' ) ) {
    /** * Polyfill for `str_starts_with()` function added in PHP 8.0. * * Performs a case-sensitive check indicating if * the haystack begins with needle. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param string $haystack The string to search in. * @param string $needle The substring to search for in the `$haystack`. * @return bool True if `$haystack` starts with `$needle`, otherwise false. */
if (!str_contains($s, "'")) {
            return sprintf("'%s'", $s);

        if (!str_contains($s, '"')) {
            return sprintf('"%s"', $s);

        $string = $s;
        $parts = [];
        while (true) {
            if (false !== $pos = strpos($string, "'")) {
                $parts[] = sprintf("'%s'", substr($string, 0, $pos));
                $parts[] = "\"'\"";
                $string = substr($string$pos + 1);
            } else {
                $parts[] = "'$string'";

        return sprintf('concat(%s)', implode(', ', $parts));

protected static function parse_response($headers$url$req_headers$req_data$options) {
        $return = new Response();
        if (!$options['blocking']) {
            return $return;

        $return->raw  = $headers;
        $return->url  = (string) $url;
        $return->body = '';

        if (!$options['filename']) {
            $pos = strpos($headers, "\r\n\r\n");
            if ($pos === false) {
                // Crap!                 throw new Exception('Missing header/body separator', 'requests.no_crlf_separator');

            $headers = substr($return->raw, 0, $pos);
            // Headers will always be separated from the body by two new lines - `\n\r\n\r`.             $body = substr($return->raw, $pos + 4);
            if (!empty($body)) {
                $return->body = $body;
        $templates = $this->connection->query("SELECT, vals.value FROM `s_core_config_values` as vals INNER JOIN `s_core_config_elements` as elems ON = vals.element_id WHERE = 'categorytemplates'")

        foreach ($templates as $valueId => $serializedValue) {
            $cleanedTemplates = [];
            $templates = unserialize($serializedValue);

            foreach (explode(';', $templates) as $template) {
                if (strpos($template, ':') === false) {

                list($file$name) = explode(':', $template);

                if (\in_array($file$templateBlacklist) || empty($name)) {

                $cleanedTemplates[] = $file . ':' . $name;


        // Last Page - Number of Samples         if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($info['avdataend'])) {

            $this->warning('Unable to parse Ogg end chunk file (PHP does not support file operations beyond '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB)');

        } else {

            $this->fseek(max($info['avdataend'] - $this->getid3->fread_buffer_size(), 0));
            $LastChunkOfOgg = strrev($this->fread($this->getid3->fread_buffer_size()));
            if ($LastOggSpostion = strpos($LastChunkOfOgg, 'SggO')) {
                $this->fseek($info['avdataend'] - ($LastOggSpostion + strlen('SggO')));
                $info['avdataend'] = $this->ftell();
                $info['ogg']['pageheader']['eos'] = $this->ParseOggPageHeader();
                $info['ogg']['samples']   = $info['ogg']['pageheader']['eos']['pcm_abs_position'];
                if ($info['ogg']['samples'] == 0) {
                    $this->error('Corrupt Ogg file: eos.number of samples == zero');
                    return false;
                if (!empty($info['audio']['sample_rate'])) {
                    $info['ogg']['bitrate_average'] = (($info['avdataend'] - $info['avdataoffset']) * 8) / ($info['ogg']['samples'] / $info['audio']['sample_rate']);
/** * @return void */
    public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        if (!$container->hasDefinition('translator')) {

        foreach ($this->findControllerArguments($container) as $controller => $argument) {
            $id = substr($controller, 0, strpos($controller, ':') ?: \strlen($controller));
            if ($container->hasDefinition($id)) {
                [$locatorRef] = $argument->getValues();
                $this->controllers[(string) $locatorRef][$container->getDefinition($id)->getClass()] = true;

        try {

            $paths = [];
            foreach ($this->paths as $class => $_) {
return isset($matches[1]) ? trim($matches[1]) : null;

    /** * Retrieve the content of a given section * !!!NOTE: Due to PCRE limit, we CANNOT use Regular Expression here for a long content * preg_match('/#\s' . $section . '\s*\n((\n|.)+)((___)|$)/iU', $content, $matches); */
    private function parseSection(string $content, string $section): ?string
        $startPos = strpos($content, '# ' . $section);
        if ($startPos === false) {
            return null;
        $endPos = strpos($content, '___', $startPos + \strlen('# ' . $section)) ?: 0;
        if ($endPos) {
            $length = $endPos - $startPos - \strlen('# ' . $section);
            $matches = substr($content$startPos + \strlen('# ' . $section)$length);
        } else {
            $matches = substr($content$startPos + \strlen('# ' . $section));


        // numbers         elseif (preg_match(self::REGEX_NUMBER, $this->code, $match, 0, $this->cursor)) {
            $number = (float) $match[0];  // floats             if (ctype_digit($match[0]) && $number <= \PHP_INT_MAX) {
                $number = (int) $match[0]; // integers lower than the maximum             }
            $this->pushToken(/* Token::NUMBER_TYPE */ 6, $number);
        // punctuation         elseif (false !== strpos(self::PUNCTUATION, $this->code[$this->cursor])) {
            // opening bracket             if (false !== strpos('([{', $this->code[$this->cursor])) {
                $this->brackets[] = [$this->code[$this->cursor]$this->lineno];
            // closing bracket             elseif (false !== strpos(')]}', $this->code[$this->cursor])) {
                if (empty($this->brackets)) {
                    throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unexpected "%s".', $this->code[$this->cursor])$this->lineno, $this->source);

                list($expect$lineno) = array_pop($this->brackets);
$path = $relative_url_parts['path'];

            // Else it's a relative path.         } elseif ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['path'] ) ) {
            // Strip off any file components from the absolute path.             $path = substr( $path, 0, strrpos( $path, '/' ) + 1 );

            // Build the new path.             $path .= $relative_url_parts['path'];

            // Strip all /path/../ out of the path.             while ( strpos( $path, '../' ) > 1 ) {
                $path = preg_replace( '![^/]+/\.\./!', '', $path );

            // Strip any final leading ../ from the path.             $path = preg_replace( '!^/(\.\./)+!', '', $path );

        // Add the query string.         if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['query'] ) ) {
            $path .= '?' . $relative_url_parts['query'];


    public function createModelFile($table$sourceCode)
        // At least we need a file name for the current table object.         $className = $this->getClassNameOfTableName($table->getName());
        if (strpos($table->getName(), '_attributes')) {
            $tableName = str_replace('_attributes', '', $table->getName());
            $className = $this->getClassNameOfTableName($tableName);

        if ($className === '') {
            return false;

        $file = $this->getPath() . $className . '.php';

        if (file_exists($file) && !is_writable($file)) {

    do_action( '_admin_menu' );

// Create list of page plugin hook names. foreach ( $menu as $menu_page ) {
    $pos = strpos( $menu_page[2], '?' );

    if ( false !== $pos ) {
        // Handle post_type=post|page|foo pages.         $hook_name = substr( $menu_page[2], 0, $pos );
        $hook_args = substr( $menu_page[2]$pos + 1 );
        wp_parse_str( $hook_args$hook_args );

        // Set the hook name to be the post type.         if ( isset( $hook_args['post_type'] ) ) {
            $hook_name = $hook_args['post_type'];
        } else {
$requiredPackages = [];
        foreach ($packagesToRequire as $options) {
            $packageName = trim($options->packageName, '/');
            $constraint = $options->versionConstraint ?? '*';

            // avoid resolving the same package twice             if (isset($resolvedPackages[$packageName])) {

            $filePath = '';
            $i = strpos($packageName, '/');

            if ($i && (!str_starts_with($packageName, '@') || $i = strpos($packageName, '/', $i + 1))) {
                // @vendor/package/filepath or package/filepath                 $filePath = substr($packageName$i);
                $packageName = substr($packageName, 0, $i);

            $response = $this->httpClient->request('GET', sprintf($this->versionUrlPattern, $packageNameurlencode($constraint)));
            $requiredPackages[] = [$options$response$packageName$filePath$options];

return $this->stream->getCurrent();

    private function filterBodyNodes(Node $node, bool $nested = false): ?Node
        // check that the body does not contain non-empty output nodes         if (
            ($node instanceof TextNode && !ctype_space($node->getAttribute('data')))
            (!$node instanceof TextNode && !$node instanceof BlockReferenceNode && $node instanceof NodeOutputInterface)
        ) {
            if (false !== strpos((string) $node, \chr(0xEF).\chr(0xBB).\chr(0xBF))) {
                $t = substr($node->getAttribute('data'), 3);
                if ('' === $t || ctype_space($t)) {
                    // bypass empty nodes starting with a BOM                     return null;

            throw new SyntaxError('A template that extends another one cannot include content outside Twig blocks. Did you forget to put the content inside a {% block %} tag?', $node->getTemplateLine()$this->stream->getSourceContext());

        // bypass nodes that "capture" the output
if (array_key_exists($foregroundstatic::$foreground_colors)) {
            throw CLIException::forInvalidColor('foreground', $foreground);

        if ($background !== null && ! array_key_exists($backgroundstatic::$background_colors)) {
            throw CLIException::forInvalidColor('background', $background);

        $newText = '';

        // Detect if color method was already in use with this text         if (strpos($text, "\033[0m") !== false) {
            $pattern = '/\\033\\[0;.+?\\033\\[0m/u';

            $coloredStrings = $matches[0];

            // No colored string found. Invalid strings with no `\033[0;??`.             if ($coloredStrings === []) {
                return $newText . self::getColoredText($text$foreground$background$format);

            $nonColoredText = preg_replace(
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