SyntaxError example

$stream->expect(/* Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE */ 3);
                    $body = $this->parser->subparse([$this, 'decideIfFork']);
                    $tests[] = $expr;
                    $tests[] = $body;

                case 'endif':
                    $end = true;

                    throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unexpected end of template. Twig was looking for the following tags "else", "elseif", or "endif" to close the "if" block started at line %d).', $lineno)$stream->getCurrent()->getLine()$stream->getSourceContext());

        $stream->expect(/* Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE */ 3);

        return new IfNode(new Node($tests)$else$lineno$this->getTag());

    public function decideIfFork(Token $token): bool
        return $token->test(['elseif', 'else', 'endif']);

        if (!\in_array($value$array, true)) {
            trigger_deprecation('symfony/expression-language', '6.3', 'The "in" operator will use strict comparisons in Symfony 7.0. Loose match found with key "%s" for value %s. Normalize the array parameter so it only has the expected types or implement loose matching in your own expression function.', $keyjson_encode($value));

        return true;

    private function evaluateMatches(string $regexp, ?string $str): int
        set_error_handler(static fn ($t$m) => throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Regexp "%s" passed to "matches" is not valid', $regexp).substr($m, 12)));
        try {
            return preg_match($regexp(string) $str);
        } finally {
if (
        $node instanceof TextNode
        ($node instanceof PrintNode && $node->getNode('expr') instanceof NameExpression)
        ($node instanceof PrintNode && $node->getNode('expr') instanceof GetAttrExpression)
        ($node instanceof PrintNode && $node->getNode('expr') instanceof FilterExpression)
      ) {
      throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The text to be translated with "trans" can only contain references to simple variables')$lineno);

/** * @throws SyntaxError */
    private function doParse(TokenStream $stream, ?array $names = []): Node\Node
        $this->stream = $stream;
        $this->names = $names;

        $node = $this->parseExpression();
        if (!$stream->isEOF()) {
            throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unexpected token "%s" of value "%s".', $stream->current->type, $stream->current->value)$stream->current->cursor, $stream->getExpression());

        unset($this->stream, $this->names);

        return $node;

    /** * @return Node\Node */
    public function parseExpression(int $precedence = 0)

    public function compileSource(Source $source): string
        try {
            return $this->compile($this->parse($this->tokenize($source)));
        } catch (Error $e) {
            throw $e;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $source$e);

    public function setLoader(LoaderInterface $loader)
        $this->loader = $loader;

    public function getLoader(): LoaderInterface
        return $this->loader;
$placeholder = sprintf('%s%s', $argPrefix$argName);
          $text .= $placeholder;
          $expr->setAttribute('placeholder', $placeholder);
          $tokens[] = $expr;
        else {
          $text .= $node->getAttribute('data');
    elseif (!$body->hasAttribute('data')) {
      throw new SyntaxError('{% trans %} tag cannot be empty');
    else {
      $text = $body->getAttribute('data');

    return [
      new Node([new ConstantExpression(trim($text)$body->getTemplateLine())]),

/** * Sets the pointer to the next token and returns the old one. * * @return void */
    public function next()

        if (!isset($this->tokens[$this->position])) {
            throw new SyntaxError('Unexpected end of expression.', $this->current->cursor, $this->expression);

        $this->current = $this->tokens[$this->position];

    /** * @param string|null $message The syntax error message * * @return void */
    public function expect(string $type, string $value = null, string $message = null)

        $callType = $this->getAttribute('type');
        $callName = $this->getAttribute('name');

        $parameters = [];
        $named = false;
        foreach ($arguments as $name => $node) {
            if (!\is_int($name)) {
                $named = true;
                $name = $this->normalizeName($name);
            } elseif ($named) {
                throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Positional arguments cannot be used after named arguments for %s "%s".', $callType$callName)$this->getTemplateLine()$this->getSourceContext());

            $parameters[$name] = $node;

        $isVariadic = $this->hasAttribute('is_variadic') && $this->getAttribute('is_variadic');
        if (!$named && !$isVariadic) {
            return $parameters;

        if (!$callable) {
'security-http' => 'add the "SecurityBundle"',
        'web-link' => 'enable "framework.web_link"',
        'workflow' => 'enable "framework.workflows"',

    public static function onUndefinedFilter(string $name): TwigFilter|false
        if (!isset(self::FILTER_COMPONENTS[$name])) {
            return false;

        throw new SyntaxError(self::onUndefined($name, 'filter', self::FILTER_COMPONENTS[$name]));

    public static function onUndefinedFunction(string $name): TwigFunction|false
        if (!isset(self::FUNCTION_COMPONENTS[$name])) {
            return false;

        if ('webpack-encore-bundle' === self::FUNCTION_COMPONENTS[$name]) {
            return new TwigFunction($namestatic fn () => '');

$token = $this->stream->next();
                    $expr = $this->expressionParser->parseExpression();
                    $this->stream->expect(/* Token::VAR_END_TYPE */ 4);
                    $rv[] = new PrintNode($expr$token->getLine());

                case /* Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE */ 1:
                    $token = $this->getCurrentToken();

                    if (/* Token::NAME_TYPE */ 5 !== $token->getType()) {
                        throw new SyntaxError('A block must start with a tag name.', $token->getLine()$this->stream->getSourceContext());

                    if (null !== $test && $test($token)) {
                        if ($dropNeedle) {

                        if (1 === \count($rv)) {
                            return $rv[0];


final class UseTokenParser extends AbstractTokenParser
    public function parse(Token $token): Node
        $template = $this->parser->getExpressionParser()->parseExpression();
        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();

        if (!$template instanceof ConstantExpression) {
            throw new SyntaxError('The template references in a "use" statement must be a string.', $stream->getCurrent()->getLine()$stream->getSourceContext());

        $targets = [];
        if ($stream->nextIf('with')) {
            do {
                $name = $stream->expect(/* Token::NAME_TYPE */ 5)->getValue();

                $alias = $name;
                if ($stream->nextIf('as')) {
                    $alias = $stream->expect(/* Token::NAME_TYPE */ 5)->getValue();

$node->setAttribute('is_defined_test', true);
        } elseif ($node instanceof BlockReferenceExpression) {
            $node->setAttribute('is_defined_test', true);
        } elseif ($node instanceof FunctionExpression && 'constant' === $node->getAttribute('name')) {
            $node->setAttribute('is_defined_test', true);
        } elseif ($node instanceof ConstantExpression || $node instanceof ArrayExpression) {
            $node = new ConstantExpression(true, $node->getTemplateLine());
        } elseif ($node instanceof MethodCallExpression) {
            $node->setAttribute('is_defined_test', true);
        } else {
            throw new SyntaxError('The "defined" test only works with simple variables.', $lineno);


    private function changeIgnoreStrictCheck(GetAttrExpression $node)
        $node->setAttribute('optimizable', false);
        $node->setAttribute('ignore_strict_check', true);

        if ($node->getNode('node') instanceof GetAttrExpression) {

final class ExtendsTokenParser extends AbstractTokenParser
    public function parse(Token $token): Node
        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();

        if ($this->parser->peekBlockStack()) {
            throw new SyntaxError('Cannot use "extend" in a block.', $token->getLine()$stream->getSourceContext());
        } elseif (!$this->parser->isMainScope()) {
            throw new SyntaxError('Cannot use "extend" in a macro.', $token->getLine()$stream->getSourceContext());

        if (null !== $this->parser->getParent()) {
            throw new SyntaxError('Multiple extends tags are forbidden.', $token->getLine()$stream->getSourceContext());

        $stream->expect(/* Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE */ 3);


final class BlockTokenParser extends AbstractTokenParser
    public function parse(Token $token): Node
        $lineno = $token->getLine();
        $stream = $this->parser->getStream();
        $name = $stream->expect(/* Token::NAME_TYPE */ 5)->getValue();
        if ($this->parser->hasBlock($name)) {
            throw new SyntaxError(sprintf("The block '%s' has already been defined line %d.", $name$this->parser->getBlock($name)->getTemplateLine())$stream->getCurrent()->getLine()$stream->getSourceContext());
        $this->parser->setBlock($name$block = new BlockNode($namenew Node([])$lineno));

        if ($stream->nextIf(/* Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE */ 3)) {
            $body = $this->parser->subparse([$this, 'decideBlockEnd'], true);
            if ($token = $stream->nextIf(/* Token::NAME_TYPE */ 5)) {
                $value = $token->getValue();

                if ($value != $name) {
case /* Token::OPERATOR_TYPE */ 8:
                if (preg_match(Lexer::REGEX_NAME, $token->getValue()$matches) && $matches[0] == $token->getValue()) {
                    // in this context, string operators are variable names                     $this->parser->getStream()->next();
                    $node = new NameExpression($token->getValue()$token->getLine());

                if (isset($this->unaryOperators[$token->getValue()])) {
                    $class = $this->unaryOperators[$token->getValue()]['class'];
                    if (!\in_array($class[NegUnary::class, PosUnary::class])) {
                        throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('Unexpected unary operator "%s".', $token->getValue())$token->getLine()$this->parser->getStream()->getSourceContext());

                    $expr = $this->parsePrimaryExpression();

                    $node = new $class($expr$token->getLine());

                // no break             default:
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