warning example

if ( 'true' === $api_response ) {
                WP_CLI::line( sprintf( __( "Comment #%d is spam.", 'akismet' )$comment_id ) );
            else if ( 'false' === $api_response ) {
                WP_CLI::line( sprintf( __( "Comment #%d is not spam.", 'akismet' )$comment_id ) );
            else {
                if ( false === $api_response ) {
                    WP_CLI::error( __( "Failed to connect to Akismet.", 'akismet' ) );
                else if ( is_wp_error( $api_response ) ) {
                    WP_CLI::warning( sprintf( __( "Comment #%d could not be checked.", 'akismet' )$comment_id ) );
    /** * Recheck all comments in the Pending queue. * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp akismet recheck_queue * * @alias recheck-queue */
$date = new \DateTimeImmutable($input->getOption('date'));
        if ('now' !== $input->getOption('date')) {
            $io->comment(sprintf('All next run dates computed from %s.', $date->format('r')));

        foreach ($names as $name) {

            /** @var ScheduleProviderInterface $schedule */
            $schedule = $this->schedules->get($name);
            if (!$messages = $schedule->getSchedule()->getRecurringMessages()) {
                $io->warning(sprintf('No recurring messages found for schedule "%s".', $name));

                ['Trigger', 'Provider', 'Next Run'],
                array_filter(array_map(self::renderRecurringMessage(...)$messagesarray_fill(0, \count($messages)$date)array_fill(0, \count($messages)$input->getOption('all')))),

        return 0;

$inEdges = null !== $container && isset($options['id']) ? $this->getServiceEdges($container$options['id']) : [];
        $tableRows[] = ['Usages', $inEdges ? implode(\PHP_EOL, $inEdges) : 'none'];


    protected function describeContainerDeprecations(ContainerBuilder $container, array $options = []): void
        $containerDeprecationFilePath = sprintf('%s/%sDeprecations.log', $container->getParameter('kernel.build_dir')$container->getParameter('kernel.container_class'));
        if (!file_exists($containerDeprecationFilePath)) {
            $options['output']->warning('The deprecation file does not exist, please try warming the cache first.');


        $logs = unserialize(file_get_contents($containerDeprecationFilePath));
        if (0 === \count($logs)) {
            $options['output']->success('There are no deprecations in the logs!');


if (null === $this->socket) {

        foreach ($this->getMessages() as $clientId => $message) {
            $this->logger?->info('Received a payload from client {clientId}', ['clientId' => $clientId]);

            $payload = @unserialize(base64_decode($message)['allowed_classes' => [Data::class, Stub::class]]);

            // Impossible to decode the message, give up.             if (false === $payload) {
                $this->logger?->warning('Unable to decode a message from {clientId} client.', ['clientId' => $clientId]);


            if (!\is_array($payload) || \count($payload) < 2 || !$payload[0] instanceof Data || !\is_array($payload[1])) {
                $this->logger?->warning('Invalid payload from {clientId} client. Expected an array of two elements (Data $data, array $context)', ['clientId' => $clientId]);


            [$data$context] = $payload;

if ($input->getOption('database-ssl-dont-verify-cert')) {
            $env['DATABASE_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT'] = '1';

        if (empty($env['COMPOSER_HOME'])) {
            $env['COMPOSER_HOME'] = $this->projectDir . '/var/cache/composer';

        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);

        if (file_exists($this->projectDir . '/symfony.lock')) {
            $io->warning('It looks like you have installed Shopware with Symfony Flex. You should use a .env.local file instead of creating a complete new one');

        $io->title('Shopware setup process');
        $io->text('This tool will setup your instance.');

        if (!$input->getOption('force') && file_exists($this->projectDir . '/.env')) {
            $io->comment('Instance has already been set-up. To start over, please delete your .env file.');

            return Command::SUCCESS;

    if ($stored && $stored['expires'] > $current_time) {
      return $stored['data'];

    try {
      $response = $this->httpClient->request('GET', $this->providersUrl);
    catch (TransferException $e) {
      if (isset($stored['data'])) {
        // Use the stale data to fall back gracefully, but warn site         // administrators that we used stale data.         $this->logger->warning('Remote oEmbed providers could not be retrieved due to error: @error. Using previously stored data. This may contain out of date information.', [
          '@error' => $e->getMessage(),
        return $stored['data'];
      // We have no previous data and the request failed.       throw new ProviderException("Could not retrieve the oEmbed provider database from $this->providersUrl", NULL, $e);

    $providers = Json::decode((string) $response->getBody());

    if (!is_array($providers) || empty($providers)) {
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token, string $firewallName): ?Response
        return null; // let the original request continue     }

    public function onAuthenticationFailure(Request $request, AuthenticationException $exception): ?Response
        if (null !== $this->logger) {
            if ($exception instanceof UserNotFoundException) {
                $this->logger->info('User for remember-me cookie not found.', ['exception' => $exception]);
            } elseif ($exception instanceof UnsupportedUserException) {
                $this->logger->warning('User class for remember-me cookie not supported.', ['exception' => $exception]);
            } elseif (!$exception instanceof CookieTheftException) {
                $this->logger->debug('Remember me authentication failed.', ['exception' => $exception]);

        return null;

    public function isInteractive(): bool
        return true;
// Make sure this is an Exception and also no minor one                 if ($last instanceof Exception
                    && !\in_array($last->getCode()[
                    ], true)
                    && !\in_array(\get_class($last)$this->ignoredExceptionClasses, true) // Check for exceptions to be ignored                 ) {
                    if ($last instanceof CSRFTokenValidationException || $this->isBotSession($request)) {
                    } else {


        if (!$response->isException()) {
if ($info['valid'] && $output->isVerbose()) {
                $io->comment('<info>OK</info>'.($info['file'] ? sprintf(' in %s', $info['file']) : ''));
            } elseif (!$info['valid']) {

        if (0 === $errors) {
            $io->success(sprintf('All %d Twig files contain valid syntax.', \count($filesInfo)));
        } else {
            $io->warning(sprintf('%d Twig files have valid syntax and %d contain errors.', \count($filesInfo) - $errors$errors));

        return min($errors, 1);

    private function displayJson(OutputInterface $output, array $filesInfo): int
        $errors = 0;

        array_walk($filesInfofunction D&$v) use (&$errors) {
            $v['file'] = (string) $v['file'];
      // implementation is found.       while ($pos = strrpos($hook, '__')) {
        $hook = substr($hook, 0, $pos);
        if ($theme_registry->has($hook)) {
      if (!$theme_registry->has($hook)) {
        // Only log a message when not trying theme suggestions ($hook being an         // array).         if (!isset($candidate)) {
          \Drupal::logger('theme')->warning('Theme hook %hook not found.', ['%hook' => $hook]);
        // There is no theme implementation for the hook passed. Return FALSE so         // the function calling         // \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface::render() can differentiate         // between a hook that exists and renders an empty string, and a hook         // that is not implemented.         return FALSE;

    $info = $theme_registry->get($hook);


                if ($errorAsGithubAnnotations) {
                    $githubReporter->error($info['message']$info['file'] ?? 'php://stdin', $info['line']);

        if (0 === $erroredFiles) {
            $io->success(sprintf('All %d YAML files contain valid syntax.', $countFiles));
        } else {
            $io->warning(sprintf('%d YAML files have valid syntax and %d contain errors.%s', $countFiles - $erroredFiles$erroredFiles$suggestTagOption ? ' Use the --parse-tags option if you want parse custom tags.' : ''));

        return min($erroredFiles, 1);

    private function displayJson(SymfonyStyle $io, array $filesInfo): int
        $errors = 0;

        array_walk($filesInfofunction D&$v) use (&$errors) {
            $v['file'] = (string) $v['file'];
public $inline_attachments = true;

    public $overrideendoffset  = 0;

    /** * @return bool */
    public function Analyze() {
        $info = &$this->getid3->info;

        if (!getid3_lib::intValueSupported($info['filesize'])) {
            $this->warning('Unable to check for APEtags because file is larger than '.round(PHP_INT_MAX / 1073741824).'GB');
            return false;

        $id3v1tagsize     = 128;
        $apetagheadersize = 32;
        $lyrics3tagsize   = 10;

        if ($this->overrideendoffset == 0) {

            $this->fseek(0 - $id3v1tagsize - $apetagheadersize - $lyrics3tagsize, SEEK_END);
            $APEfooterID3v1 = $this->fread($id3v1tagsize + $apetagheadersize + $lyrics3tagsize);

case 'A_AC3':
                            case 'A_EAC3':
                            case 'A_DTS':
                            case 'A_MPEG/L3':
                            case 'A_MPEG/L2':
                            case 'A_FLAC':
                                $module_dataformat = ($track_info['dataformat'] == 'mp2' ? 'mp3' : ($track_info['dataformat'] == 'eac3' ? 'ac3' : $track_info['dataformat']));
                                getid3_lib::IncludeDependency(GETID3_INCLUDEPATH.'module.audio.'.$module_dataformat.'.php', __FILE__, true);

                                if (!isset($info['matroska']['track_data_offsets'][$trackarray['TrackNumber']])) {
                                    $this->warning('Unable to parse audio data ['.basename(__FILE__).':'.__LINE__.'] because $info[matroska][track_data_offsets]['.$trackarray['TrackNumber'].'] not set');

                                // create temp instance                                 $getid3_temp = new getID3();
                                if ($track_info['dataformat'] != 'flac') {
                                    $getid3_temp->openfile($this->getid3->filename, $this->getid3->info['filesize']$this->getid3->fp);
                                $getid3_temp->info['avdataoffset'] = $info['matroska']['track_data_offsets'][$trackarray['TrackNumber']]['offset'];
                                if ($track_info['dataformat'][0] == 'm' || $track_info['dataformat'] == 'flac') {
                                    $getid3_temp->info['avdataend'] = $info['matroska']['track_data_offsets'][$trackarray['TrackNumber']]['offset'] + $info['matroska']['track_data_offsets'][$trackarray['TrackNumber']]['length'];
foreach ($clearers as $id => $clearer) {
            $io->comment(sprintf('Calling cache clearer: <info>%s</info>', $id));

        $failure = false;
        foreach ($pools as $id => $pool) {
            $io->comment(sprintf('Clearing cache pool: <info>%s</info>', $id));

            if ($pool instanceof CacheItemPoolInterface) {
                if (!$pool->clear()) {
                    $io->warning(sprintf('Cache pool "%s" could not be cleared.', $pool));
                    $failure = true;
            } else {
                if (false === $this->poolClearer->clearPool($id)) {
                    $io->warning(sprintf('Cache pool "%s" could not be cleared.', $pool));
                    $failure = true;

        if ($failure) {
$CurrentDataLAMEversionString = 'LAME3.';

                } elseif (empty($info['id3v2']['headerlength']) && ($info['avdataoffset'] == $info['mpeg']['audio']['framelength'])) {

                    $synchoffsetwarning .= '. This is a known problem with some versions of LAME (3.90 - 3.92) DLL in CBR mode.';
                    $info['audio']['codec'] = 'LAME';
                    $CurrentDataLAMEversionString = 'LAME3.';




        if (isset($info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME'])) {
            $info['audio']['codec'] = 'LAME';
            if (!empty($info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['long_version'])) {
                $info['audio']['encoder'] = rtrim($info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['long_version'], "\x00");
            } elseif (!empty($info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['short_version'])) {
                $info['audio']['encoder'] = rtrim($info['mpeg']['audio']['LAME']['short_version'], "\x00");

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