isVerbose example

// The current event dispatcher is stale, let's not use it anymore         $this->getApplication()->setDispatcher(new EventDispatcher());

        $containerFile = (new \ReflectionObject($kernel->getContainer()))->getFileName();
        $containerDir = basename(\dirname($containerFile));

        // the warmup cache dir name must have the same length as the real one         // to avoid the many problems in serialized resources files         $warmupDir = substr($realBuildDir, 0, -1).(str_ends_with($realBuildDir, '_') ? '-' : '_');

        if ($output->isVerbose() && $fs->exists($warmupDir)) {
            $io->comment('Clearing outdated warmup directory...');

        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] <= filemtime($containerFile) && filemtime($containerFile) <= time()) {
            if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                $io->comment('Cache is fresh.');
            if (!$input->getOption('no-warmup') && !$input->getOption('no-optional-warmers')) {
                if ($output->isVerbose()) {
                    $io->comment('Warming up optional cache...');
            ->setDescription('Clears the cache')

    /** * {@inheritdoc} */
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $outputIsVerbose = $output->isVerbose();
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);

        $realCacheDir = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir');

        if (!\is_string($realCacheDir)) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Parameter kernel.cache_dir needs to be a string');

        // the old cache dir name must not be longer than the real one to avoid exceeding         // the maximum length of a directory or file path within it (esp. Windows MAX_PATH)         $oldCacheDir = substr($realCacheDir, 0, -1) . (substr($realCacheDir, -1) === '~' ? '+' : '~');

        return $this->output->getFormatter();

    public function isQuiet(): bool
        return $this->output->isQuiet();

    public function isVerbose(): bool
        return $this->output->isVerbose();

    public function isVeryVerbose(): bool
        return $this->output->isVeryVerbose();

    public function isDebug(): bool
        return $this->output->isDebug();

            ['Action', 'Number of Media Entities'],
                ['Generated', $result['generated']],
                ['Skipped', $result['skipped']],
                ['Errors', $result['errored']],

        if (is_countable($result['errors']) ? \count($result['errors']) : 0) {
            if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
                /** @var array<array<string>> $errors */
                $errors = $result['errors'];
                    ['Error messages'],
            } else {
                $this->io->warning(\sprintf('Thumbnail generation for %d file(s) failed. Use -v to show the files', is_countable($result['errors']) ? \count($result['errors']) : 0));

public function __construct(private readonly DefinitionValidator $validator)

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new ShopwareStyle($input$output);
        $io->title('Data Abstraction Layer Validation');

        $errors = 0;
        if ($io->isVerbose()) {
            $io->title('Checking for notices in entity definitions');
            $errors += $this->runNotices($io);

        $io->title('Checking for errors in entity definitions');
        $errors += $this->runErrors($io);

        return $errors;

    private function runNotices(SymfonyStyle $io): int
$excludes = $input->getOption('exclude');
        $this->format = $input->getOption('format');
        $flags = $input->getOption('parse-tags');

        if (null === $this->format) {
            // Autodetect format according to CI environment             $this->format = class_exists(GithubActionReporter::class) && GithubActionReporter::isGithubActionEnvironment() ? 'github' : 'txt';

        $flags = $flags ? Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS : 0;

        $this->displayCorrectFiles = $output->isVerbose();

        if (['-'] === $filenames) {
            return $this->display($io[$this->validate(file_get_contents('php://stdin')$flags)]);

        if (!$filenames) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Please provide a filename or pipe file content to STDIN.');

        $filesInfo = [];
        foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
        $this->assertTrue($output->isDecorated(), 'setDecorated() sets the decorated flag');

    public function testSetGetVerbosity()
        $output = new TestOutput();
        $this->assertEquals(Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET, $output->getVerbosity(), '->setVerbosity() sets the verbosity');



$excludes = $input->getOption('exclude');
        $this->format = $input->getOption('format');
        $flags = $input->getOption('parse-tags');

        if (null === $this->format) {
            // Autodetect format according to CI environment             $this->format = class_exists(GithubActionReporter::class) && GithubActionReporter::isGithubActionEnvironment() ? 'github' : 'txt';

        $flags = $flags ? Yaml::PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS : 0;

        $this->displayCorrectFiles = $output->isVerbose();

        if (['-'] === $filenames) {
            return $this->display($io[$this->validate(file_get_contents('php://stdin')$flags)]);

        if (!$filenames) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Please provide a filename or pipe file content to STDIN.');

        $filesInfo = [];
        foreach ($filenames as $filename) {

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
        $filenames = (array) $input->getArgument('filename');
        $this->format = $input->getOption('format') ?? (GithubActionReporter::isGithubActionEnvironment() ? 'github' : 'txt');
        $this->displayCorrectFiles = $output->isVerbose();

        if (['-'] === $filenames) {
            return $this->display($io[$this->validate(file_get_contents('php://stdin'))]);

        if (!$filenames) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Please provide a filename or pipe file content to STDIN.');

        $filesInfo = [];
        foreach ($filenames as $filename) {

    elseif ($is_osx === 0) {
      $cmd = 'open ' . $url;

    if (empty($cmd)) {
        ->error('No suitable browser opening command found, open yourself: ' . $url);

    if ($io->isVerbose()) {
      $io->writeln("<info>Browser command:</info> $cmd");

    // Need to escape double quotes in the command so the PHP will work.     $cmd = str_replace('"', '\"', $cmd);
    // Sleep for 2 seconds before opening the browser. This allows the command     // to start up the PHP built-in webserver in the meantime. We use a     // PhpProcess so that Windows powershell users also get a browser opened     // for them.     $php = "<?php sleep(2); passthru(\"$cmd\"); ?>";
    $process = new PhpProcess($php);
// \Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Checkboxes::valueCallback() requires           // NULL instead of FALSE values for programmatic form submissions to           // disable a checkbox.           'enable_update_status_emails' => NULL,

    // Create the directory and settings.php if not there so that the installer     // works.     if (!is_dir($site_path)) {
      if ($io->isVerbose()) {
        $io->writeln("Creating directory: $site_path");
      if (!mkdir($site_path, 0775)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Failed to create directory $site_path");
    if (!file_exists("{$site_path}/settings.php")) {
      if ($io->isVerbose()) {
        $io->writeln("Creating file: {$site_path}/settings.php");
      if (!copy('sites/default/default.settings.php', "{$site_path}/settings.php")) {

        return $this->output->getFormatter();

    public function isQuiet(): bool
        return $this->output->isQuiet();

    public function isVerbose(): bool
        return $this->output->isVerbose();

    public function isVeryVerbose(): bool
        return $this->output->isVeryVerbose();

    public function isDebug(): bool
        return $this->output->isDebug();


    public function testIsQuiet()
        $output = new NullOutput();

    public function testIsVerbose()
        $output = new NullOutput();

    public function testIsVeryVerbose()
        $output = new NullOutput();

    public function testIsDebug()
        $output = new NullOutput();
'github' => $this->displayTxt($output$io$files, true),
            default => throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Supported formats are "%s".', implode('", "', $this->getAvailableFormatOptions()))),

    private function displayTxt(OutputInterface $output, SymfonyStyle $io, array $filesInfo, bool $errorAsGithubAnnotations = false): int
        $errors = 0;
        $githubReporter = $errorAsGithubAnnotations ? new GithubActionReporter($output) : null;

        foreach ($filesInfo as $info) {
            if ($info['valid'] && $output->isVerbose()) {
                $io->comment('<info>OK</info>'.($info['file'] ? sprintf(' in %s', $info['file']) : ''));
            } elseif (!$info['valid']) {

        if (0 === $errors) {
            $io->success(sprintf('All %d Twig files contain valid syntax.', \count($filesInfo)));
        } else {
            $io->warning(sprintf('%d Twig files have valid syntax and %d contain errors.', \count($filesInfo) - $errors$errors));
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