success example

// general document errors have a '-1' line number                     $line = -1 === $error['line'] ? null : $error['line'];

                    $githubReporter?->error($error['message']$info['file']$line, null !== $line ? $error['column'] : null);

                    return null === $line ? $error['message'] : sprintf('Line %d, Column %d: %s', $line$error['column']$error['message']);

        if (0 === $erroredFiles) {
            $io->success(sprintf('All %d XLIFF files contain valid syntax.', $countFiles));
        } else {
            $io->warning(sprintf('%d XLIFF files have valid syntax and %d contain errors.', $countFiles - $erroredFiles$erroredFiles));

        return min($erroredFiles, 1);

    private function displayJson(SymfonyStyle $io, array $filesInfo): int
        $errors = 0;


            if (Feature::isActive('v6.6.0.0')) {
            } else {

        $this->io->success(sprintf('Generated %d Batch jobs!', $batchCount));


    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output instanceof ConsoleOutputInterface ? $output->getErrorOutput() : $output);

        $cacheItem = $this->restartSignalCachePool->getItem(StopWorkerOnRestartSignalListener::RESTART_REQUESTED_TIMESTAMP_KEY);

        $io->success('Signal successfully sent to stop any running workers.');

        return 0;

        if ($input->getOption('clearCache')) {
            $io->note('Clearing Cache');

            try {
            } catch (\Exception) {
                $io->error('Error clearing cache');

            $io->success('Cache cleared');


                'You may want to clear the cache after %s plugin(s). To do so run the cache:clear command',

return 0;

    private function removeThumbnails(SymfonyStyle $io): void
        $filesystem = $this->getContainer()->get(MediaServiceInterface::class)->getFilesystem();

        $thumbnailFiles = $this->searchThumbnails($io$filesystem);

        if (\count($thumbnailFiles) === 0) {
            $io->success('No orphaned thumbnails found.');


        // verbose information         if ($io->getVerbosity() === SymfonyStyle::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) {
            $io->caution('The following files will be deleted:');

        if (!$io->confirm(sprintf('Found %d orphaned thumbnails. Are you sure you want to delete the files? This step is irreversible.', \count($thumbnailFiles)))) {
if ($rows) {
            $io->table(['', 'Bundle', 'Method / Error']$rows);

        if (0 !== $exitCode) {
            $io->error('Some errors occurred while installing assets.');
        } else {
            if ($copyUsed) {
                $io->note('Some assets were installed via copy. If you make changes to these assets you have to run this command again.');
            $io->success($rows ? 'All assets were successfully installed.' : 'No assets were provided by any bundle.');

        return $exitCode;

    /** * Try to create relative symlink. * * Falling back to absolute symlink and finally hard copy. */
    private function relativeSymlinkWithFallback(string $originDir, string $targetDir): string
$format = $input->getOption('format');

        if (!$descriptor = $this->descriptors[$format] ?? null) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported format "%s".', $format));

        $errorIo = $io->getErrorStyle();
        $errorIo->title('Symfony Var Dumper Server');


        $errorIo->success(sprintf('Server listening on %s', $this->server->getHost()));
        $errorIo->comment('Quit the server with CONTROL-C.');

        $this->server->listen(function DData $data, array $context, int $clientId) use ($descriptor$io) {

        return 0;

    public function complete(CompletionInput $input, CompletionSuggestions $suggestions): void
$additionalData['firstName'] = $input->getOption('firstName');
        if ($input->getOption('email')) {
            $additionalData['email'] = $input->getOption('email');
        if ($input->getOption('admin')) {
            $additionalData['admin'] = true;


        $io->success(sprintf('User "%s" successfully created.', $username));

        return self::SUCCESS;
public function execute(array $commands, WriteContext $context): void
        $beforeWriteEvent = EntityWriteEvent::create($context$commands);


        try {
            RetryableTransaction::retryable($this->connection, function D) use ($commands$context): void {

        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            $event = new WriteCommandExceptionEvent($e$commands$context->getContext());


            throw $e;

    /** * @param list<WriteCommand> $commands */
if ($shopwareId === null || $password === null) {
            throw new StoreInvalidCredentialsException();

        try {
        } catch (ClientException $exception) {
            throw new StoreApiException($exception);

        $io->success('Successfully logged in.');

        return (int) Command::SUCCESS;

        $IOHelper->section('Generating: ');
        $target = $this->generator->generate($template$date$input->getOption('dry-run'));

        $IOHelper->success('The changelog was generated successfully');

        return self::SUCCESS;

    /** * @return array{date: string, author: string, authorEmail: string, authorGithub: string} */
    private function getDefaultData(): array
        $process = new Process(['git', 'config', '']);
return self::FAILURE;

        $from = $input->getArgument('from');
        $to = $input->getArgument('to');


        $io->success(\sprintf('Successfully migrated number range increments from "%s" to "%s"', $from$to));

        return self::SUCCESS;
$this->connection->executeStatement('TRUNCATE elasticsearch_index_task');

        try {
            $gateway = $this->gatewayRegistry->get(IncrementGatewayRegistry::MESSAGE_QUEUE_POOL);
            $gateway->reset('message_queue_stats', ElasticsearchIndexingMessage::class);
        } catch (IncrementGatewayNotFoundException) {
            // In case message_queue pool is disabled         }

        $this->connection->executeStatement('DELETE FROM `messenger_messages` WHERE `headers` LIKE "%ElasticsearchIndexingMessage%"');

        $io->success('Elasticsearch indices deleted and queue cleared');

        return self::SUCCESS;
if (!file_exists($migrationDirectory) && !mkdir($migrationDirectory, 0777, true) && !is_dir($migrationDirectory)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $migrationDirectory));

        $nextVersion = $this->getLatestMigrationVersion($migrationDirectory) + 1;

        $fileName = $this->createMigration($migrationDirectory$migrationName$pluginName$nextVersion);

        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);

        $io->success(sprintf('Generated file "%s/%s"', $migrationDirectory$fileName));

        return 0;

    private function findMigrationDirectory(?string $pluginName): ?string
        if ($pluginName === null) {
            $rootDir = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir');

            if (!\is_string($rootDir)) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Parameter kernel.root_dir has to be an string');
$outputArray = $this->releaseExporter->export($this->getRequestedSection($input)$version$includeFeatureFlags$input->getOption('keys-only'));

        $path = $input->getOption('path') ?: '';
        if (\is_string($path) && $path !== '') {
            file_put_contents($pathimplode("\n", $outputArray));
            $IOHelper->writeln('* Pushed all changelogs into ' . $path);
        } else {


        return self::SUCCESS;

    /** * @return array<string, bool> */
    private function getRequestedSection(InputInterface $input): array
        $requested = [];
        foreach (ChangelogSection::cases() as $changelogSection) {
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