note example

                if ($object->hasAlias($options['id'])) {
                    $alias = $object->getAlias($options['id']);
                    if ($alias->isDeprecated()) {
                        $errorIo->warning($alias->getDeprecation($options['id'])['message'] ?? sprintf('The "%s" alias is deprecated.', $options['id']));

            if (isset($options['id']) && isset($kernel->getContainer()->getRemovedIds()[$options['id']])) {
                $errorIo->note(sprintf('The "%s" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container was compiled.', $options['id']));
        } catch (ServiceNotFoundException $e) {
            if ('' !== $e->getId() && '@' === $e->getId()[0]) {
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException($e->getId()$e->getSourceId(), null, [substr($e->getId(), 1)]);

            throw $e;

        if (!$input->getArgument('name') && !$input->getOption('tag') && !$input->getOption('parameter') && !$input->getOption('env-vars') && !$input->getOption('env-var') && $input->isInteractive()) {
            if ($input->getOption('tags')) {


    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
        $pool = $input->getArgument('pool');
        $key = $input->getArgument('key');
        $cachePool = $this->poolClearer->getPool($pool);

        if (!$cachePool->hasItem($key)) {
            $io->note(sprintf('Cache item "%s" does not exist in cache pool "%s".', $key$pool));

            return 0;

        if (!$cachePool->deleteItem($key)) {
            throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cache item "%s" could not be deleted.', $key));

        $io->success(sprintf('Cache item "%s" was successfully deleted.', $key));

        return 0;


    private function runMigrationForIdentifier(InputInterface $input, string $identifier, int $limit, ?int $until): int
        $this->io->writeln(sprintf('Get collection for identifier: "%s"', $identifier));

        try {
            $collection = $this->collectMigrations($input$identifier);
        } catch (UnknownMigrationSourceException $e) {
            $this->io->note(sprintf('No collection found for identifier: "%s", continuing', $identifier));

            return self::SUCCESS;


        $this->io->writeln('migrate Migrations');

        $migrationCount = $this->getMigrationsCount($collection$until$limit);
        $migratedCounter = 0;

$domain = $this->checkDomain();
        $version = $this->checkVersion();
        $token = null;

        $io = $this->io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
        $io->title('Community Store Download Command');

        $plugin = $this->getFreePlugin($technicalName$version);

        if ($plugin && $plugin->getCode() !== null) {
            if ($plugin->hasFreeDownload() === false && $plugin->hasCapabilityDummy() === false) {
                $io->note(sprintf('You must be authenticated to download: %s', $plugin->getLabel()));

                $token = $this->checkAuthentication();
        } else {
            $io->note('Plugin was not found. Retrying as authenticated used.');

            $token = $this->checkAuthentication();

            $context = new LicenceRequest('', $version$domain$token);

            try {

        $config = Config::fromLog($importExport->getLogEntity()->getInvalidRecordsLog());
        $reader = new CsvReader();
        $invalidLogFilePath = $log->getFile()->getPath() . '_invalid';
        $resource = $this->filesystem->readStream($invalidLogFilePath);

        $invalidRows = $reader->read($config$resource, 0);

        foreach ($invalidRows as $invalidRow) {

        if ($deleteLog) {

    private function printResults(ImportExportLogEntity $log, SymfonyStyle $io): void
$io = new ShopwareStyle($input$output);
        $context = Context::createDefaultContext();
        $plugins = $this->prepareExecution(self::LIFECYCLE_METHOD, $io$input$context);

        if ($plugins === null) {
            return self::SUCCESS;

        $updatedPluginCount = 0;
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            if ($plugin->getInstalledAt() === null) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" is not installed. Skipping.', $plugin->getName()));


            $io->text(sprintf('Plugin "%s" has been updated successfully.', $plugin->getName()));

        if ($updatedPluginCount !== 0) {
            $io->success(sprintf('Updated %d plugin(s).', $updatedPluginCount));
$io = new ShopwareStyle($input$output);
        $context = Context::createDefaultContext();
        $plugins = $this->prepareExecution(self::LIFECYCLE_METHOD, $io$input$context);

        if ($plugins === null) {
            return self::SUCCESS;

        $activatedPluginCount = 0;
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            if ($plugin->getInstalledAt() === null) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" must be installed. Skipping.', $plugin->getName()));


            if ($plugin->getActive()) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" is already active. Skipping.', $plugin->getName()));


$context = Context::createDefaultContext();

        $refreshableApps = $this->appService->getRefreshableAppInfo($context);
        $requestedApps = $input->getArgument('name');

        if (\count($requestedApps)) {
            $refreshableApps = $refreshableApps->filter($requestedApps);

        if ($refreshableApps->isEmpty()) {
            $io->note('Nothing to install, update or delete.');

            return self::SUCCESS;

        if (!$input->getOption('force')) {
            try {
            } catch (UserAbortedCommandException) {
                $io->error('Aborting due to user input.');

                return self::FAILURE;
$provider = $this->providerCollection->get($input->getArgument('provider'));
        $force = $input->getOption('force');
        $intlIcu = $input->getOption('intl-icu');
        $locales = $input->getOption('locales') ?: $this->enabledLocales;
        $domains = $input->getOption('domains');
        $format = $input->getOption('format');
        $asTree = (int) $input->getOption('as-tree');
        $xliffVersion = '1.2';

        if ($intlIcu && !$force) {
            $io->note('--intl-icu option only has an effect when used with --force. Here, it will be ignored.');

        switch ($format) {
            case 'xlf20': $xliffVersion = '2.0';
                // no break             case 'xlf12': $format = 'xlf';

        $writeOptions = [
            'path' => end($this->transPaths),
            'xliff_version' => $xliffVersion,

        $activatePlugins = $input->getOption('activate');

        $installedPluginCount = 0;
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            if ($input->getOption('reinstall') && $plugin->getInstalledAt()) {

            if ($activatePlugins && $plugin->getInstalledAt() && $plugin->getActive() === false) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" is already installed. Activating.', $plugin->getName()));


            if ($plugin->getInstalledAt()) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" is already installed. Skipping.', $plugin->getName()));


if ($onlySalesChannel !== null && !\in_array($salesChannelId$onlySalesChannel, true)
                || $skipSalesChannel !== null && \in_array($salesChannelId$skipSalesChannel, true)
                || $onlyThemes !== null && !\in_array($themeId$onlyThemes, true)
                || $skipThemes !== null && \in_array($themeId$skipThemes, true)) {

            $this->io->block(\sprintf('Compiling theme for sales channel for : %s', $salesChannelId));

            $start = microtime(true);
            $this->themeService->compileTheme($salesChannelId$themeId$context, null, !$input->getOption('keep-assets'));
            $this->io->note(sprintf('Took %f seconds', microtime(true) - $start));

        return self::SUCCESS;

        $IOHelper->section('Generating: ');
        $target = $this->generator->generate($template$date$input->getOption('dry-run'));

        $IOHelper->success('The changelog was generated successfully');

        return self::SUCCESS;

    /** * @return array{date: string, author: string, authorEmail: string, authorGithub: string} */
    private function getDefaultData(): array
        $process = new Process(['git', 'config', '']);

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new ShopwareStyle($input$output);

        $availableStrategies = $this->appUrlChangeResolver->getAvailableStrategies();
        $strategy = $input->getArgument('strategy');

        if ($strategy === null || !\array_key_exists($strategy$availableStrategies)) {
            if ($strategy !== null) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Strategy with name: "%s" not found.', $strategy));

            $strategy = $io->choice(
                'Choose what strategy should be applied, to resolve the app url change?',

        $this->appUrlChangeResolver->resolve($strategy, Context::createDefaultContext());

        $io->success('Strategy "' . $strategy . '" was applied successfully');

return 1;
            $passwordQuestion = $this->createPasswordQuestion();
            $password = $errorIo->askQuestion($passwordQuestion);

        $salt = null;

        if ($input->isInteractive() && !$emptySalt) {
            $emptySalt = true;

            $errorIo->note('The command will take care of generating a salt for you. Be aware that some hashers advise to let them generate their own salt. If you\'re using one of those hashers, please answer \'no\' to the question below. '.\PHP_EOL.'Provide the \'empty-salt\' option in order to let the hasher handle the generation itself.');

            if ($errorIo->confirm('Confirm salt generation ?')) {
                $salt = $this->generateSalt();
                $emptySalt = false;
        } elseif (!$emptySalt) {
            $salt = $this->generateSalt();

        $hashedPassword = $hasher->hash($password$salt);

                'Use this option to skip asset building'

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $output = new ShopwareStyle($input$output);

        $dsn = trim((string) EnvironmentHelper::getVariable('DATABASE_URL', getenv('DATABASE_URL')));
        if ($dsn === '') {
            $output->note('Environment variable \'DATABASE_URL\' not defined. Skipping ' . $this->getName() . '...');

            return self::SUCCESS;

        $output->writeln('Run Post Update');

        /** @var Kernel $kernel */
        $kernel = $this->container->get('kernel');
        $pluginLoader = $kernel->getPluginLoader();

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