confirm example


        return $manifests;

    private function checkPermissions(Manifest $manifest, ShopwareStyle $io): void
        if ($manifest->getPermissions()) {
            $this->appPrinter->printPermissions($manifest$io, true);

            if (!$io->confirm(
                sprintf('Do you want to grant these permissions for app "%s"?', $manifest->getMetadata()->getName()),
            )) {
                throw new UserAbortedCommandException();
$this->runningCommand = null;
            // the command name MUST be the first element of the input             $command = $this->find($name);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            if (($e instanceof CommandNotFoundException && !$e instanceof NamespaceNotFoundException) && 1 === \count($alternatives = $e->getAlternatives()) && $input->isInteractive()) {
                $alternative = $alternatives[0];

                $style = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
                $formattedBlock = (new FormatterHelper())->formatBlock(sprintf('Command "%s" is not defined.', $name), 'error', true);
                if (!$style->confirm(sprintf('Do you want to run "%s" instead? ', $alternative), false)) {
                    if (null !== $this->dispatcher) {
                        $event = new ConsoleErrorEvent($input$output$e);
                        $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, ConsoleEvents::ERROR);

                        return $event->getExitCode();

                    return 1;

                $command = $this->find($alternative);
public function __construct(
        private readonly NewsletterSubscribePageLoader $newsletterConfirmRegisterPageLoader,
        private readonly AbstractNewsletterConfirmRoute $newsletterConfirmRoute,
        private readonly NewsletterAccountPageletLoader $newsletterAccountPageletLoader
    ) {

    #[Route(path: '/newsletter-subscribe', name: 'frontend.newsletter.subscribe', methods: ['GET'])]     public function subscribeMail(SalesChannelContext $context, Request $request, QueryDataBag $queryDataBag): Response
        try {
        } catch (NewsletterException) {
            $this->addFlash(self::DANGER, $this->trans('newsletter.subscriptionConfirmationFailed'));

            return $this->forwardToRoute('');
        } catch (\Throwable $throwable) {
            $this->addFlash(self::DANGER, $this->trans('newsletter.subscriptionConfirmationFailed'));

            throw new \Exception($throwable->getMessage()$throwable->getCode()$throwable);

        $page = $this->newsletterConfirmRegisterPageLoader->load($request$context);

return self::FAILURE;

        if ($input->getOption('report')) {
            return $this->report($input$output);

        if ($input->getOption('dry-run')) {
            return $this->dryRun($input$output);

        $confirm = $io->confirm('Are you sure that you want to delete unused media files?', false);

        if (!$confirm) {
            $io->caution('Aborting due to user input.');

            return self::SUCCESS;

        $count = $this->unusedMediaPurger->deleteNotUsedMedia(
            $input->getOption('limit') ? (int) $input->getOption('limit') : null,
            $input->getOption('offset') !== null ? (int) $input->getOption('offset') : null,
            (int) $input->getOption('grace-period-days'),
$this->runningCommand = null;
            // the command name MUST be the first element of the input             $command = $this->find($name);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            if (($e instanceof CommandNotFoundException && !$e instanceof NamespaceNotFoundException) && 1 === \count($alternatives = $e->getAlternatives()) && $input->isInteractive()) {
                $alternative = $alternatives[0];

                $style = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
                $formattedBlock = (new FormatterHelper())->formatBlock(sprintf('Command "%s" is not defined.', $name), 'error', true);
                if (!$style->confirm(sprintf('Do you want to run "%s" instead? ', $alternative), false)) {
                    if (null !== $this->dispatcher) {
                        $event = new ConsoleErrorEvent($input$output$e);
                        $this->dispatcher->dispatch($event, ConsoleEvents::ERROR);

                        return $event->getExitCode();

                    return 1;

                $command = $this->find($alternative);
$context = Context::createDefaultContext();

        $count = $this->deleteUnusedGuestCustomerService->countUnusedCustomers($context);

        if ($count === 0) {
            $io->comment('No unused guest customers found.');

            return self::SUCCESS;

        $confirm = $io->confirm(
            \sprintf('Are you sure that you want to delete %d guest customers?', $count),

        if (!$confirm) {
            $io->caution('Aborting due to user input.');

            return self::SUCCESS;

        $progressBar = $io->createProgressBar($count);

if (!$version) {
                    throw new \RuntimeException('Version of release is required.');

                return $version;
        if (!preg_match("/^\d+(\.\d+){3}$/", (string) $version)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid version of release ("' . $version . '"). It should be 4-digits type');

        $force = $input->getOption('force');
        if ($force && !$IOHelper->confirm('You are using "-f" argument. It could override an existing release before. Are you sure?', false)) {
            return self::FAILURE;

        $outputArray = $this->releaseCreator->release($version(bool) $force$input->getOption('dry-run'));

        $IOHelper->success('Released the given version successfully');

        return self::SUCCESS;
$io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);

        $io->section('Searching for unused media files.');
        $total = $this->handleMove();
        $io->text(sprintf('%s unused item(s) found.', $total));

        if ($total === 0) {
            return 0;

        if ($input->getOption('delete')) {
            if ($input->isInteractive() && !$io->confirm('Are you sure you want to delete every item in the recycle bin?')) {
                return 0;

            $deleted = $this->handleCleanup($io);
            $io->success(sprintf('%d item(s) deleted.', $deleted));

            return 0;

        $io->success(sprintf('%d item(s) in recycle bin.', $total));

$context = Context::createDefaultContext();

        $count = $this->deleteExpiredFilesService->countFiles($context);

        if ($count === 0) {
            $io->comment('No expired files found.');

            return self::SUCCESS;

        $confirm = $io->confirm(sprintf('Are you sure that you want to delete %d expired files?', $count), false);

        if (!$confirm) {
            $io->caution('Aborting due to user input.');

            return self::SUCCESS;

        $io->success(sprintf('Successfully deleted %d expired files.', $count));

        return self::SUCCESS;

            if (null === $envelope) {
                $io->error(sprintf('The message with id "%s" was not found.', $id));

            if ($shouldDisplayMessages) {

            if ($shouldForce || $io->confirm('Do you want to permanently remove this message?', false)) {

                $io->success(sprintf('Message with id %s removed.', $id));
            } else {
                $io->note(sprintf('Message with id %s not removed.', $id));
$io->success('No orphaned thumbnails found.');


        // verbose information         if ($io->getVerbosity() === SymfonyStyle::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) {
            $io->caution('The following files will be deleted:');

        if (!$io->confirm(sprintf('Found %d orphaned thumbnails. Are you sure you want to delete the files? This step is irreversible.', \count($thumbnailFiles)))) {

        $deletedThumbnails = $this->deleteThumbnails($io$filesystem$thumbnailFiles);

        $io->success(sprintf('Removed %d/%d orphaned thumbnails.', $deletedThumbnails, \count($thumbnailFiles)));

    private function processFilesIn(string $directory, FilesystemInterface $filesystem, ProgressBar $progressBar): void
        $contents = $filesystem->listContents($directory);


        $this->addArgument('from', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The storage name from which you want to migrate.')
            ->addArgument('to', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The storage name to which you want to migrate to.');

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new ShopwareStyle($input$output);

        $io->warning('Migrating the number range increments during load may lead to duplicate numbers being generated.');

        if (!$io->confirm('Are you sure you want to continue?')) {
            $io->error('Aborting due to user input.');

            return self::FAILURE;

        $from = $input->getArgument('from');
        $to = $input->getArgument('to');

                new EntitySearchResult(
                    new CustomerCollection([$customer]),
                    new Criteria(),

        $confirmResult = $this->route->confirm($this->mockRequestDataBag()$this->context);


    public function testConfirmCustomerNotDoubleOptIn(): void
        $customer = $this->mockCustomer();

return self::FAILURE;

        $io->success('all refreshable apps are valid');

        return self::SUCCESS;

    private function grantPermissions(RefreshableAppDryRun $refreshableApps, ShopwareStyle $io): void
        if (!$io->confirm(
                "%d apps will be installed, %d apps will be updated and %d apps will be deleted.\nDo you want to continue?",
        )) {
            throw new UserAbortedCommandException();

        foreach ($refreshableApps->getToBeInstalled() as $app) {
$passwordQuestion = $this->createPasswordQuestion();
            $password = $errorIo->askQuestion($passwordQuestion);

        $salt = null;

        if ($input->isInteractive() && !$emptySalt) {
            $emptySalt = true;

            $errorIo->note('The command will take care of generating a salt for you. Be aware that some hashers advise to let them generate their own salt. If you\'re using one of those hashers, please answer \'no\' to the question below. '.\PHP_EOL.'Provide the \'empty-salt\' option in order to let the hasher handle the generation itself.');

            if ($errorIo->confirm('Confirm salt generation ?')) {
                $salt = $this->generateSalt();
                $emptySalt = false;
        } elseif (!$emptySalt) {
            $salt = $this->generateSalt();

        $hashedPassword = $hasher->hash($password$salt);

        $rows = [
            ['Hasher used', $hasher::class],
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