text example


        if ($this->getFormatter() instanceof HtmlFormatter) {
            if ($message->getHtmlCharset()) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if ($message->getTextCharset()) {
            } else {

        return $message;

    protected function getHighestRecord(array $records): array|LogRecord
        $highestRecord = null;
'consectetur adipiscing elit',

    //Even using write:     $output->write('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        'consectetur adipiscing elit',

    $output->write('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        'consectetur adipiscing elit',


    $output->write('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
        'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        'consectetur adipiscing elit',
$this->options = $options;

        if (\count($this->options['blocks'] ?? []) > self::MAX_BLOCKS) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Maximum number of "blocks" has been reached (%d).', self::MAX_BLOCKS));

    public static function fromNotification(Notification $notification): self
        $options = new self();
        $options->block((new SlackSectionBlock())->text($notification->getSubject()));
        if ($notification->getContent()) {
            $options->block((new SlackSectionBlock())->text($notification->getContent()));
        if ($exception = $notification->getExceptionAsString()) {
            $options->block(new SlackDividerBlock());
            $options->block((new SlackSectionBlock())->text($exception));

        return $options;


        $options = new MicrosoftTeamsOptions([
            'text' => $text = 'My text',


    public function testTextViaSetter()
        $options = (new MicrosoftTeamsOptions())
            ->text($text = 'My text');


    /** * @dataProvider validThemeColors */
    public function testThemeColorViaConstructor(string $themeColor)
        $options = new MicrosoftTeamsOptions([
            'themeColor' => $themeColor,
return min($errors, 1);

    private function renderException(SymfonyStyle $output, string $template, Error $exception, string $file = null, GithubActionReporter $githubReporter = null): void
        $line = $exception->getTemplateLine();

        $githubReporter?->error($exception->getRawMessage()$file$line <= 0 ? null : $line);

        if ($file) {
            $output->text(sprintf('<error> ERROR </error> in %s (line %s)', $file$line));
        } else {
            $output->text(sprintf('<error> ERROR </error> (line %s)', $line));

        // If the line is not known (this might happen for deprecations if we fail at detecting the line for instance),         // we render the message without context, to ensure the message is displayed.         if ($line <= 0) {
            $output->text(sprintf('<error> >> %s</error> ', $exception->getRawMessage()));


public function testTitle()
        $section = (new Section())
            ->title($value = 'Symfony is great!');


    public function testText()
        $section = (new Section())
            ->text($value = 'Community power is awesome!');


    /** * @dataProvider allowedActions */
    public function testAction(array $expected, ActionInterface $action)
        $section = (new Section())



        /** @var StorefrontResponse $response */
        $response = $controller->guestLoginPage($request$this->salesChannelContext);

        $contentReturn = $response->getContent();
        $crawler = new Crawler();
        $crawler->addHtmlContent((string) $contentReturn);

        $errorContent = $crawler->filterXPath('//div[@class="flashbags container"]//div[@class="alert-content"]')->text();

        static::assertStringContainsString($this->translator->trans('account.loginThrottled', ['%seconds%' => 5])$errorContent);

    public function testAuthControllerLoginShowsRateLimit(): void
        $loginRoute = $this->createMock(LoginRoute::class);

        $controller = new AuthController(
$payload = [];
        for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) {
            $rules = \array_slice($poolrandom_int(0, \count($pool) - 2)random_int(1, 2));

            $classes = array_column($rules, 'rule');
            $names = array_column($rules, 'name');

            $ruleData = [
                'id' => Uuid::randomHex(),
                'priority' => $i,
                'name' => implode(' + ', $names),
                'description' => $context->getFaker()->text(),

            $ruleData['conditions'][] = $this->buildChildRule(null, (new OrRule())->assign(['rules' => $classes]));

            $payload[] = $ruleData;

        // nested condition         $nestedRule = new OrRule();

        $nestedRuleData = [
$uninstalledPluginCount = 0;
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            if ($plugin->getInstalledAt() === null) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" is not installed. Skipping.', $plugin->getName()));



            $io->text(sprintf('Plugin "%s" has been uninstalled successfully.', $plugin->getName()));

        if ($uninstalledPluginCount !== 0) {
            $io->success(sprintf('Uninstalled %d plugins.', $uninstalledPluginCount));

        $this->handleClearCacheOption($input$io, 'uninstalling');

        return self::SUCCESS;
        $response = $browser->getResponse();
        $contentReturn = $response->getContent();

        $crawler = new Crawler();
        $errorContent = $crawler->filterXPath('//div[@class="alert-content"]')->text();
        foreach ($errorKeys as $errorKey) {

    /** * @dataProvider errorDataProvider * * @param array<string> $errorKeys */
    public function testConfirmWithErrorsFlash(ErrorCollection $errors, array $errorKeys, bool $testSwitchToDefault = false, bool $orderShouldBeBlocked = false): void
$updatedPluginCount = 0;
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            if ($plugin->getInstalledAt() === null) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" is not installed. Skipping.', $plugin->getName()));


            $io->text(sprintf('Plugin "%s" has been updated successfully.', $plugin->getName()));

        if ($updatedPluginCount !== 0) {
            $io->success(sprintf('Updated %d plugin(s).', $updatedPluginCount));

        $this->handleClearCacheOption($input$io, 'updating');

        return self::SUCCESS;

            if ($plugin->getActive()) {
                $io->note(sprintf('Plugin "%s" is already active. Skipping.', $plugin->getName()));



            $io->text(sprintf('Plugin "%s" has been activated successfully.', $plugin->getName()));

        if ($activatedPluginCount !== 0) {
            $io->success(sprintf('Activated %d plugin(s).', $activatedPluginCount));

        $this->handleClearCacheOption($input$io, 'activating');

        return self::SUCCESS;

    /** * @return array<string, mixed> */
    private function createSimpleMailTemplate(DemodataContext $context, string $mailTypeId): array
        $faker = $context->getFaker();

        return [
            'id' => Uuid::randomHex(),
            'description' => $faker->text(),
            'isSystemDefault' => false,
            'senderName' => $faker->name(),
            'subject' => $faker->text(100),
            'contentHtml' => $this->generateRandomHTML(
                ['b', 'i', 'u', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'cite'],
            'contentPlain' => $faker->text(),
            'mailTemplateTypeId' => $mailTypeId,
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\DraftEmail;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Exception\LogicException;

/** * @author Kevin Bond <kevinbond@gmail.com> */
final class DraftEmailTest extends TestCase
    public function testCanHaveJustBody()
        $email = (new DraftEmail())->text('some text')->toString();

        $this->assertStringContainsString('some text', $email);
        $this->assertStringContainsString('MIME-Version: 1.0', $email);
        $this->assertStringContainsString('X-Unsent: 1', $email);

    public function testBccIsRemoved()
        $email = (new DraftEmail())->text('some text')->bcc('sam@example.com')->toString();

        $this->assertStringNotContainsString('sam@example.com', $email);
return new MockResponse(json_encode(['emails' => [['message_id' => 'foobar']]])[
                'http_code' => 200,
        $transport = new ScalewayApiTransport('PROJECT_ID', 'TOKEN', 'fr-par', $client);

        $mail = new Email();
            ->to(new Address('saif.gmati@symfony.com', 'Saif Eddin'))
            ->from(new Address('fabpot@symfony.com', 'Fabien'))
            ->text('Hello There!');

        $message = $transport->send($mail);

        $this->assertSame('foobar', $message->getMessageId());

    public function testSendThrowsForErrorResponse()
        $client = new MockHttpClient(function Dstring $method, string $url, array $options): ResponseInterface {
            return new MockResponse(json_encode(['message' => 'i\'m a teapot'])[
                'http_code' => 418,
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