getFile example

if (!class_exists(VarCloner::class)) {
            return null;

        $cloner = new VarCloner();
        $cloner->addCasters([FlattenException::class => function DFlattenException $flattenException, array $a, Stub $stub): array {
            $stub->class = $flattenException->getClass();

            return [
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'message' => $flattenException->getMessage(),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'code' => $flattenException->getCode(),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'file' => $flattenException->getFile(),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'line' => $flattenException->getLine(),
                Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'trace' => new TraceStub($flattenException->getTrace()),

        return $cloner;

    protected function printWarningAvailableFailureTransports(SymfonyStyle $io, ?string $failureTransportName): void
        $failureTransports = array_keys($this->failureTransports->getProvidedServices());
if ($definition->isDeprecated()) {
            $output .= "\n".'- Deprecated: yes';
            $output .= "\n".'- Deprecation message: '.$definition->getDeprecation($options['id'])['message'];
        } else {
            $output .= "\n".'- Deprecated: no';

        if (isset($options['show_arguments']) && $options['show_arguments']) {
            $output .= "\n".'- Arguments: '.($definition->getArguments() ? 'yes' : 'no');

        if ($definition->getFile()) {
            $output .= "\n".'- File: `'.$definition->getFile().'`';

        if ($factory = $definition->getFactory()) {
            if (\is_array($factory)) {
                if ($factory[0] instanceof Reference) {
                    $output .= "\n".'- Factory Service: `'.$factory[0].'`';
                } elseif ($factory[0] instanceof Definition) {
                    $output .= "\n".sprintf('- Factory Service: inline factory service (%s)', $factory[0]->getClass() ? sprintf('`%s`', $factory[0]->getClass()) : 'not configured');
                } else {
                    $output .= "\n".'- Factory Class: `'.$factory[0].'`';
$unserializeCallbackHandler = ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', __CLASS__.'::handleUnserializeCallback');
        try {
            $values = [];
            foreach (apcu_fetch($ids$ok) ?: [] as $k => $v) {
                if (null !== $v || $ok) {
                    $values[$k] = null !== $this->marshaller ? $this->marshaller->unmarshall($v) : $v;

            return $values;
        } catch (\Error $e) {
            throw new \ErrorException($e->getMessage()$e->getCode(), \E_ERROR, $e->getFile()$e->getLine());
        } finally {
            ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', $unserializeCallbackHandler);

    protected function doHave(string $id): bool
        return apcu_exists($id);

    protected function doClear(string $namespace): bool

        return new JsonResponse($data$status$headers);

    /** * Returns a BinaryFileResponse object with original or customized file name and disposition header. */
    protected function file(\SplFileInfo|string $file, string $fileName = null, string $disposition = ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT): BinaryFileResponse
        $response = new BinaryFileResponse($file);
        $response->setContentDisposition($disposition$fileName ?? $response->getFile()->getFilename());

        return $response;

    /** * Adds a flash message to the current session for type. * * @throws \LogicException */
    protected function addFlash(string $type, mixed $message): void
        // purposely ignored attributes: abstract, shared, tags, autoconfigured         $def->setClass($parentDef->getClass());
        if ($parentDef->isDeprecated()) {
            $deprecation = $parentDef->getDeprecation('%service_id%');

        $def->setBindings($definition->getBindings() + $parentDef->getBindings());


        // overwrite with values specified in the decorator         $changes = $definition->getChanges();
$attribute = [];
        foreach ($category->getAttributes() as $struct) {
            $attribute = array_merge($attribute$struct->toArray());

        $media = [];
        if ($category->getMedia()) {
            $media = [
                'id' => $category->getMedia()->getId(),
                'name' => $category->getMedia()->getName(),
                'description' => $category->getMedia()->getDescription(),
                'path' => $category->getMedia()->getFile(),
                'type' => $category->getMedia()->getType(),
                'extension' => $category->getMedia()->getExtension(),

        $path = $category->getPath() ? '|' . implode('|', $category->getPath()) . '|' : '';

        return [
            'id' => $category->getId(),
            'name' => $category->getName(),
            'metaKeywords' => $category->getMetaKeywords(),
protected function processValue(mixed $value, bool $isRoot = false): mixed
        if (\is_string($value)) {
            return $this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($value, true);
        if ($value instanceof Definition) {
            $changes = $value->getChanges();
            if (isset($changes['class'])) {
                $value->setClass($this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($value->getClass(), true));
            if (isset($changes['file'])) {
                $value->setFile($this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders($value->getFile(), true));

        $value = parent::processValue($value$isRoot);

        if ($value && \is_array($value) && !$isRoot) {
            $value = array_combine($this->container->resolveEnvPlaceholders(array_keys($value), true)$value);

        return $value;
/* * This case matches, when a doctrine attribute model don't exist */
        if ($exception instanceof ReflectionException && strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'Shopware\Models\Attribute')) {
            return true;

        /* * This case matches, when a doctrine model field defined which not exist in the database */
        if ($exception instanceof PDOException && strpos($exception->getFile(), '/Doctrine/DBAL/')) {
            return true;

        /* * This case matches, when a parent model selected and the child model loaded the attribute over the lazy loading process. */
        if ($exception instanceof MappingException && strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'Shopware\Models\Attribute')) {
            return true;

        return false;
/** @var Emotion $emotion */
        $emotion = reset($emotions);

        if ($emotion->isPreview() && $emotion->getPreviewSecret() !== $this->Request()->getParam('secret')) {

        $emotions = array_map([$this, 'getLegacyEmotion']$emotions);

        if ($emotion->getTemplate()) {
            $this->View()->loadTemplate('widgets/emotion/' . $emotion->getTemplate()->getFile());

        $this->View()->assign('categoryId', (int) $this->Request()->getParam('categoryId'));
        $this->View()->assign('Controller', (string) $this->Request()->getParam('controllerName'));
        $this->View()->assign('sEmotions', $emotions, true);

    /** * Action that will be triggered by product slider type top seller */
    public function emotionArticleSliderAction()
if (class_exists(Response::class) && isset(Response::$statusTexts[$statusCode])) {
            $statusText = Response::$statusTexts[$statusCode];
        } else {
            $statusText = 'Whoops, looks like something went wrong.';


        $previous = $exception->getPrevious();

        if ($previous instanceof \Throwable) {

        return $e;

$productId = Uuid::randomHex();
        $product = $this->getTestProduct($productId);
        $newStock = (int) $product['stock'] + 1;

        $criteria = new Criteria([$productId]);
        $progress = $this->export(Context::createDefaultContext(), ProductDefinition::ENTITY_NAME, $criteria);

        $events = array_column($this->listener->getCalledListeners(), 'event');

        $logfile = $this->getLogEntity($progress->getLogId())->getFile();
        $csv = $filesystem->read($logfile->getPath());
        static::assertStringContainsString(";{$newStock};", $csv);

    public function testImportEvents(): void
        $this->listener->addSubscriber(new TestSubscriber());
        $events = array_column($this->listener->getCalledListeners(), 'event');

if (!$missingIds) {
            return $values;

        try {
            $getExpiry = true;

            foreach ($missingIds as $k => $id) {
                try {
                    $file = $this->files[$id] ??= $this->getFile($id);

                    if (isset(self::$valuesCache[$file])) {
                        [$expiresAt$this->values[$id]] = self::$valuesCache[$file];
                    } elseif (\is_array($expiresAt = include $file)) {
                        if ($this->appendOnly) {
                            self::$valuesCache[$file] = $expiresAt;

                        [$expiresAt$this->values[$id]] = $expiresAt;
                    } elseif ($now < $expiresAt) {
                        $this->values[$id] = new LazyValue($file);
    // default. Since this is no helpful information, omit it.     if ($exception->getCode() !== 0) {
      $error['code'] = (string) $exception->getCode();

    $is_verbose_reporting = \Drupal::config('system.logging')->get('error_level') === ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE;
    $site_report_access = $this->currentUser->hasPermission('access site reports');
    if ($site_report_access && $is_verbose_reporting) {
      // The following information may contain sensitive information. Only show       // it to authorized users.       $error['source'] = [
        'file' => $exception->getFile(),
        'line' => $exception->getLine(),
      $error['meta'] = [
        'exception' => (string) $exception,
        'trace' => $exception->getTrace(),

    return [$error];

$cause = $exception;
    $root = true;

    while (null !== $cause) {
        if (!$root) {
            echo "Caused by\n";

        echo $cause::class.': '.$cause->getMessage()."\n";
        echo "\n";
        echo $cause->getFile().':'.$cause->getLine()."\n";
        echo $cause->getTraceAsString()."\n";

        $cause = $cause->getPrevious();
        $root = false;

$autoload = __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';

if (!file_exists($autoload)) {
    echo wordwrap('You should run "composer install" in the component before running this script.', 75)." Aborting.\n";

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Failed asserting that the Request has attribute "_route" with value "articles".');

    public function testExceptionOnServerError()
        try {
            $this->getResponseTester(new Response('', 500, ['X-Debug-Exception' => 'An exception has occurred', 'X-Debug-Exception-File' => '%2Fsrv%2Ftest.php:12']))->assertResponseIsSuccessful();
        } catch (ExpectationFailedException $exception) {
            $this->assertSame('An exception has occurred', $exception->getPrevious()->getMessage());
            $this->assertSame('/srv/test.php', $exception->getPrevious()->getFile());
            $this->assertSame(12, $exception->getPrevious()->getLine());

    private function getResponseTester(Response $response): WebTestCase
        $client = $this->createMock(KernelBrowser::class);

        $request = new Request();
        $request->setFormat('custom', ['application/vnd.myformat']);
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