setHeaders example

$index = $this->container->get(IndexFactory::class)->createShopIndex($shop$type);

        $analyzed = $client->indices()->analyze([
            'index' => $index->getName(),
            'analyzer' => $analyzer,
            'text' => $query,

        $tokens = $analyzed['tokens'];

        $table = new Table($output);
        $table->setHeaders(['Token', 'Start', 'End', 'Type', 'position'])

        return 0;



            return self::SUCCESS;

        $io->text('Access tokens:');

        $table = new Table($output);
        $table->setHeaders(['Key', 'Value']);

            ['Access key', $accessKey],


        return self::SUCCESS;

    /** * @return array<string, mixed> */
return Command::FAILURE;

    /** * @param array<string, string|array<mixed>> $messages */
    private function renderErrorMessages(ShopwareStyle $style, array $messages): void
        $style->error('The OpenAPI schema is invalid:');
        $table = $style->createTable();
        $table->setHeaders(['No.', 'Error']);

        foreach ($messages as $i => $message) {
            if (\is_array($message)) {
                $message = json_encode($message, \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);


            $io->text('No validators were found for this class.');



        $table = new Table($output);
        $table->setHeaders(['Property', 'Name', 'Groups', 'Options']);
        $table->setColumnMaxWidth(3, 80);

    private function getClassConstraintsData(ClassMetadataInterface $classMetadata): iterable
        foreach ($classMetadata->getConstraints() as $constraint) {
            yield [
                'class' => $constraint::class,
                'groups' => $constraint->groups,
foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $tableData[] = [

        $table = new Table($this->output);
            ->setHeaders(['Id', 'Name', 'Path'])

    /** * Creates a human readable category path * * @return string */
    private function getCategoryPath(Category $category)
$statusCode ??= 500;

        if (class_exists(Response::class) && isset(Response::$statusTexts[$statusCode])) {
            $statusText = Response::$statusTexts[$statusCode];
        } else {
            $statusText = 'Whoops, looks like something went wrong.';


        $previous = $exception->getPrevious();

        if ($previous instanceof \Throwable) {

foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
            $result[] = [

        $table = new Table($output);
        $table->setHeaders(['Id', 'Technical name', 'Label',  'CurrentVersion', 'AvailableVersion'])


        return 0;

    /** * @param OptimizerInterface[] $capabilities */
    private function displayCapabilities(OutputInterface $output, array $capabilities)
        $table = new Table($output);
        $table->setHeaders(['Optimizer', 'Runnable', 'Supported mime-types']);
        foreach ($capabilities as $optimizer) {
                $optimizer->isRunnable() ? 'Yes' : 'No',
                implode(', ', $optimizer->getSupportedMimeTypes()),

    private function hasRunnableOptimizer(): bool

    public function configure(RemoteEvent $event, string $secret, HttpOptions $options): void
        $opts = $options->toArray();
        $headers = $opts['headers'];
        if (!isset($opts['body'])) {
            throw new LogicException('The body must be set.');
        $body = $opts['body'];
        $headers[$this->signatureHeaderName] = $this->algo.'='.hash_hmac($this->algo, $event->getName().$event->getId().$body$secret);
public function __construct(BusinessEventCollector $collector)
        $this->collector = $collector;

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $result = $this->collector->collect(Context::createDefaultContext());

        $table = new Table($output);
        $table->setHeaders(['name', 'mail-aware', 'log-aware', 'class']);
        foreach ($result as $definition) {
                (int) $definition->getAware('mailAware'),
                (int) $definition->getAware('logAware'),

        return self::SUCCESS;
$headers['Allow'] = 'GET';


    /** * @dataProvider headerDataProvider */
    public function testHeadersSetter($headers)
        $exception = new MethodNotAllowedHttpException(['GET']);

    protected function createException(string $message = '', \Throwable $previous = null, int $code = 0, array $headers = []): HttpException
        return new MethodNotAllowedHttpException(['get']$message$previous$code$headers);
    // \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException here     // because we don't want to return a 404 status code, but rather a 406.     $available_formats = static::getAvailableFormats($collection);
    $not_acceptable = new NotAcceptableHttpException("No route found for the specified format $format. Supported formats: " . implode(', ', $available_formats) . '.');
    if ($available_formats) {
      $links = [];
      foreach ($available_formats as $available_format) {
        $url = Url::fromUri($request->getUri()['query' => ['_format' => $available_format]])->toString(TRUE)->getGeneratedUrl();
        $content_type = $request->getMimeType($available_format);
        $links[] = "<$url>; rel=\"alternate\"; type=\"$content_type\"";
      $not_acceptable->setHeaders(['Link' => implode(', ', $links)]);
    throw $not_acceptable;

  /** * Determines the default request format. * * By default, use 'html' as the default format. But when there's only a * single route match, and that route specifies a '_format' requirement * listing a single format, then use that as the default format. Also, if * there are multiple routes which all require the same single format then * use it. * * @param \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection $collection * The route collection to filter. * * @return string * The default format. */

        $success = true;
        foreach ($urls as $url) {
            try {
                $client = new Zend_Http_Client($url[
                    'useragent' => 'Shopware/' . Shopware()->Config()->get('version'),
                    'timeout' => 3,

                if ($cacheId) {
                    $client->setHeaders('x-shopware-invalidates', $cacheId);

                $response = $client->request('BAN');
                if ($response->getStatus() < 200 || $response->getStatus() >= 300) {
                        'Reverse proxy returned invalid status code',
                        ['response' => $response->getRawBody(), 'code' => $response->getStatus()]
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $this->get('corelogger')->error($e->getMessage()['exception' => $e]);
public function caution(string|array $message)
        $this->block($message, 'CAUTION', 'fg=white;bg=red', ' ! ', true);

    /** * @return void */
    public function table(array $headers, array $rows)


    /** * Formats a horizontal table. * * @return void */
$headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Challenge';


    /** * @dataProvider headerDataProvider */
    public function testHeadersSetter($headers)
        $exception = new UnauthorizedHttpException('Challenge');

    protected function createException(string $message = '', \Throwable $previous = null, int $code = 0, array $headers = []): HttpException
        return new UnauthorizedHttpException('Challenge', $message$previous$code$headers);
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