getProperties example

if (\is_scalar($object)) {

        if ($object instanceof Collection) {
            $object->map(function D$element): void {

        if ($object instanceof Struct) {
            $properties = $this->propertyInfoExtractor->getProperties($object::class);

            foreach ($properties as $property) {
                if (\in_array($property, self::IGNORED_PROPERTIES, true)) {

                try {
                } catch (\ArgumentCountError) {
                    // nth                 }
$this->currentId = $id;

        $this->container->log($thissprintf('Resolving inheritance for "%s" (parent: %s).', $this->currentId, $parent));
        $def = new Definition();

        // merge in parent definition         // purposely ignored attributes: abstract, shared, tags, autoconfigured         $def->setClass($parentDef->getClass());
        if ($parentDef->isDeprecated()) {
            $deprecation = $parentDef->getDeprecation('%service_id%');

if (!class_exists(Expression::class)) {
                throw new LogicException('Expressions cannot be used in service factories without the ExpressionLanguage component. Try running "composer require symfony/expression-language".');

            $factory = new Expression(substr($factory, 2));
        $this->byFactory = $byFactory;


        $properties = $value->getProperties();
        $setters = $value->getMethodCalls();

        // Any references before a "wither" are part of the constructor-instantiation graph         $lastWitherIndex = null;
        foreach ($setters as $k => $call) {
            if ($call[2] ?? false) {
                $lastWitherIndex = $k;

        if (null !== $lastWitherIndex) {

  public function getString() {
    return isset($this->entity) ? $this->entity->label() : '';

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function applyDefaultValue($notify = TRUE) {
    // Apply the default value of all properties.     foreach ($this->getProperties() as $property) {
    return $this;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]   public function getIterator() {
    return $this->entity instanceof \IteratorAggregate ? $this->entity->getIterator() : new \ArrayIterator([]);

    // Test getting and setting properties.     $this->assertEquals('eins', $typed_data->get('one')->getValue());
    $typed_data->set('one', 'uno');
    $this->assertEquals('uno', $typed_data->get('one')->getValue());
    // Make sure the update is reflected in the value of the map also.     $value = $typed_data->getValue();
    $this->assertEquals(['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'zwei', 'three' => 'drei']$value);

    $properties = $typed_data->getProperties();
    $this->assertSame($typed_data->get('one')$properties['one'], 'Properties are identical.');

    // Test setting a not defined property. It shouldn't show up in the     // properties, but be kept in the values.     $typed_data->setValue(['foo' => 'bar']);
    $this->assertEquals(['one', 'two', 'three']array_keys($typed_data->getProperties()));
    $this->assertEquals(['foo', 'one', 'two', 'three']array_keys($typed_data->getValue()));

    // Test getting the string representation.     $typed_data->setValue(['one' => 'eins', 'two' => '', 'three' => 'drei']);
$this->arrayMutatorPrefixesLast = array_reverse($this->arrayMutatorPrefixesFirst);

    public function getProperties(string $class, array $context = []): ?array
        try {
            $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
        } catch (\ReflectionException) {
            return null;

        $reflectionProperties = $reflectionClass->getProperties();

        $properties = [];
        foreach ($reflectionProperties as $reflectionProperty) {
            if ($reflectionProperty->getModifiers() & $this->propertyReflectionFlags) {
                $properties[$reflectionProperty->name] = $reflectionProperty->name;

        foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods($this->methodReflectionFlags) as $reflectionMethod) {
            if ($reflectionMethod->isStatic()) {
// inner anonymous services         $args = $inner->getArguments();
        $this->assertCount(1, $args, '->load() references anonymous services as "normal" ones');
        $this->assertInstanceOf(Reference::class$args[0], '->load() converts anonymous services to references to "normal" services');
        $this->assertArrayHasKey((string) $args[0]$services, '->load() makes a reference to the created ones');
        $inner = $services[(string) $args[0]];
        $this->assertEquals('BazClass', $inner->getClass(), '->load() uses the same configuration as for the anonymous ones');

        // anonymous service as a property         $properties = $services['foo']->getProperties();
        $property = $properties['p'];
        $this->assertInstanceOf(Reference::class$property, '->load() converts anonymous services to references to "normal" services');
        $this->assertArrayHasKey((string) $property$services, '->load() makes a reference to the created ones');
        $inner = $services[(string) $property];
        $this->assertEquals('BuzClass', $inner->getClass(), '->load() uses the same configuration as for the anonymous ones');

        // anonymous services are shared when using decoration definitions         $container->compile();
        $services = $container->getDefinitions();
        $fooArgs = $services['foo']->getArguments();
foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $k => $call) {
            if ($call[2] ?? false) {
                $lastWitherIndex = $k;

        if (null === $lastWitherIndex && (true === $tryProxy || !$definition->isLazy())) {
            // share only if proxying failed, or if not a proxy, and if no withers are found             $this->shareService($definition$service$id$inlineServices);

        $properties = $this->doResolveServices($parameterBag->unescapeValue($parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getProperties()))$inlineServices);
        foreach ($properties as $name => $value) {
            $service->$name = $value;

        foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $k => $call) {
            $service = $this->callMethod($service$call$inlineServices);

            if ($lastWitherIndex === $k && (true === $tryProxy || !$definition->isLazy())) {
                // share only if proxying failed, or if not a proxy, and this is the last wither                 $this->shareService($definition$service$id$inlineServices);

            foreach ($doc['param'] as $parameterName => $parameterType) {
                if (!isset($definedParameters[$parameterName])) {
                    self::$annotatedParameters[$class][$method->name][$parameterName] = sprintf('The "%%s::%s()" method will require a new "%s$%s" argument in the next major version of its %s "%s", not defining it is deprecated.', $method->name, $parameterType ? $parameterType.' ' : '', $parameterNameinterface_exists($className) ? 'interface' : 'parent class', $className);

        $finals = isset(self::$final[$class]) || $refl->isFinal() ? [] : [
            'finalConstants' => $refl->getReflectionConstants(\ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionClassConstant::IS_PROTECTED),
            'finalProperties' => $refl->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED),
        foreach ($finals as $type => $reflectors) {
            foreach ($reflectors as $r) {
                if ($r->class !== $class) {

                $doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($r);

                foreach ($parentAndOwnInterfaces as $use) {
                    if (isset(self::${$type}[$use][$r->name]) && !isset($doc['deprecated']) && ('finalConstants' === $type || substr($use, 0, strrpos($use, '\\')) !== substr($use, 0, strrpos($class, '\\')))) {
if ($definition->getFile()) {
            $file = $this->document->createElement('file');

        if ($parameters = $definition->getArguments()) {
            $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'argument', $service);

        if ($parameters = $definition->getProperties()) {
            $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'property', $service, 'name');


        if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) {
            if (\is_array($callable) && ['Closure', 'fromCallable'] !== $callable && $definition->getClass() === $callable[0]) {
                $service->setAttribute('constructor', $callable[1]);
            } else {
                $factory = $this->document->createElement('factory');

'name' => 'original',
      'language' => 'en',
    $translation = $entity->addTranslation('de');

    // Clone the entity.     $clone = clone $entity;

    // Retrieve the entity properties.     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($entity);
    $properties = $reflection->getProperties(~\ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC);
    $translation_unique_properties = ['activeLangcode', 'translationInitialize', 'fieldDefinitions', 'languages', 'langcodeKey', 'defaultLangcode', 'defaultLangcodeKey', 'revisionTranslationAffectedKey', 'validated', 'validationRequired', 'entityTypeId', 'typedData', 'cacheContexts', 'cacheTags', 'cacheMaxAge', '_serviceIds', '_entityStorages'];

    foreach ($properties as $property) {
      // Modify each entity property on the clone and assert that the change is       // not propagated to the original entity.       $property->setValue($entity, 'default-value');
      $property->setValue($translation, 'default-value');
      $property->setValue($clone, 'test-entity-cloning');
      // Static properties remain the same across all instances of the class.       if ($property->isStatic()) {
        $this->assertEquals('test-entity-cloning', $property->getValue($entity)(string) new FormattableMarkup('Entity property %property_name is not cloned properly.', ['%property_name' => $property->getName()]));
if (isset($data['target_uuid'])) {
      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem $field_item */
      $field_item = $context['target_instance'];
      if (empty($data['target_uuid'])) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('If provided "target_uuid" cannot be empty for field "%s".', $field_item->getName()));
      $target_type = $field_item->getFieldDefinition()->getSetting('target_type');
      if (!empty($data['target_type']) && $target_type !== $data['target_type']) {
        throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('The field "%s" property "target_type" must be set to "%s" or omitted.', $field_item->getFieldDefinition()->getName()$target_type));
      if ($entity = $this->entityRepository->loadEntityByUuid($target_type$data['target_uuid'])) {
        return ['target_id' => $entity->id()] + array_intersect_key($data$field_item->getProperties());
      else {
        // Unable to load entity by uuid.         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('No "%s" entity found with UUID "%s" for field "%s".', $data['target_type']$data['target_uuid']$field_item->getName()));
    return parent::constructValue($data$context);

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
$object->filename = $reflector->getFileName();
            $object->startline = $reflector->getStartLine();

        $rep = new Representation('Properties');

        $readonly = [];

        // Reflection is both slower and more painful to use than array casting         // We only use it to identify readonly and uninitialized properties         if (KINT_PHP74 && '__PHP_Incomplete_Class' != $object->classname) {
            $rprops = $reflector->getProperties();

            while ($reflector = $reflector->getParentClass()) {
                $rprops = \array_merge($rprops$reflector->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE));

            foreach ($rprops as $rprop) {
                if ($rprop->isStatic()) {


if ($n = \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers())) {
            $a[$prefix.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', $n);

            'extends' => 'getParentClass',
            'implements' => 'getInterfaceNames',
            'constants' => 'getReflectionConstants',

        foreach ($c->getProperties() as $n) {
            $a[$prefix.'properties'][$n->name] = $n;

        foreach ($c->getMethods() as $n) {
            $a[$prefix.'methods'][$n->name] = $n;


        if (!($filter & Caster::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE) && !$isNested) {
$o->value->contents[$key] = $this->parser->parse($param$base);

            // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd         }

        // PHP81 returns an empty array when casting a mysqli instance         if (KINT_PHP81) {
            $r = new ReflectionClass(mysqli::class);

            $basepropvalues = [];

            foreach ($r->getProperties() as $prop) {
                if ($prop->isStatic()) {
                    continue; // @codeCoverageIgnore                 }

                $pname = $prop->getName();
                $param = null;

                if (isset($this->connected_readable[$pname])) {
                    if ($connected) {
                        $param = $var->{$pname};
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