isFinal example

private function generateSignature(\ReflectionClass $class): iterable
        $attributes = [];
        foreach ($class->getAttributes() as $a) {
            $attributes[] = [$a->getName()(string) $a];
        yield print_r($attributes, true);
        $attributes = [];

        yield $class->getDocComment();
        yield (int) $class->isFinal();
        yield (int) $class->isAbstract();

        if ($class->isTrait()) {
            yield print_r(class_uses($class->name), true);
        } else {
            yield print_r(class_parents($class->name), true);
            yield print_r(class_implements($class->name), true);
            yield print_r($class->getConstants(), true);

        if (!$class->isInterface()) {
return [\sprintf('Test classes (%s) must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker', $node->getClassReflection()->getName())];

        if ($this->isStorefrontController($node)) {
            return ['Storefront controllers must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker. The BC promise is checked over the route annotation.'];

        if ($this->isBundle($node)) {
            return ['Bundles must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker.'];

        if ($this->isEventSubscriber($node) && !$this->isFinal($node->getClassReflection()$doc) && !\in_array($class, self::SUBSCRIBER_EXCEPTIONS, true)) {
            return ['Event subscribers must be flagged @internal or @final to not be captured by the BC checker.'];

        if ($namespace = $this->isInInternalNamespace($node)) {
            return ['Classes in `' . $namespace . '` namespace must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker.'];

        if ($this->isInNamespace($node, '\\Framework\\Demodata') && !\in_array($class, self::DEMO_DATA_EXCEPTIONS, true)) {
            return ['Classes in `Framework\\Demodata` namespace must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker.'];


    /** * Helps generate lazy-loading ghost objects. * * @throws LogicException When the class is incompatible with ghost objects */
    public static function generateLazyGhost(\ReflectionClass $class): string
        if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80200 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80300 && $class->isReadOnly()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is readonly.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isFinal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is final.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isInterface() || $class->isAbstract()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: "%s" is not a concrete class.', $class->name));
        if (\stdClass::class !== $class->name && $class->isInternal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is internal.', $class->name));
        if ($class->hasMethod('__get') && 'mixed' !== (self::exportType($class->getMethod('__get')) ?? 'mixed')) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: return type of method "%s::__get()" should be "mixed".', $class->name));


            $forcePatchTypes = $this->patchTypes['force'];

            if ($canAddReturnType = null !== $forcePatchTypes && !str_contains($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'vendor'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
                if ('void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void')) {
                    $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes ?: 'docblock';

                $canAddReturnType = 2 === (int) $forcePatchTypes
                    || false !== stripos($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Tests'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
                    || $refl->isFinal()
                    || $method->isFinal()
                    || $method->isPrivate()
                    || ('.' === (self::$internal[$class] ?? null) && !$refl->isAbstract())
                    || '.' === (self::$final[$class] ?? null)
                    || '' === ($doc['final'][0] ?? null)
                    || '' === ($doc['internal'][0] ?? null)

            if (null !== ($returnType = self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name] ?? null) && 'docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force'] && !$method->hasReturnType() && isset(TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$returnType[2]][$method->name])) {
return $errors;

    private function isInternal(string $doc): bool
        return str_contains($doc, '@internal') || str_contains($doc, 'reason:becomes-internal');

    private function isFinal(ClassReflection $class, string $doc): bool
        return str_contains($doc, '@final') || str_contains($doc, 'reason:becomes-final') || $class->isFinal();

    private function hasDecorationPattern(ClassReflection $class, Scope $scope): bool
        if (!$class->hasMethod('getDecorated')) {
            return false;

        $method = $class->getMethod('getDecorated', $scope);

        $doc = $method->getDocComment() ?? '';


    /** * Helps generate lazy-loading ghost objects. * * @throws LogicException When the class is incompatible with ghost objects */
    public static function generateLazyGhost(\ReflectionClass $class): string
        if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80200 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80300 && $class->isReadOnly()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is readonly.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isFinal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is final.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isInterface() || $class->isAbstract()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: "%s" is not a concrete class.', $class->name));
        if (\stdClass::class !== $class->name && $class->isInternal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is internal.', $class->name));
        if ($class->hasMethod('__get') && 'mixed' !== (self::exportType($class->getMethod('__get')) ?? 'mixed')) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: return type of method "%s::__get()" should be "mixed".', $class->name));


        $this->returntype = $method->getReturnType();
        if ($this->returntype) {
            $this->returntype = Utils::getTypeString($this->returntype);

        if ($method instanceof ReflectionMethod) {
            $this->static = $method->isStatic();
            $this->operator = $this->static ? Value::OPERATOR_STATIC : Value::OPERATOR_OBJECT;
            $this->abstract = $method->isAbstract();
            $this->final = $method->isFinal();
            $this->owner_class = $method->getDeclaringClass()->name;
            $this->access = Value::ACCESS_PUBLIC;
            if ($method->isProtected()) {
                $this->access = Value::ACCESS_PROTECTED;
            } elseif ($method->isPrivate()) {
                $this->access = Value::ACCESS_PRIVATE;

        if ($this->internal) {

        return InClassNode::class;

    /** * @param InClassNode $node * * @return array<array-key, RuleError|string> */
    public function processNode(Node $node, Scope $scope): array
        if ($node->getClassReflection()->isFinal()) {
            return [];

        if ($this->isMessageHandler($node)) {
            return ['MessageHandlers must be final, so they cannot be extended/overwritten.'];

        return [];

    private function isMessageHandler(InClassNode $node): bool

    /** * @return ReflectionMethod[] */
    protected function getHookedMethods(ReflectionClass $class)
        return array_filter(
            $class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED),
            function DReflectionMethod $method) use ($class) {
                return !$method->isConstructor()
                    && !$method->isFinal()
                    && !$method->isStatic()
                    && !str_starts_with($method->getName(), '__')
                    && $this->hookManager->hasHooks($class->getName()$method->getName());

    /** * @return MethodGenerator */
    protected function createMethodGenerator(ReflectionMethod $method)

            $forcePatchTypes = $this->patchTypes['force'];

            if ($canAddReturnType = null !== $forcePatchTypes && !str_contains($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'vendor'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
                if ('void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void')) {
                    $this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes ?: 'docblock';

                $canAddReturnType = 2 === (int) $forcePatchTypes
                    || false !== stripos($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Tests'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
                    || $refl->isFinal()
                    || $method->isFinal()
                    || $method->isPrivate()
                    || ('.' === (self::$internal[$class] ?? null) && !$refl->isAbstract())
                    || '.' === (self::$final[$class] ?? null)
                    || '' === ($doc['final'][0] ?? null)
                    || '' === ($doc['internal'][0] ?? null)

            if (null !== ($returnType = self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name] ?? null) && 'docblock' === $this->patchTypes['force'] && !$method->hasReturnType() && isset(TentativeTypes::RETURN_TYPES[$returnType[2]][$method->name])) {
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