return ['Storefront controllers must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker. The BC promise is checked over the route annotation.'
} if ($this->
isBundle($node)) { return ['Bundles must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker.'
} if ($this->
isEventSubscriber($node) && !
$doc) && !\
in_array($class, self::SUBSCRIBER_EXCEPTIONS, true
)) { return ['Event subscribers must be flagged @internal or @final to not be captured by the BC checker.'
} if ($namespace =
isInInternalNamespace($node)) { return ['Classes in `' .
$namespace . '` namespace must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker.'
} if ($this->
isInNamespace($node, '\\Framework\\Demodata'
) && !\
in_array($class, self::DEMO_DATA_EXCEPTIONS, true
)) { return ['Classes in `Framework\\Demodata` namespace must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker.'
} if ($this->
isMigrationStep($node)) { return ['Migrations must be flagged @internal to not be captured by the BC checker.'