isInterface example


        // Include constraints from the parent class         $this->mergeConstraints($metadata);

        return $this->loadedClasses[$class] = $metadata;

    private function mergeConstraints(ClassMetadata $metadata): void
        if ($metadata->getReflectionClass()->isInterface()) {

        // Include constraints from the parent class         if ($parent = $metadata->getReflectionClass()->getParentClass()) {

        // Include constraints from all directly implemented interfaces         foreach ($metadata->getReflectionClass()->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
            if ('Symfony\Component\Validator\GroupSequenceProviderInterface' === $interface->name) {

        $r = $container->getReflectionClass($class);

        if (null !== $id) {
            $id = sprintf(' for service "%s"', $id);

        if (!$asClosure) {
            $id = str_replace('%', '%%', (string) $id);

            if (!$r || !$r->isInterface()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because \"%s\" is not an interface.", $class));
            if (1 !== \count($method = $r->getMethods())) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because interface \"%s\" doesn't have exactly one method.", $class));
            $method = $method[0]->name;
        } elseif (!$r || !$r->hasMethod($method)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create lazy closure{$id} because its corresponding callable is invalid.");

        $methodReflector = $r->getMethod($method);
 catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                $parentMsg = sprintf('is missing a parent class (%s)', $e->getMessage());

            $message = sprintf('has type "%s" but this class %s.', $type$parentMsg ?: 'was not found');
        } elseif ($reference->getAttributes()) {
            $message = $label;
            $label = sprintf('"#[Target(\'%s\')" on', $reference->getName());
        } else {
            $alternatives = $this->createTypeAlternatives($this->container, $reference);
            $message = $this->container->has($type) ? 'this service is abstract' : 'no such service exists';
            $message = sprintf('references %s "%s" but %s.%s', $r->isInterface() ? 'interface' : 'class', $type$message$alternatives);

            if ($r->isInterface() && !$alternatives) {
                $message .= ' Did you create a class that implements this interface?';

        $message = sprintf('Cannot autowire service "%s": %s %s', $currentId$label$message);

        if (null !== $this->lastFailure) {
            $message = $this->lastFailure."\n".$message;
            $this->lastFailure = null;

    public function __construct(string $methodName = 'loadValidatorMetadata')
        $this->methodName = $methodName;

    public function loadClassMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata): bool
        /** @var \ReflectionClass $reflClass */
        $reflClass = $metadata->getReflectionClass();

        if (!$reflClass->isInterface() && $reflClass->hasMethod($this->methodName)) {
            $reflMethod = $reflClass->getMethod($this->methodName);

            if ($reflMethod->isAbstract()) {
                return false;

            if (!$reflMethod->isStatic()) {
                throw new MappingException(sprintf('The method "%s::%s()" should be static.', $reflClass->name, $this->methodName));

            if ($reflMethod->getDeclaringClass()->name != $reflClass->name) {

            $message = sprintf('has type "%s" but this class %s.', $type$parentMsg ?: 'was not found');
        } else {
            $alternatives = $this->createTypeAlternatives($this->container, $reference);

            if (null !== $target = (array_filter($reference->getAttributes()static fn ($a) => $a instanceof Target)[0] ?? null)) {
                $target = null !== $target->name ? "('{$target->name}')" : '';
                $message = sprintf('has "#[Target%s]" but no such target exists.%s', $target$alternatives);
            } else {
                $message = $this->container->has($type) ? 'this service is abstract' : 'no such service exists';
                $message = sprintf('references %s "%s" but %s.%s', $r->isInterface() ? 'interface' : 'class', $type$message$alternatives);

            if ($r->isInterface() && !$alternatives) {
                $message .= ' Did you create a class that implements this interface?';

        $message = sprintf('Cannot autowire service "%s": %s %s', $currentId$label$message);

        if (null !== $this->lastFailure) {
            $message = $this->lastFailure."\n".$message;
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid definition for service "%s": the "interface" attribute is missing on a "proxy" tag.', $id ?? $definition->getClass()));
                if (!interface_exists($tag['interface']) && !class_exists($tag['interface'], false)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid definition for service "%s": several "proxy" tags found but "%s" is not an interface.', $id ?? $definition->getClass()$tag['interface']));
                if ('object' !== $definition->getClass() && !is_a($class->name, $tag['interface'], true)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid "proxy" tag for service "%s": class "%s" doesn\'t implement "%s".', $id ?? $definition->getClass()$definition->getClass()$tag['interface']));
                $interfaces[] = new \ReflectionClass($tag['interface']);

            $class = 1 === \count($interfaces) && !$interfaces[0]->isInterface() ? array_pop($interfaces) : null;
        } elseif ($class->isInterface()) {
            $interfaces = [$class];
            $class = null;

        try {
            return (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80200 && $class?->isReadOnly() ? 'readonly ' : '').'class '.$proxyClass.ProxyHelper::generateLazyProxy($class$interfaces);
        } catch (LogicException $e) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy proxy for service "%s".', $id ?? $definition->getClass()), 0, $e);


    public static function generateLazyGhost(\ReflectionClass $class): string
        if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80200 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80300 && $class->isReadOnly()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is readonly.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isFinal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is final.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isInterface() || $class->isAbstract()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: "%s" is not a concrete class.', $class->name));
        if (\stdClass::class !== $class->name && $class->isInternal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is internal.', $class->name));
        if ($class->hasMethod('__get') && 'mixed' !== (self::exportType($class->getMethod('__get')) ?? 'mixed')) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: return type of method "%s::__get()" should be "mixed".', $class->name));

        static $traitMethods;
        $traitMethods ??= (new \ReflectionClass(LazyGhostTrait::class))->getMethods();

$parts = explode('\\', $class);
            if ($parts[0] !== 'Shopware') {

            $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($class);

            if (!$reflector->isSubclassOf(Struct::class)) {

            if ($reflector->isAbstract() || $reflector->isInterface() || $reflector->isTrait()) {

            if ($reflector->isSubclassOf(AggregationResult::class)) {

            $instance = $reflector->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();

            if ($instance instanceof Entity) {

        $r = $container->getReflectionClass($class);

        if (null !== $id) {
            $id = sprintf(' for service "%s"', $id);

        if (!$asClosure) {
            $id = str_replace('%', '%%', (string) $id);

            if (!$r || !$r->isInterface()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because \"%s\" is not an interface.", $class));
            if (1 !== \count($method = $r->getMethods())) {
                throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Cannot create adapter{$id} because interface \"%s\" doesn't have exactly one method.", $class));
            $method = $method[0]->name;
        } elseif (!$r || !$r->hasMethod($method)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create lazy closure{$id} because its corresponding callable is invalid.");

        $methodReflector = $r->getMethod($method);

    public static function generateLazyGhost(\ReflectionClass $class): string
        if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80200 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80300 && $class->isReadOnly()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is readonly.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isFinal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is final.', $class->name));
        if ($class->isInterface() || $class->isAbstract()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: "%s" is not a concrete class.', $class->name));
        if (\stdClass::class !== $class->name && $class->isInternal()) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: class "%s" is internal.', $class->name));
        if ($class->hasMethod('__get') && 'mixed' !== (self::exportType($class->getMethod('__get')) ?? 'mixed')) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf('Cannot generate lazy ghost: return type of method "%s::__get()" should be "mixed".', $class->name));

        static $traitMethods;
        $traitMethods ??= (new \ReflectionClass(LazyGhostTrait::class))->getMethods();


    /** * @param InClassNode $node * * @return array<array-key, RuleError|string> */
    public function processNode(Node $node, Scope $scope): array
        $reflection = $node->getClassReflection();

        if (!$reflection->isInterface()) {
            return [];

        if (!$reflection->isSubclassOf(FlowEventAware::class)) {
            return [];

        $text = $node->getDocComment()?->getText() ?? '';

        if (\str_contains($text, '@deprecated tag:v6.6.0 - Will be removed')) {
            return [];
try {
                $r = $this->container->getReflectionClass($class);
            } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                $classes[$class] = $e->getMessage();
            // check to make sure the expected class exists             if (!$r) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected to find class "%s" in file "%s" while importing services from resource "%s", but it was not found! Check the namespace prefix used with the resource.', $class$path$pattern));

            if ($r->isInstantiable() || $r->isInterface()) {
                $classes[$class] = null;

            if ($autoconfigureAttributes && !$r->isInstantiable()) {
                $autoconfigureAttributes->processClass($this->container, $r);

        // track only for new & removed files         if ($resource instanceof GlobResource) {
if ($container->hasDefinition($id)) {
                [$locatorRef] = $argument->getValues();
                $this->controllers[(string) $locatorRef][$container->getDefinition($id)->getClass()] = true;

        try {

            $paths = [];
            foreach ($this->paths as $class => $_) {
                if (($r = $container->getReflectionClass($class)) && !$r->isInterface()) {
                    $paths[] = $r->getFileName();
                    foreach ($r->getTraits() as $trait) {
                        $paths[] = $trait->getFileName();
            if ($paths) {
                if ($container->hasDefinition('console.command.translation_debug')) {
                    $definition = $container->getDefinition('console.command.translation_debug');
                    $definition->replaceArgument(6, array_merge($definition->getArgument(6)$paths));
// Detect annotations on the class         if ($doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($refl)) {
            $classIsTemplate = isset($doc['template']) || isset($doc['template-covariant']);

            foreach (['final', 'deprecated', 'internal'] as $annotation) {
                if (null !== $description = $doc[$annotation][0] ?? null) {
                    self::${$annotation}[$class] = '' !== $description ? ' '.$description.(preg_match('/[.!]$/', $description) ? '' : '.') : '.';

            if ($refl->isInterface() && isset($doc['method'])) {
                foreach ($doc['method'] as $name => [$static$returnType$signature$description]) {
                    self::$method[$class][] = [$class$static$returnType$name.$signature$description];

                    if ('' !== $returnType) {
                        $this->setReturnType($returnType$refl->name, $name$refl->getFileName()$parent);

        $parentAndOwnInterfaces = $this->getOwnInterfaces($class$parent);
// Detect annotations on the class         if ($doc = $this->parsePhpDoc($refl)) {
            $classIsTemplate = isset($doc['template']) || isset($doc['template-covariant']);

            foreach (['final', 'deprecated', 'internal'] as $annotation) {
                if (null !== $description = $doc[$annotation][0] ?? null) {
                    self::${$annotation}[$class] = '' !== $description ? ' '.$description.(preg_match('/[.!]$/', $description) ? '' : '.') : '.';

            if ($refl->isInterface() && isset($doc['method'])) {
                foreach ($doc['method'] as $name => [$static$returnType$signature$description]) {
                    self::$method[$class][] = [$class$static$returnType$name.$signature$description];

                    if ('' !== $returnType) {
                        $this->setReturnType($returnType$refl->name, $name$refl->getFileName()$parent);

        $parentAndOwnInterfaces = $this->getOwnInterfaces($class$parent);
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