RuntimeException example

$cut += \count($children);
                    $cursor->skipChildren = false;
                    $dumper->leaveHash($cursor$item->type, $item->class, $withChildren$cut);

                case Stub::TYPE_SCALAR:
                    $dumper->dumpScalar($cursor, 'default', $item->attr['value']);

                    throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Unexpected Stub type: "%s".', $item->type));
        } elseif ('array' === $type) {
            $dumper->enterHash($cursor, Cursor::HASH_INDEXED, 0, false);
            $dumper->leaveHash($cursor, Cursor::HASH_INDEXED, 0, false, 0);
        } elseif ('string' === $type) {
            $dumper->dumpString($cursor$item, false, 0);
        } else {


    public function createTable(string $table, bool $ifNotExists = false, array $attributes = [])
        if ($table === '') {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('A table name is required for that operation.');

        $table = $this->db->DBPrefix . $table;

        if ($this->fields === []) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Field information is required.');

        // If table exists lets stop here         if ($ifNotExists === true && $this->db->tableExists($table, false)) {

            return true;

        $sql = $this->_createTable($table, false, $attributes);


  protected function mustExec($cmd$cwd, array $env = []) {
    $process = Process::fromShellCommandline($cmd$cwd$env + ['PATH' => getenv('PATH'), 'HOME' => getenv('HOME')]);
    $exitCode = $process->getExitCode();
    if (0 != $exitCode) {
      throw new \RuntimeException("Exit code: {$exitCode}\n\n" . $process->getErrorOutput() . "\n\n" . $process->getOutput());
    return $process->getOutput();

foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
            if (str_starts_with($class, 'ComposerAutoloaderInit')) {
                $r = new \ReflectionClass($class);
                $file = \dirname($r->getFileName(), 2).'/autoload.php';
                if (file_exists($file)) {
                    $requires .= 'require_once '.var_export($file, true).";\n";

        if (!$requires) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Composer autoloader not found.');

        $code = <<<EOF <?php error_reporting($errorReporting); $requires \$kernel = unserialize($kernel); \$request = unserialize($request);

  private static function flushAlteredCodeToFile(string $file_name, string $altered_code): string {
    $directory = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../sites/simpletest';
    $full_path = $directory . '/' . $file_name;

    // Only write when necessary.     if (!file_exists($full_path) || md5_file($full_path) !== md5($altered_code)) {
      // Create directory when necessary.       if (!is_dir($directory) && !@mkdir($directory, 0777, TRUE) && !is_dir($directory)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create directory: ' . $directory);

    return $full_path;


        $expectedNonDebug = <<<HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> %A<title>An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error</title> %A<h2>The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".</h2>%A HTML;

        yield '->render() returns the HTML content WITH stack traces in debug mode' => [
            new \RuntimeException('Foo'),
            new HtmlErrorRenderer(true),

        yield '->render() returns the HTML content WITHOUT stack traces in non-debug mode' => [
            new \RuntimeException('Foo'),
            new HtmlErrorRenderer(false),
$params['x'] = $params['t'] + $options['signature_expiration_delay'];
        $value = '';
        foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
            $value .= $k.'='.$v.'; ';
        $value = trim($value);
        $header = new UnstructuredHeader('DKIM-Signature', $value);
        $headerCanonData .= rtrim($this->canonicalizeHeader($header->toString()."\r\n b=", $options['header_canon']));
        if (self::ALGO_SHA256 === $options['algorithm']) {
            if (!openssl_sign($headerCanonData$signature$this->key, \OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256)) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Unable to sign DKIM hash: '.openssl_error_string());
        } else {
            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The "%s" DKIM signing algorithm is not supported yet.', self::ALGO_ED25519));
        $header->setValue($value.' b='.trim(chunk_split(base64_encode($signature), 73, ' ')));

        return new Message($headers$message->getBody());

    private function canonicalizeHeader(string $header, string $headerCanon): string


    public function testHandleWithException()
        $message = new DummyMessage('dummy message');

        $bus = $this->createMock(MessageBusInterface::class);
        $bus->method('dispatch')->with($message)->willThrowException(new \RuntimeException('foo'));
        $bus = new TraceableMessageBus($bus);

        $collector = new MessengerDataCollector();
        $collector->registerBus('default', $bus);

        try {
            $line = __LINE__ + 1;
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            // Ignore.         }

private InputInterface $input;
    private int $statusCode;

    /** * Gets the display returned by the last execution of the command or application. * * @throws \RuntimeException If it's called before the execute method */
    public function getDisplay(bool $normalize = false): string
        if (!isset($this->output)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Output not initialized, did you execute the command before requesting the display?');


        $display = stream_get_contents($this->output->getStream());

        if ($normalize) {
            $display = str_replace(\PHP_EOL, "\n", $display);

        return $display;
$chunks = preg_split('#<esi\:include\s+(.*?)\s*(?:/|</esi\:include)>#', $content, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

        $i = 1;
        while (isset($chunks[$i])) {
            $options = [];
            preg_match_all('/(src|onerror|alt)="([^"]*?)"/', $chunks[$i]$matches, \PREG_SET_ORDER);
            foreach ($matches as $set) {
                $options[$set[1]] = $set[2];

            if (!isset($options['src'])) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to process an ESI tag without a "src" attribute.');

            $chunks[$i] = $boundary.$options['src']."\n".($options['alt'] ?? '')."\n".('continue' === ($options['onerror'] ?? ''))."\n";
            $i += 2;
        $content = $boundary.implode('', $chunks).$boundary;

        $response->headers->set('X-Body-Eval', 'ESI');

        // remove ESI/1.0 from the Surrogate-Control header
public function setName(string $name)
        $this->name = $name;

    /** * @return void */
    public function save()
        if (!$this->started || $this->closed) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Trying to save a session that was not started yet or was already closed.');
        // nothing to do since we don't persist the session data         $this->closed = false;
        $this->started = false;

    /** * @return void */
    public function clear()
private readonly Dumper $dumper;
    private readonly Parser $parser;
    private array $defaultContext = [
        self::YAML_INLINE => 0,
        self::YAML_INDENT => 0,
        self::YAML_FLAGS => 0,

    public function __construct(Dumper $dumper = null, Parser $parser = null, array $defaultContext = [])
        if (!class_exists(Dumper::class)) {
            throw new RuntimeException('The YamlEncoder class requires the "Yaml" component. Try running "composer require symfony/yaml".');

        if (!$dumper) {
            $dumper = \array_key_exists(self::YAML_INDENTATION, $defaultContext) ? new Dumper($defaultContext[self::YAML_INDENTATION]) : new Dumper();
        $this->dumper = $dumper;
        $this->parser = $parser ?? new Parser();
        $this->defaultContext = array_merge($this->defaultContext, $defaultContext);

$failureTransportName = self::DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_OPTION === $failureTransportName ? $this->getGlobalFailureReceiverName() : $failureTransportName;

        $receiver = $this->getReceiver($failureTransportName);

        $io->writeln(sprintf('To retry all the messages, run <comment>messenger:consume %s</comment>', $failureTransportName));

        $shouldForce = $input->getOption('force');
        $ids = $input->getArgument('id');
        if (0 === \count($ids)) {
            if (!$input->isInteractive()) {
                throw new RuntimeException('Message id must be passed when in non-interactive mode.');


            return 0;

        $io->success('All done!');

        return 0;

    private function registerHandlers(ContainerBuilder $container, array $busIds): void
        $definitions = [];
        $handlersByBusAndMessage = [];
        $handlerToOriginalServiceIdMapping = [];

        foreach ($container->findTaggedServiceIds('messenger.message_handler', true) as $serviceId => $tags) {
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                if (isset($tag['bus']) && !\in_array($tag['bus']$busIds, true)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid handler service "%s": bus "%s" specified on the tag "messenger.message_handler" does not exist (known ones are: "%s").', $serviceId$tag['bus']implode('", "', $busIds)));

                $className = $this->getServiceClass($container$serviceId);
                $r = $container->getReflectionClass($className);

                if (null === $r) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Invalid service "%s": class "%s" does not exist.', $serviceId$className));

                if (isset($tag['handles'])) {
                    $handles = isset($tag['method']) ? [$tag['handles'] => $tag['method']] : [$tag['handles']];

        return base64_encode(random_bytes(30));

    private function getUserClass(InputInterface $input, SymfonyStyle $io): string
        if (null !== $userClass = $input->getArgument('user-class')) {
            return $userClass;

        if (!$this->userClasses) {
            throw new RuntimeException('There are no configured password hashers for the "security" extension.');

        if (!$input->isInteractive() || 1 === \count($this->userClasses)) {
            return reset($this->userClasses);

        $userClasses = $this->userClasses;
        $userClasses = array_values($userClasses);

        return $io->choice('For which user class would you like to hash a password?', $userClassesreset($userClasses));
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