is_a example


    private function collectLineage(string $class, array &$lineage): void
        if (isset($lineage[$class])) {
        if (!$r = $this->container->getReflectionClass($class, false)) {
        if (is_a($class$this->baseClass, true)) {
        $file = $r->getFileName();
        if (str_ends_with($file, ') : eval()\'d code')) {
            $file = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '(', -17));
        if (!$file || $this->doExport($file) === $exportedFile = $this->export($file)) {

        $lineage[$class] = substr($exportedFile, 1, -1);

use Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\NegotiationMiddleware;

/** * Adds 'application/octet-stream' as a known (bin) format. */
class FileServiceProvider implements ServiceModifierInterface {

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function alter(ContainerBuilder $container) {
    if ($container->has('http_middleware.negotiation') && is_a($container->getDefinition('http_middleware.negotiation')->getClass(), NegotiationMiddleware::class, TRUE)) {
      $container->getDefinition('http_middleware.negotiation')->addMethodCall('registerFormat', ['bin', ['application/octet-stream']]);


        if ($annotation->getDenormalizationContext()) {

    private function isKnownAttribute(string $attributeName): bool
        foreach (self::KNOWN_ANNOTATIONS as $knownAnnotation) {
            if (is_a($attributeName$knownAnnotation, true)) {
                return true;

        return false;

        $interfaces = [];

        if ($definition->hasTag('proxy')) {
            foreach ($definition->getTag('proxy') as $tag) {
                if (!isset($tag['interface'])) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid definition for service "%s": the "interface" attribute is missing on a "proxy" tag.', $id ?? $definition->getClass()));
                if (!interface_exists($tag['interface']) && !class_exists($tag['interface'], false)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid definition for service "%s": several "proxy" tags found but "%s" is not an interface.', $id ?? $definition->getClass()$tag['interface']));
                if ('object' !== $definition->getClass() && !is_a($class->name, $tag['interface'], true)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid "proxy" tag for service "%s": class "%s" doesn\'t implement "%s".', $id ?? $definition->getClass()$definition->getClass()$tag['interface']));
                $interfaces[] = new \ReflectionClass($tag['interface']);

            $class = 1 === \count($interfaces) && !$interfaces[0]->isInterface() ? array_pop($interfaces) : null;
        } elseif ($class->isInterface()) {
            $interfaces = [$class];
            $class = null;

try {
                $definition = $container->getDefinition($id);
            } catch (ServiceNotFoundException $exception) {
                // Might be an alias, we don't want to register those                 continue;

            $definitionClass = $definition->getClass();
            if (!\is_string($definitionClass)) {
            if (is_a($definitionClass, ContainerAwareInterface::class, true)) {
                $definition->addMethodCall('setContainer', [new Reference('service_container')]);

        return $criteria;

    private function queueTask(ScheduledTaskEntity $taskEntity, Context $context): void
        $taskClass = $taskEntity->getScheduledTaskClass();

        if (!\is_a($taskClass, ScheduledTask::class, true)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf(
                'Tried to schedule "%s", but class does not extend ScheduledTask',

        if (!$taskClass::shouldRun($this->parameterBag)) {
                    'id' => $taskEntity->getId(),
                    'nextExecutionTime' => $this->calculateNextExecutionTime($taskEntity),
return (new CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter())->normalize($last);

    private function isSynchronous(Entity $entity): bool
        if (($app = $entity->get('appPaymentMethod')) !== null) {
            /** @var Entity $app */
            return !$app->get('finalizeUrl');

        return \is_a($entity->get('handlerIdentifier'), SynchronousPaymentHandlerInterface::class, true);

    private function isAsynchronous(Entity $entity): bool
        if (($app = $entity->get('appPaymentMethod')) !== null) {
            /** @var Entity $app */
            return $app->get('payUrl') && $app->get('finalizeUrl');

        return \is_a($entity->get('handlerIdentifier'), AsynchronousPaymentHandlerInterface::class, true);

\Drupal::classResolver(ConfigEntityUpdater::class)->update($sandbox, 'entity_view_display', function DEntityViewDisplayInterface $entity_view_display) use ($field_formatter_manager): bool {
    $update = FALSE;
    if ($entity_view_display instanceof LayoutEntityDisplayInterface && $entity_view_display->isLayoutBuilderEnabled()) {
      foreach ($entity_view_display->getSections() as $section) {
        foreach ($section->getComponents() as $component) {
          if (str_starts_with($component->getPluginId(), 'field_block:')) {
            $configuration = $component->get('configuration');
            $formatter =& $configuration['formatter'];
            if ($formatter && isset($formatter['type'])) {
              $plugin_definition = $field_formatter_manager->getDefinition($formatter['type'], FALSE);
              // Check also potential plugins extending TimestampFormatter.               if ($plugin_definition && is_a($plugin_definition['class'], TimestampFormatter::class, TRUE)) {
                if (!isset($formatter['settings']['tooltip']) || !isset($formatter['settings']['time_diff'])) {
                  $update = TRUE;
                  // No need to check the rest of components.                   break 2;

    protected static function verifyInstanceOf(array $options, string $alias): bool
        // Anything without that restriction passes         if ($options['instanceOf']) {
            return true;

        return is_a($alias$options['instanceOf'], true);

    /** * Returns the component-specific configuration * * @param string $component Lowercase, plural component name * * @return array<string, bool|string|null> * * @internal For testing only * @testTag */
private readonly ?ClockInterface $clock = null,
    ) {

    /** * @deprecated since Symfony 6.2, use resolve() instead */
    public function supports(Request $request, ArgumentMetadata $argument): bool
        @trigger_deprecation('symfony/http-kernel', '6.2', 'The "%s()" method is deprecated, use "resolve()" instead.', __METHOD__);

        return is_a($argument->getType(), \DateTimeInterface::class, true) && $request->attributes->has($argument->getName());

    public function resolve(Request $request, ArgumentMetadata $argument): array
        if (!is_a($argument->getType(), \DateTimeInterface::class, true) || !$request->attributes->has($argument->getName())) {
            return [];

        $value = $request->attributes->get($argument->getName());
        $class = \DateTimeInterface::class === $argument->getType() ? \DateTimeImmutable::class D $argument->getType();

$ok = false;
                case 'float':
                case 'double':
                    if (!is_float($arg)) {
                        $ok = false;
                case 'date':
                case 'dateTime.iso8601':
                    if (!is_a($arg, 'IXR_Date')) {
                        $ok = false;
            if (!$ok) {
                return new IXR_Error(-32602, 'server error. invalid method parameters');
        // It passed the test - run the "real" method call         return parent::call($methodname$argsbackup);

/** * Gets the UrlMatcher or RequestMatcher instance associated with this Router. */
    public function getMatcher(): UrlMatcherInterface|RequestMatcherInterface
        if (isset($this->matcher)) {
            return $this->matcher;

        if (null === $this->options['cache_dir']) {
            $routes = $this->getRouteCollection();
            $compiled = is_a($this->options['matcher_class'], CompiledUrlMatcher::class, true);
            if ($compiled) {
                $routes = (new CompiledUrlMatcherDumper($routes))->getCompiledRoutes();
            $this->matcher = new $this->options['matcher_class']($routes$this->context);
            if (method_exists($this->matcher, 'addExpressionLanguageProvider')) {
                foreach ($this->expressionLanguageProviders as $provider) {

            return $this->matcher;

    private function getPropertyByField(Field $field): Property
        $fieldClass = $field::class;

        $property = new Property([
            'type' => $this->getType($fieldClass),
            'property' => $field->getPropertyName(),

        if (is_a($fieldClass, DateTimeField::class, true)) {
            $property->format = 'date-time';
        if (is_a($fieldClass, FloatField::class, true)) {
            $property->format = 'float';
        if (is_a($fieldClass, IntField::class, true)) {
            $property->format = 'int64';
        if (is_a($fieldClass, IdField::class, true) || is_a($fieldClass, FkField::class, true)) {
            $property->type = 'string';
            $property->pattern = '^[0-9a-f]{32}$';

        $interfaces = [];

        if ($definition->hasTag('proxy')) {
            foreach ($definition->getTag('proxy') as $tag) {
                if (!isset($tag['interface'])) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid definition for service "%s": the "interface" attribute is missing on a "proxy" tag.', $id ?? $definition->getClass()));
                if (!interface_exists($tag['interface']) && !class_exists($tag['interface'], false)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid definition for service "%s": several "proxy" tags found but "%s" is not an interface.', $id ?? $definition->getClass()$tag['interface']));
                if ('object' !== $definition->getClass() && !is_a($class->name, $tag['interface'], true)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid "proxy" tag for service "%s": class "%s" doesn\'t implement "%s".', $id ?? $definition->getClass()$definition->getClass()$tag['interface']));
                $interfaces[] = new \ReflectionClass($tag['interface']);

            $class = 1 === \count($interfaces) && !$interfaces[0]->isInterface() ? array_pop($interfaces) : null;
        } elseif ($class->isInterface()) {
            $interfaces = [$class];
            $class = null;

protected $disableCssAnimations = TRUE;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected $minkDefaultDriverClass = DrupalSelenium2Driver::class;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  protected function initMink() {
    if (!is_a($this->minkDefaultDriverClass, DrupalSelenium2Driver::class, TRUE)) {
      throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf("%s has to be an instance of %s", $this->minkDefaultDriverClass, DrupalSelenium2Driver::class));
    $this->minkDefaultDriverArgs = ['chrome', NULL, 'http://localhost:4444'];

    try {
      return parent::initMink();
    catch (DriverException $e) {
      if ($this->minkDefaultDriverClass === DrupalSelenium2Driver::class) {
        $this->markTestSkipped("The test wasn't able to connect to your webdriver instance. For more information read core/tests/\n\nThe original message while starting Mink: {$e->getMessage()}");
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