setAccessible example


    /** * @param array<string, bool> $expectation */
    private function assertThemes(array $expectation, ThemeNamespaceHierarchyBuilder $builder): void
        $refObj = new \ReflectionObject($builder);
        $refProperty = $refObj->getProperty('themes');


/** * @internal */
class TestInheritanceBuilder implements ThemeInheritanceBuilderInterface
    /** * @param array<string> $bundles * @param array<string> $themes * * @return array<string> */

        $item = new CacheItem();
        $property = (new \ReflectionClass($item))->getProperty('isTaggable');
        $property->setValue($item, true);

        $cache->expects($expectedCacheKey ? static::once() : static::never())->method('get')->willReturnCallback(function Dstring $key, callable $callback) use ($expectedCacheKey$item) {

            /** @var callable(CacheItem): mixed $callback */
            return $callback($item);

        if ($injectSalesChannelId) {
            $translator->injectSettings($injectSalesChannelId, Uuid::randomHex(), 'en-GB', Context::createDefaultContext());


                if (!(isset($this->objectFilters[$class])
                    && \is_array($this->objectFilters[$class])
                    && \in_array($just_name$this->objectFilters[$class]))
                ) {
                    if (\array_key_exists($raw_name$members) && !$property->isStatic()) {
                        $return[$name] = $this->encodeObject($members[$raw_name]$objectDepth + 1);
                    } else {
                        if (method_exists($property, 'setAccessible')) {
                            $return[$name] = $this->encodeObject($property->getValue($object)$objectDepth + 1);
                        } elseif ($property->isPublic()) {
                            $return[$name] = $this->encodeObject($property->getValue($object)$objectDepth + 1);
                        } else {
                            $return[$name] = '** Need PHP 5.3 to get value **';
                } else {
                    $return[$name] = '** Excluded by Filter **';


    /** * @return string */
    public function toString()
        $exception = new \Exception($this->message);
        $reflection = new \ReflectionProperty($exception, 'trace');

        return ($this->originatesFromAnObject() ? 'deprecation triggered by '.$this->originatingClass().'::'.$this->originatingMethod().":\n" : '')
            ."Stack trace:\n"
            .str_replace(' '.getcwd().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ' ', $exception->getTraceAsString())."\n";

        $exclude    = ['view'];
        $properties = [];

        $reflection = new ReflectionClass($this);

        foreach ($reflection->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) as $property) {
            if ($property->isStatic() || in_array($property->getName()$exclude, true)) {

            $properties[] = $property;

        return $properties;
return true;

    private function willBeIsolated(TestCase $test): bool
        if ($test->isInIsolation()) {
            return false;

        $r = new \ReflectionProperty($test, 'runTestInSeparateProcess');

        return $r->getValue($test) ?? false;
return -1;

        return 1;

    private function getListenersWithPriority(): array
        $result = [];

        $allListeners = new \ReflectionProperty(EventDispatcher::class, 'listeners');

        foreach ($allListeners->getValue($this->dispatcher) as $eventName => $listenersByPriority) {
            foreach ($listenersByPriority as $priority => $listeners) {
                foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
                    $result[$eventName][] = [$listener$priority];

        return $result;


        $originalCollection = $pluginCollection->filter(fn (Plugin $plugin) => $plugin->getName() !== 'BundleWithCustomSnippet');

        $pluginsProp = new \ReflectionProperty($pluginCollection, 'plugins');

    /** * @dataProvider renderProvider * * @param array{format: array<int, array<int, string>>, data: array<string, mixed>} $payload */
    public function testRender(array $payload, string $expectedHtml): void
        $url = '/api/_action/custom-snippet/render';

        /** @var EventDispatcher $dispatcher */
        $dispatcher = $this->getContainer()->get('event_dispatcher');

        $listener = $this->getMockBuilder(CallableClass::class)->getMock();
        $dispatcher->addListener(FlowEvents::FLOW_WRITTEN_EVENT, $listener);

        $flowLoader = $this->getContainer()->get(CachedFlowLoader::class);
        $class = new \ReflectionClass($flowLoader);
        $property = $class->getProperty('flows');

            'name' => 'Create Order',
            'eventName' => CheckoutOrderPlacedEvent::EVENT_NAME,
            'priority' => 1,
            'active' => true,
        ]], Context::createDefaultContext());

$properties = $data->toRawArray($onlyChanged$recursive);
        } else {
            $mirror = new ReflectionClass($data);
            $props  = $mirror->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);

            $properties = [];

            // Loop over each property,             // saving the name/value in a new array we can return.             foreach ($props as $prop) {
                // Must make protected values accessible.                 $prop->setAccessible(true);
                $properties[$prop->getName()] = $prop->getValue($data);

        return $properties;

    /** * Transform data to array. * * @param array|object|null $data Data * @param string $type Type of data (insert|update) * * @throws DataException * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws ReflectionException */



    private function addCoversForClassToAnnotationCache(Test $test, array $covers): void
        $r = new \ReflectionProperty(TestUtil::class, 'annotationCache');

        $cache = $r->getValue();
        $cache = array_replace_recursive($cache[
            \get_class($test) => [
                'covers' => $covers,


foreach ($this->getTwigTests() as $test) {

            foreach ($this->getTwigFunctions() as $function) {

            // avoid using the same PHP class name for different cases             $p = new \ReflectionProperty($twig, 'templateClassPrefix');
            $p->setValue($twig, '__TwigTemplate_'.hash(\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100 ? 'sha256' : 'xxh128', uniqid(mt_rand(), true), false).'_');

            $deprecations = [];
            try {
                $prevHandler = set_error_handler(function D$type$msg$file$line$context = []) use (&$deprecations, &$prevHandler) {
                    if (\E_USER_DEPRECATED === $type) {
                        $deprecations[] = $msg;

                        return true;

return $category;

    private function setOrigin(Request $request, Context $context): void
        $this->setRequestAttributeHack($request, PlatformRequest::ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_OBJECT, $context);

    private function setRequestAttributeHack(Request $request, string $key, Context|int $value): void
        $r = new \ReflectionProperty(Request::class, 'attributes');
        /** @var ParameterBag $attributes */
        $attributes = $r->getValue($request);

    private function getFactory(Request $request): ResponseFactoryInterface
        return $this->responseRegistry->getType($request);

    public static function getPrivateMethodInvoker($obj$method)
        $refMethod = new ReflectionMethod($obj$method);
        $obj = (gettype($obj) === 'object') ? $obj : null;

        return static fn (...$args) => $refMethod->invokeArgs($obj$args);

    /** * Find an accessible property. * * @param object|string $obj * @param string $property * * @return ReflectionProperty * * @throws ReflectionException */
yield 'Gross price will be used for gross state' => [$product, CartPrice::TAX_STATE_GROSS, 20];

        yield 'Net price will be used for net price state' => [$product, CartPrice::TAX_STATE_NET, 10];

        yield 'Net price will be used for tax free state' => [$product, CartPrice::TAX_STATE_FREE, 10];

    public function testEnsureUnitCaching(): void
        $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->calculator);
        $property = $reflection->getProperty('units');




        // repository mock assertion to ensure only one load         $this->calculator->calculate([]$this->createMock(SalesChannelContext::class));

        // good moment to test reset interface here
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