Representation example

// Ensure none of the child arrays are recursion or depth limit. We         // don't care if their children are since they are the table cells         foreach ($o->value->contents as $childarray) {
            if (empty($childarray->value->contents)) {

        // Objects by reference for the win! We can do a copy-paste of the value         // representation contents and just slap a new hint on there and hey         // presto we have our table representation with no extra memory used!         $table = new Representation('Table');
        $table->contents = $o->value->contents;
        $table->hints[] = 'table';
        $o->addRepresentation($table, 0);

        foreach (self::$blacklist as $class) {
            if ($var instanceof $class) {
                $b = new Value();
                $b->name = $class.' Iterator Contents';
                $b->access_path = 'iterator_to_array('.$o->access_path.', true)';
                $b->depth = $o->depth + 1;
                $b->hints[] = 'blacklist';

                $r = new Representation('Iterator');
                $r->contents = [$b];



        $data = \iterator_to_array($var);

        $base_obj = new Value();
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($var);
        if (!$reflection->hasMethod('__toString')) {

        foreach (self::$blacklist as $class) {
            if ($var instanceof $class) {

        $r = new Representation('toString');
        $r->contents = (string) $var;

$const->access_path = '\\'.$class.'::'.$name;

                $const = $this->parser->parse($val$const);

                $consts[] = $const;

            self::$cache[$class] = $consts;

        $statics = new Representation('Static class properties', 'statics');
        $statics->contents = self::$cache[$class];

        foreach ($reflection->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC) as $static) {
            $prop = new Value();
            $prop->name = '$'.$static->getName();
            $prop->depth = $o->depth + 1;
            $prop->static = true;
            $prop->operator = Value::OPERATOR_STATIC;
            $prop->owner_class = $static->getDeclaringClass()->name;

            $prop->access = Value::ACCESS_PUBLIC;

        $base_obj = new Value();
        $base_obj->depth = $o->depth + 1;
        $base_obj->name = 'base64_decode('.$o->name.')';

        if ($o->access_path) {
            $base_obj->access_path = 'base64_decode('.$o->access_path.')';

        $r = new Representation('Base64');
        $r->contents = $this->parser->parse($data$base_obj);

        if (\strlen($var) > self::$min_length_soft) {
            $o->addRepresentation($r, 0);
        } else {
if (isset($frame['object']) && $frame['object'] === $this) {
                throw new DomainException(__CLASS__.'::'.$caller_frame['function'].' cannot be called from inside a parse');

    /** * @param null|bool|float|int &$var */
    private function parseGeneric(&$var, Value $o): Value
        $rep = new Representation('Contents');
        $rep->contents = $var;
        $rep->implicit_label = true;
        $o->value = $rep;

        $this->applyPlugins($var$o, self::TRIGGER_SUCCESS);

        return $o;

    /** * Parses a string into a Kint BlobValue structure. * * @param string &$var The input variable * @param Value $o The base object */
if (!$o instanceof ResourceValue || 'stream' !== $o->resource_type) {

        // Doublecheck that the resource is open before we get the metadata         if (!\is_resource($var)) {

        $meta = \stream_get_meta_data($var);

        $rep = new Representation('Stream');
        $rep->implicit_label = true;

        $base_obj = new Value();
        $base_obj->depth = $o->depth;

        if ($o->access_path) {
            $base_obj->access_path = 'stream_get_meta_data('.$o->access_path.')';

        $rep->contents = $this->parser->parse($meta$base_obj);




        if (isset($this->trace['file']$this->trace['line']) && \is_readable($this->trace['file'])) {
            $this->addRepresentation(new SourceRepresentation($this->trace['file']$this->trace['line']));

        if ($this->trace['args']) {
            $args = new Representation('Arguments');
            $args->contents = $this->trace['args'];

        if ($this->trace['object']) {
            $callee = new Representation('object');
            $callee->label = 'Callee object ['.$this->trace['object']->classname.']';
            $callee->contents[] = $this->trace['object'];

        $closure = new ReflectionFunction($var);

        $o->filename = $closure->getFileName();
        $o->startline = $closure->getStartLine();

        foreach ($closure->getParameters() as $param) {
            $o->parameters[] = new ParameterValue($param);

        $p = new Representation('Parameters');
        $p->contents = &$o->parameters;
        $o->addRepresentation($p, 0);

        $statics = [];

        if ($v = $closure->getClosureThis()) {
            $statics = ['this' => $v];

        if (\count($statics = $statics + $closure->getStaticVariables())) {
            $statics_parsed = [];


    public function parse(&$var, Value &$o, int $trigger): void
        if (!$var instanceof UnitEnum) {

        $class = \get_class($var);

        if (!isset(self::$cache[$class])) {
            $cases = new Representation('Enum values', 'enum');
            $cases->contents = [];

            foreach ($var->cases() as $case) {
                $base_obj = Value::blank($class.'::'.$case->name, '\\'.$class.'::'.$case->name);
                $base_obj->depth = $o->depth + 1;

                if ($var instanceof BackedEnum) {
                    $c = $case->value;
                    $cases->contents[] = $this->parser->parse($c$base_obj);
                } else {
                    $cases->contents[] = $base_obj;

        $json = (array) $json;

        $base_obj = new Value();
        $base_obj->depth = $o->depth;

        if ($o->access_path) {
            $base_obj->access_path = 'json_decode('.$o->access_path.', true)';

        $r = new Representation('Json');
        $r->contents = $this->parser->parse($json$base_obj);

        if (!\in_array('depth_limit', $r->contents->hints, true)) {
            $r->contents = $r->contents->value->contents;

        $o->addRepresentation($r, 0);
foreach ($reflection->getMethods() as $method) {
                $methods[] = new MethodValue($method);

            \usort($methods['Kint\\Parser\\ClassMethodsPlugin', 'sort']);

            self::$cache[$class] = $methods;

        if (!empty(self::$cache[$class])) {
            $rep = new Representation('Available methods', 'methods');

            // Can't cache access paths             foreach (self::$cache[$class] as $m) {
                $method = clone $m;
                $method->depth = $o->depth + 1;

                if (!$this->parser->childHasPath($o$method)) {
                    $method->access_path = null;
                } else {

if (empty($xml)) {

        [$xml$access_path$name] = $xml;

        $base_obj = new Value();
        $base_obj->depth = $o->depth + 1;
        $base_obj->name = $name;
        $base_obj->access_path = $access_path;

        $r = new Representation('XML');
        $r->contents = $this->parser->parse($xml$base_obj);

        $o->addRepresentation($r, 0);

    protected static function xmlToSimpleXML(string $var, ?string $parent_path): ?array
        $errors = \libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
        try {
            $xml = \simplexml_load_string($var);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
$o->size = null;


        $x = new SimpleXMLElementValue();

        $namespaces = \array_merge([null]$var->getDocNamespaces());

        // Attributes         $a = new Representation('Attributes');

        $base_obj = new Value();
        $base_obj->depth = $x->depth;

        if ($x->access_path) {
            $base_obj->access_path = '(string) '.$x->access_path;

        // Attributes are strings. If we're too deep set the         // depth limit to enable parsing them, but no deeper.         if ($this->parser->getDepthLimit() && $this->parser->getDepthLimit() - 2 < $base_obj->depth) {
$base_obj->name = 'unserialize('.$o->name.')';

        if ($o->access_path) {
            $base_obj->access_path = 'unserialize('.$o->access_path;
            if (true === self::$allowed_classes) {
                $base_obj->access_path .= ')';
            } else {
                $base_obj->access_path .= ', '.\var_export($options, true).')';

        $r = new Representation('Serialized');

        if (isset($data)) {
            $r->contents = $this->parser->parse($data$base_obj);
        } else {
            $base_obj->hints[] = 'blacklist';
            $r->contents = $base_obj;

        $o->addRepresentation($r, 0);
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