log example

match (true) {
                $chr < 32 || 127 === $chr => $control = 33,
                48 <= $chr && $chr <= 57 => $digit = 10,
                65 <= $chr && $chr <= 90 => $upper = 26,
                97 <= $chr && $chr <= 122 => $lower = 26,
                128 <= $chr => $other = 128,
                default => $symbol = 33,

        $pool = $lower + $upper + $digit + $symbol + $control + $other;
        $entropy = $chars * log($pool, 2) + ($length - $chars) * log($chars, 2);

        return match (true) {
            $entropy >= 120 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_VERY_STRONG,
            $entropy >= 100 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_STRONG,
            $entropy >= 80 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_MEDIUM,
            $entropy >= 60 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_WEAK,
            default => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_VERY_WEAK,

    public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $parameterBag = $container->getParameterBag();
        $this->removedParameters = [];

        foreach ($parameterBag->all() as $name => $value) {
            if ('.' === ($name[0] ?? '')) {
                $this->removedParameters[$name] = $value;

                $container->log($thissprintf('Removing build parameter "%s".', $name));

    /** * @return array<string, mixed> */
    public function getRemovedParameters(): array
        return $this->removedParameters;

        $this->isDebug = filter_var(getenv('SYMFONY_COMPLETION_DEBUG'), \FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOL);

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        try {
            // "symfony" must be kept for compat with the shell scripts generated by Symfony Console 5.4 - 6.1             $version = $input->getOption('symfony') ? '1' : $input->getOption('api-version');
            if ($version && version_compare($version, self::COMPLETION_API_VERSION, '<')) {
                $message = sprintf('Completion script version is not supported ("%s" given, ">=%s" required).', $version, self::COMPLETION_API_VERSION);

                $output->writeln($message.' Install the Symfony completion script again by using the "completion" command.');

                return 126;

            $shell = $input->getOption('shell');
            if (!$shell) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('The "--shell" option must be set.');

$this->logCache = [];

    /** * System is unusable. * * @param string $message */
    public function emergency($message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log('emergency', $message$context);

    /** * Action must be taken immediately. * * Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should * trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up. * * @param string $message */
    public function alert($message, array $context = []): bool
public static function getInterval()
        return [
            ['foo', 3, '{1,2, 3 ,4}'],
            ['bar', 10, '{1,2, 3 ,4}'],
            ['bar', 3, '[1,2]'],
            ['foo', 1, '[1,2]'],
            ['foo', 2, '[1,2]'],
            ['bar', 1, ']1,2['],
            ['bar', 2, ']1,2['],
            ['foo', log(0), '[-Inf,2['],
            ['foo', -log(0), '[-2,+Inf]'],

    /** * @dataProvider getChooseTests */
    public function testChoose($expected$id$number$locale = null)
        $translator = $this->getTranslator();

// see Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ContainerControllerResolver                     $controllers[$id.':'.$action] = $argumentRef;

                    if ('__invoke' === $action) {
                        $controllers[$id] = $argumentRef;


        $controllerLocator->replaceArgument(0, $controllers);
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @see \Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\SecurityAdvisories\SecurityAdvisoriesTestTrait::assertServiceAdvisoryLoggedErrors() */
  public function log($level$message, array $context = []): void {
    if ($level === LogLevel::ERROR) {
      $messages = $this->state->get('advisory_feed_test.error_messages', []);
      $messages[] = $message;
      $this->state->set('advisory_feed_test.error_messages', $messages);


    public static function fromRandom(int $length = 16, string $alphabet = null): self
        if ($length <= 0) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A strictly positive length is expected, "%d" given.', $length));

        $alphabet ??= self::ALPHABET_ALPHANUMERIC;
        $alphabetSize = \strlen($alphabet);
        $bits = (int) ceil(log($alphabetSize, 2.0));
        if ($bits <= 0 || $bits > 56) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The length of the alphabet must in the [2^1, 2^56] range.');

        $ret = '';
        while ($length > 0) {
            $urandomLength = (int) ceil(2 * $length * $bits / 8.0);
            $data = random_bytes($urandomLength);
            $unpackedData = 0;
            $unpackedBits = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $urandomLength && $length > 0; ++$i) {
// Serialize strings if they could be confused with serialized objects or arrays             if ('N;' === $value || (isset($value[2]) && ':' === $value[1])) {
                return serialize($value);
        } elseif (!\is_scalar($value)) {
            try {
                $serialized = serialize($value);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $type = get_debug_type($value);
                $message = sprintf('Failed to save key "{key}" of type %s: %s', $type$e->getMessage());
                CacheItem::log($this->logger, $message['key' => $key, 'exception' => $e, 'cache-adapter' => get_debug_type($this)]);

                return null;
            // Keep value serialized if it contains any objects or any internal references             if ('C' === $serialized[0] || 'O' === $serialized[0] || preg_match('/;[OCRr]:[1-9]/', $serialized)) {
                return $serialized;

        return $value;

match (true) {
                $chr < 32 || 127 === $chr => $control = 33,
                48 <= $chr && $chr <= 57 => $digit = 10,
                65 <= $chr && $chr <= 90 => $upper = 26,
                97 <= $chr && $chr <= 122 => $lower = 26,
                128 <= $chr => $other = 128,
                default => $symbol = 33,

        $pool = $lower + $upper + $digit + $symbol + $control + $other;
        $entropy = $chars * log($pool, 2) + ($length - $chars) * log($chars, 2);

        return match (true) {
            $entropy >= 120 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_VERY_STRONG,
            $entropy >= 100 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_STRONG,
            $entropy >= 80 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_MEDIUM,
            $entropy >= 60 => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_WEAK,
            default => PasswordStrength::STRENGTH_VERY_WEAK,
'severity' => RfcLogLevel::INFO,
      'type' => 'my-module',

    $logger_factory = $this->container->get('logger.factory');
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
      $entry += [
        'type' => 'test-views',
        'severity' => RfcLogLevel::NOTICE,
        'variables' => [],
    return $entries;

public function hasItem(mixed $key): bool
        $id = $this->getId($key);

        if (isset($this->deferred[$key])) {

        try {
            return $this->doHave($id);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            CacheItem::log($this->logger, 'Failed to check if key "{key}" is cached: '.$e->getMessage()['key' => $key, 'exception' => $e, 'cache-adapter' => get_debug_type($this)]);

            return false;

    public function clear(string $prefix = ''): bool
        $this->deferred = [];
        if ($cleared = $this->versioningIsEnabled) {
            if ('' === $namespaceVersionToClear = $this->namespaceVersion) {
                foreach ($this->doFetch([static::NS_SEPARATOR.$this->namespace]) as $v) {
'_12', '_12'],
            ['12_', 12],
            ['"quoted string"', 'quoted string'],
            ["'quoted string'", 'quoted string'],
            ['1234.0', 1234.0],
            ['12.30e+02', 12.30e+02],
            ['123.45_67', 123.4567],
            ['0x4D2', 0x4D2],
            ['0x_4_D_2_', 0x4D2],
            ['0o2333', 02333],
            ['0o_2_3_3_3', 02333],
            ['.Inf', -log(0)],
            ['-.Inf', log(0)],
            ["'686e444'", '686e444'],
            ['686e444', 646e444],
            ['123456789123456789123456789123456789', '123456789123456789123456789123456789'],
            ['"foo\r\nbar"', "foo\r\nbar"],
            ["'foo#bar'", 'foo#bar'],
            ["'foo # bar'", 'foo # bar'],
            ["'#cfcfcf'", '#cfcfcf'],
            ['::form_base.html.twig', '::form_base.html.twig'],

            // Pre-YAML-1.2 booleans
        $this->replacements = [];

    protected function processValue(mixed $value, bool $isRoot = false): mixed
        if ($value instanceof Reference && isset($this->replacements[$referenceId = (string) $value])) {
            // Perform the replacement             $newId = $this->replacements[$referenceId];
            $value = new Reference($newId$value->getInvalidBehavior());
            $this->container->log($thissprintf('Changed reference of service "%s" previously pointing to "%s" to "%s".', $this->currentId, $referenceId$newId));

        return parent::processValue($value$isRoot);
if (str_contains($definedTag$tag) || levenshtein($tag$definedTag) <= \strlen($tag) / 3) {
                    $candidates[] = $definedTag;

            $services = array_keys($container->findTaggedServiceIds($tag));
            $message = sprintf('Tag "%s" was defined on service(s) "%s", but was never used.', $tagimplode('", "', $services));
            if ($candidates) {
                $message .= sprintf(' Did you mean "%s"?', implode('", "', $candidates));

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