hasItem example

if ($this->namespaceLen) {
            foreach ($keys as $i => $key) {
                $keys[$i] = $this->getId($key);

        return $this->generateItems($this->pool->getItems($keys));

    public function hasItem(mixed $key): bool
        return $this->pool->hasItem($this->getId($key));

    public function clear(string $prefix = ''): bool
        if ($this->pool instanceof AdapterInterface) {
            return $this->pool->clear($this->namespace.$prefix);

        return $this->pool->clear();


            return true;
        \assert('' !== CacheItem::validateKey($key));

        return isset($this->expiries[$key]) && !$this->deleteItem($key);

    public function getItem(mixed $key): CacheItem
        if (!$isHit = $this->hasItem($key)) {
            $value = null;

            if (!$this->maxItems) {
                // Track misses in non-LRU mode only                 $this->values[$key] = null;
        } else {
            $value = $this->storeSerialized ? $this->unfreeze($key$isHit) : $this->values[$key];

        return (self::$createCacheItem)($key$value$isHit$this->tags[$key] ?? null);
return $this->pool->deleteItems($keys);
        } catch (SimpleCacheException $e) {
            throw $e;
        } catch (Psr6CacheException $e) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage()$e->getCode()$e);

    public function has($key): bool
        try {
            return $this->pool->hasItem($key);
        } catch (SimpleCacheException $e) {
            throw $e;
        } catch (Psr6CacheException $e) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage()$e->getCode()$e);
/** @var ScriptEntity $script */
        $script = $scripts->first();
        static::assertEquals('product-page-loaded/product-page-script.twig', $script->getName());
        static::assertEquals('product-page-loaded', $script->getHook());
            __DIR__ . '/../Manifest/_fixtures/test/Resources/scripts/product-page-loaded/product-page-script.twig',

        $cache = $this->getContainer()->get('cache.object');

        $item = $cache->getItem(ScriptLoader::CACHE_KEY);
        $cachedScripts = CacheCompressor::uncompress($item);
        static::assertArrayHasKey('product-page-loaded', $cachedScripts);
        static::assertCount(1, $cachedScripts['product-page-loaded']);

    private function assertDefaultPaymentMethods(string $appId): void
$namespace = $reservedMemcachedCharacters.random_int(0, \PHP_INT_MAX);
        $pool = $this->createCachePool(0, null, $namespace);

        /** * Choose a key that is below {@see \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\MemcachedAdapter::$maxIdLength} so that * {@see \Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\AbstractTrait::getId()} does not shorten the key but choose special * characters that would be encoded and therefore increase the key length over the Memcached limit. */
        // 250 is Memcached’s max key length, 7 bytes for prefix seed         $key = str_repeat('%', 250 - 7 - \strlen($reservedMemcachedCharacters) - \strlen($namespace)).$reservedMemcachedCharacters;


        $item = $pool->getItem($key);


        $item = $pool->getItem($key);


    public function testMaxLifetime()
        $cache = new ArrayAdapter(0, false, 1);

        $item = $cache->getItem('foo');


    public function testMaxItems()
        $cache = new ArrayAdapter(0, false, 0, 2);




    /** * @runInSeparateProcess */
    public function testClearWithPrefix()
        $cache = $this->createCachePool(0, __FUNCTION__);


$call = $calls[0];
        $this->assertSame('getItems', $call->name);
        $this->assertSame(['k0' => false, 'k1' => false]$call->result);
        $this->assertSame(2, $call->misses);

    public function testHasItemMissTrace()
        $pool = $this->createCachePool();
        $calls = $pool->getCalls();
        $this->assertCount(1, $calls);

        $call = $calls[0];
        $this->assertSame('hasItem', $call->name);
        $this->assertSame(['k' => false]$call->result);

    public function testHasItemHitTrace()

    public function testToleranceForStringsAsTagVersionsCase1()
        $pool = $this->createCachePool();
        $adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();

        $itemKey = 'foo';
        $tag = $adapter->getItem('bar'.TagAwareAdapter::TAGS_PREFIX);
        $item = $pool->getItem($itemKey);

    /** * @doesNotPerformAssertions */
    public function testToleranceForStringsAsTagVersionsCase2()
        $pool = $this->createCachePool();
        $adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();

$fetched = [];
        $adapter->get('myKey', function D$item) use (&$fetched) { $fetched[] = $item});
        $this->assertCount(1, $fetched);
        $item = $fetched[0];
        $this->assertNull($item->get(), "Item's value must be null when isHit is false.");
        $this->assertSame('myKey', $item->getKey());

    public function testHasItem()

    public function testGetItems()
        $adapter = $this->createCachePool();

        $keys = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'biz'];

        /** @var CacheItemInterface[] $items */
        $items = $adapter->getItems($keys);
        $count = 0;

$keys = array_keys($this->locks);
        $this->locks = [];

    /** * Tries to lock the cache for a given Request, without blocking. */
    public function lock(Request $request): bool|string
        $key = $this->getLockKey($request);
        if ($this->cache->hasItem($key)) {
            return $key;

        $item = $this->cache->getItem($key);

        $this->locks[$key] = true;

        return true;


    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $io = new SymfonyStyle($input$output);
        $pool = $input->getArgument('pool');
        $key = $input->getArgument('key');
        $cachePool = $this->poolClearer->getPool($pool);

        if (!$cachePool->hasItem($key)) {
            $io->note(sprintf('Cache item "%s" does not exist in cache pool "%s".', $key$pool));

            return 0;

        if (!$cachePool->deleteItem($key)) {
            throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cache item "%s" could not be deleted.', $key));

        $io->success(sprintf('Cache item "%s" was successfully deleted.', $key));


    public function testRegisterScheduledTasks(): void
        $taskRegistry = $this->createMock(TaskRegistry::class);

        $signalCachePool = new MemoryCacheItemPool();
        $subscriber = new PluginLifecycleSubscriber($taskRegistry$signalCachePool);

$cache = $this->createCachePool(0, __FUNCTION__);

        $item = $cache->getItem('foobar');

        $item = $cache->getItem('barfoo');


    public function testWeirdDataMatchingMetadataWrappedValues()
        if (isset($this->skippedTests[__FUNCTION__])) {

        $cache = $this->createCachePool(0, __FUNCTION__);


    public function hasItem(mixed $key): bool
        if (!\is_string($key)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cache key must be string, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($key)));
        if (!isset($this->values)) {

        return isset($this->keys[$key]) || $this->pool->hasItem($key);

    public function deleteItem(mixed $key): bool
        if (!\is_string($key)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cache key must be string, "%s" given.', get_debug_type($key)));
        if (!isset($this->values)) {

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