getAlias example

throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not find or generate class "%s".', $namespace));

        // Try to get the extension alias         $alias = Container::underscore(substr($namespace, 15, -6));

        if (str_contains($alias, '\\')) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('You can only use "root" ConfigBuilders from "Symfony\\Config\\" namespace. Nested classes like "Symfony\\Config\\Framework\\CacheConfig" cannot be used.');

        if (!$this->container->hasExtension($alias)) {
            $extensions = array_filter(array_map(fn (ExtensionInterface $ext) => $ext->getAlias()$this->container->getExtensions()));
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is no extension able to load the configuration for "%s". Looked for namespace "%s", found "%s".', $namespace$alias$extensions ? implode('", "', $extensions) : 'none'));

        $extension = $this->container->getExtension($alias);
        if (!$extension instanceof ConfigurationExtensionInterface) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf('You cannot use the config builder for "%s" because the extension does not implement "%s".', $namespace, ConfigurationExtensionInterface::class));

        $configuration = $extension->getConfiguration([]$this->container);
        $loader = $this->generator->build($configuration);


    public function __construct(
        private readonly EntityDefinitionQueryHelper $queryHelper,
        private readonly Connection $connection,
    ) {

    public function join(FieldResolverContext $context): string
        $field = $context->getField();
        if (!$field instanceof ManyToOneAssociationField && !$field instanceof OneToOneAssociationField) {
            return $context->getAlias();

        $alias = $context->getAlias() . '.' . $field->getPropertyName();
        if ($context->getQuery()->hasState($alias)) {
            return $alias;

        $reference = $field->getReferenceDefinition();

        $table = $reference->getEntityName();

$extension = $this->createContainerExtension();

            if (null !== $extension) {
                if (!$extension instanceof ExtensionInterface) {
                    throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Extension "%s" must implement Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Extension\ExtensionInterface.', get_debug_type($extension)));

                // check naming convention                 $basename = preg_replace('/Bundle$/', '', $this->getName());
                $expectedAlias = Container::underscore($basename);

                if ($expectedAlias != $extension->getAlias()) {
                    throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Users will expect the alias of the default extension of a bundle to be the underscored version of the bundle name ("%s"). You can override "Bundle::getContainerExtension()" if you want to use "%s" or another alias.', $expectedAlias$extension->getAlias()));

                $this->extension = $extension;
            } else {
                $this->extension = false;

        return $this->extension ?: null;


        $alias = null;
        $suffix = $name ? ' $'.$name : '';

        foreach ($types as $type) {
            if (!$this->container->hasAlias($type.$suffix)) {
                return null;

            if (null === $alias) {
                $alias = (string) $this->container->getAlias($type.$suffix);
            } elseif ((string) $this->container->getAlias($type.$suffix) !== $alias) {
                return null;

        return $alias;
$defId = $this->getDefinitionId($id = (string) $value$this->container);

        return $defId !== $id ? new Reference($defId$value->getInvalidBehavior()) : $value;

    private function getDefinitionId(string $id, ContainerBuilder $container): string
        if (!$container->hasAlias($id)) {
            return $id;

        $alias = $container->getAlias($id);

        if ($alias->isDeprecated()) {
            $referencingDefinition = $container->hasDefinition($this->currentId) ? $container->getDefinition($this->currentId) : $container->getAlias($this->currentId);
            if (!$referencingDefinition->isDeprecated()) {
                $deprecation = $alias->getDeprecation($id);
                trigger_deprecation($deprecation['package']$deprecation['version']rtrim($deprecation['message'], '. ').'. It is being referenced by the "%s" '.($container->hasDefinition($this->currentId) ? 'service.' : 'alias.')$this->currentId);

        $seen = [];
        do {
$decoratedIds[$inner] ??= $renamedId;
            $this->currentId = $renamedId;

            $definition->innerServiceId = $renamedId;
            $definition->decorationOnInvalid = $invalidBehavior;

            // we create a new alias/service for the service we are replacing             // to be able to reference it in the new one             if ($container->hasAlias($inner)) {
                $alias = $container->getAlias($inner);
                $public = $alias->isPublic();
                $container->setAlias($renamedIdnew Alias((string) $alias, false));
                $decoratedDefinition = $container->findDefinition($alias);
            } elseif ($container->hasDefinition($inner)) {
                $decoratedDefinition = $container->getDefinition($inner);
                $public = $decoratedDefinition->isPublic();
                $decoratingDefinitions[$inner] = $decoratedDefinition;
            } elseif (ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE === $invalidBehavior) {
return $fields;

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function preSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage) {

    // Trim the alias value of whitespace and slashes. Ensure to not trim the     // slash on the left side.     $alias = rtrim(trim($this->getAlias()), "\\/");

  /** * {@inheritdoc} */
  public function postSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage$update = TRUE) {

    $alias_manager = \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager');

    private function callResolver(FieldResolverContext $context): string
        $resolver = $context->getField()->getResolver();

        if (!$resolver) {
            return $context->getAlias();

        return $resolver->join($context);

    private function getReferenceColumn(Context $context, ManyToManyAssociationField $field): string
        if (!$field->is(ReverseInherited::class)) {
            return self::escape($field->getReferenceField());


  private function assertPath(int $pid, array $conditions, PathAliasInterface $path_alias): void {
    $this->assertSame($pid(int) $path_alias->id());

  /** * Tests the URL alias migration. */
  public function testUrlAlias() {
    $id_map = $this->getMigration('d6_url_alias')->getIdMap();
    // Test that the field exists.     $conditions = [
if (!\is_array($content)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The service file "%s" is not valid. It should contain an array. Check your YAML syntax.', $file));

        foreach ($content as $namespace => $data) {
            if (\in_array($namespace['imports', 'parameters', 'services']) || str_starts_with($namespace, 'when@')) {

            if (!$this->container->hasExtension($namespace)) {
                $extensionNamespaces = array_filter(array_map(fn (ExtensionInterface $ext) => $ext->getAlias()$this->container->getExtensions()));
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is no extension able to load the configuration for "%s" (in "%s"). Looked for namespace "%s", found "%s".', $namespace$file$namespace$extensionNamespaces ? sprintf('"%s"', implode('", "', $extensionNamespaces)) : 'none'));

        return $content;

    private function resolveServices(mixed $value, string $file, bool $isParameter = false): mixed
        if ($value instanceof TaggedValue) {
            $argument = $value->getValue();



            $serviceLine = sprintf('<fg=yellow>%s</>', $serviceId);
            if ('' !== $fileLink = $this->getFileLink($previousId)) {
                $serviceLine = substr($serviceId, \strlen($previousId));
                $serviceLine = sprintf('<fg=yellow;href=%s>%s</>', $fileLink$previousId).('' !== $serviceLine ? sprintf('<fg=yellow>%s</>', $serviceLine) : '');

            if ($container->hasAlias($serviceId)) {
                $hasAlias[$serviceId] = true;
                $serviceAlias = $container->getAlias($serviceId);
                $alias = (string) $serviceAlias;

                $target = null;
                foreach ($reverseAliases[(string) $serviceAlias] ?? [] as $id) {
                    if (!str_starts_with($id, '.'.$previousId.' $')) {
                    $target = substr($id, \strlen($previousId) + 3);

                    if ($previousId.' $'.(new Target($target))->getParsedName() === $serviceId) {
                        $serviceLine .= ' - <fg=magenta>target:</><fg=cyan>'.$target.'</>';
try {

            if ('txt' === $options['format'] && isset($options['id'])) {
                if ($object->hasDefinition($options['id'])) {
                    $definition = $object->getDefinition($options['id']);
                    if ($definition->isDeprecated()) {
                        $errorIo->warning($definition->getDeprecation($options['id'])['message'] ?? sprintf('The "%s" service is deprecated.', $options['id']));
                if ($object->hasAlias($options['id'])) {
                    $alias = $object->getAlias($options['id']);
                    if ($alias->isDeprecated()) {
                        $errorIo->warning($alias->getDeprecation($options['id'])['message'] ?? sprintf('The "%s" alias is deprecated.', $options['id']));

            if (isset($options['id']) && isset($kernel->getContainer()->getRemovedIds()[$options['id']])) {
                $errorIo->note(sprintf('The "%s" service or alias has been removed or inlined when the container was compiled.', $options['id']));
        } catch (ServiceNotFoundException $e) {
            if ('' !== $e->getId() && '@' === $e->getId()[0]) {
 elseif ($argument instanceof Definition) {
                $code .= $this->addInlineService($id$definition$argument$forConstructor);

        return $code;

    private function addInlineReference(string $id, Definition $definition, string $targetId, bool $forConstructor): string
        while ($this->container->hasAlias($targetId)) {
            $targetId = (string) $this->container->getAlias($targetId);

        [$callCount$behavior] = $this->serviceCalls[$targetId];

        if ($id === $targetId) {
            return $this->addInlineService($id$definition$definition);

        if ('service_container' === $targetId || isset($this->referenceVariables[$targetId])) {
            return '';

$path_alias = $path_alias_storage->create([
          'path' => '/' . $entity->toUrl()->getInternalPath(),
          'alias' => $this->alias,
          'langcode' => $alias_langcode,
        $this->pid = $path_alias->id();
      elseif ($this->pid) {
        $path_alias = $path_alias_storage->load($this->pid);

        if ($this->alias != $path_alias->getAlias()) {
    elseif ($this->pid && !$this->alias) {
      // Otherwise, delete the old alias if the user erased it.       $path_alias = $path_alias_storage->load($this->pid);
      if ($entity->isDefaultRevision()) {
$this->container = $container;
        $this->loader = $loader;
        $this->instanceof = &$instanceof;
        $this->path = $path;
        $this->file = $file;
        $this->env = $env;

    final public function extension(string $namespace, array $config): void
        if (!$this->container->hasExtension($namespace)) {
            $extensions = array_filter(array_map(fn (ExtensionInterface $ext) => $ext->getAlias()$this->container->getExtensions()));
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is no extension able to load the configuration for "%s" (in "%s"). Looked for namespace "%s", found "%s".', $namespace$this->file, $namespace$extensions ? implode('", "', $extensions) : 'none'));


    final public function import(string $resource, string $type = null, bool|string $ignoreErrors = false): void

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